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Centro intercultural de computacion y turismo. Profa. Alma Orellana Supervised Practice. The business letter. Process to Write Effective Letters. The Letter is a Communication Way. The communication is very important element in general human activity.
Centro intercultural de computacion y turismo Profa. Alma Orellana Supervised Practice
The business letter Process to Write Effective Letters
The Letter is a Communication Way • The communication is very important element in general human activity. • The success on the field of business is supported mainly by an effective communication • An adequate language of business plays a special role • The main communication tool in the field of business is the letter. • Through this communication form the writer may express al kinds of thoughts and ideas
To Write a Letteralways keep on mind • The letter should be simple. It should include only what the writers wants. • Fancy words are not proper in commercial letter • Use only the necessary words. Remember that, when many ideas are expressed the readers can get confused. • Use short sentences • The Letter should be clear • Write to convince to the readers of doing we want.
Keep on mind • The letter has to be concise and simple. • The letter should be neat • Write only on one side of paper • Do not write to edge of the paper • Make always to copies of the letter.
PROCESS TO WRITE A LETTERBEFORE • Do not improvise • Assemble all dates about the matter we are going to write • Have clearly what we are going to talk • Establish the objective • Documented on addressed
Before Writing Process • Write a draft of the letter Do the following questions a) What about the matter b) Why we are writing c) What we need d) What we have to say to addressee • Define and specific content
During Writing Process • Use an appropriate vocabulary • Use and adequate style and punctuation • Develop the ideas of the draft • Read carefully the letter • Reread the letter • Correct the letter
After Writing Process • Folding letter correctly • Prepare the envelope • Choose an adequate way to send the letter • Monitoring your letter • Use and instrument to monitoring the letter (you can or have design it) • Check the results
Rememberthesepointswhen prepare an envelope • Be sure to write neatly when addressing your envelope so your letter will reach its correct destination.Include the following three items: • ADDRESS: This is the name and address of the person (recipient) you are sending the letter to. On separate lines write: • Recipient's Full Name • Street Address • City, State and Zip Code • View list ofParsley Addresses:
Preparing an envelope • Use postal abbreviations when writing the state. Postal abbreviations are written in capital letters without periods or other punctuation. The postal abbreviation for North Carolina is NC. • RETURN ADDRESS: This is the information about the sender of the letter. In the top left corner on separate lines write: Your full nameYour Street AddressYour City, State and Zip Code • STAMP: In the top right corner of the envelope you place a postage stamp. This pays for the delivery of the letter. • Before the letter is delivered, the stamp will be cancelled by the post office. This is an example of a cancellation mark, however there are many other types. • Stamps are cancelled so that they cannot be used again.
You are responsible to write effective letters Thanks a lot of for your attention