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D OCUMENTING and A CKNOWLEDGING S OURCES. Maintain a Reference List . Do not call it a Bibliography. Academic honesty demands it. Not to document is plagiarism . Gives access to your sources. Reader verify and follow-up easily. Use quality sources; quote wisely.
DOCUMENTING and ACKNOWLEDGING SOURCES • Maintain a Reference List. • Do not call it a Bibliography. • Academic honesty demands it. • Not to document is plagiarism. • Gives access to your sources. • Reader verify and follow-up easily. • Use quality sources; quote wisely. • Adds value and authority. OSLA Information Literacy Resources svg 0211
DOCUMENTING & ACKNOWLEDGING SOURCESFORMATTING • Use a Style Guide. Be consistent. • MLA and APA are two authorities. • Alphabetize and double-space . • Indent second line. Do not number. • Integrate all sources. • Make onealphabetized list. OSLA Information Literacy Resources svg 0211
DOCUMENTING & ACKNOWLEDGING SOURCESINTERNET & OTHER E-SOURCES • Basic information the same. • Author, title, place, date. • Unique features include. • Uniform Resource Locator (URL). • Date accessed. • Some info may not be available. • Cite what you can find. OSLA Information Literacy Resources svg 0211
CITING SOURCES USING MLASTYLE GUIDE Bailey, Sue. “Critics: Stats on Shelters Are Misleading.” 5 Nov. 2002. Canoe CNEWS: News Ticker National. 7 Nov. 2002 <http://www. Cnews/ canoe.ca>. Beckwith, J. "Glenn Gould." The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Ed. Stanley Sadie. Vol. 7. London: MacMillan, 1989. 579. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. "Down on the Farm: Crisis in Agriculture." CBC TVNews-In-Review. Videocassette. CBC, Feb. 1999. OSLA Information Literacy Resources svg 0211
CITING SOURCES USING MLASTYLE GUIDE “Conservationists Push to Save Polar Bears.” 5 Nov. 2002. CBC News Online. 6 Nov. 2002 <http://www.cbc.ca/stories/ 2002/11/05/ polar_bears>. Crook, Connie Brummel. "Writing historical fiction." E-mail to the author. 21 June 2002. Davison, Peter. "Ecotourism Can Help Preserve The Rainforests." Global Warming: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. David Bender. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1999. 171-78. OSLA Information Literacy Resources svg 0211
CITING SOURCES USING MLASTYLE GUIDE Doob, Anthony. "Youth Justice Publications into Research in Canada: An Assessment." Canadian Journal of Criminology. Apr. 1999: 217+. EBSCOhost 3.1, Peel District School Board, Mississauga, ON. 20 July 1999 <http://epnet.com/ ehost/>. Frizzell, Alan, and Jon H. Pammett, ed. Shades of Green: Environmental Attitudes in Canada and Around the World. Richmond: Carleton UP, 1997. Govier, Katherine. “A Medley of Canadian poets.”Time 5 July 1999, Canadian ed.: 50. OSLA Information Literacy Resources svg 0211
CITING SOURCES USING MLASTYLE GUIDE "Hardware:PlayStation 2." PlayStation. 7 Nov. 2002. <http://us.playstation. com/hardware/PS2/SCPH-30001.asp>. Haworth-Attard, Barbara. Irish Chain. Toronto: Harper Collins, 2002. Hughes, Monica. Home page. 7 Nov. 2002 http://www.ecn.ab.ca/ ughes/>. "Jane Austen." Great Writers of the English Language. Vol. 8. Toronto: Marshall Cavendish, 1989. 5-28. "Julie Payette." Canadian Geographic Explorer: An Interactive Journey Around Canada. CD-ROM. IQ Media, 1997. McClelland, Susan. "Users Beware: ‘Quack’ Sites Lurk Among Many Good Internet Health Links." Maclean’s 21 June 1999: 58.
CITING SOURCES USING MLASTYLE GUIDE Nye, Bill. "The Suns: The Planets." Bill Nye: The Science Guy. Videocassette. Magic Lantern. 2000. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. 1818. Toronto: Penguin, 1994. Skreslet, Laurie and Elizabeth McLeod. To the Top of Everest. Toronto: Kids Can, 2001. Sly, P.G. "Great Lakes." The 1998 Canadian & World Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Toronto: McLelland & Stewart. 1998. Stewart, Garrett. “Lewis, C.S.”World Book Online Americas Edition. 2002. World Book. 7 Nov. 2002 <http://www.worldbookonline.com/wbol/ wbAuth/sp./wbarticle.jsp>.