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Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!.
Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! • These instructional resources are a gift to you and your educational ministry in the Word from Shepherd of the Springs Lutheran Church and High School. They offer visual graphic assistance to your teaching God’s people a deeper understanding of the Cross Life of the Christian. We hope that they can be a blessing in your teaching. • We are seeking a partnership with you in our common ministry in the Word and believe that we share a common confessional commitment to the nurture of God’s people in His precious Gospel. • As we would share some resources for ministry with you, we pray God’s blessing, from your prayerful consideration to have your congregation, and any interested individuals offer prayers and financial support for our bold educational ministry that is briefly described in what follows. • If we can provide any further information about our school and its mission, just let us know.
Shepherd of the Springs Lutheran High School A New Approach to Lutheran Secondary Education Colorado Springs Colorado
We Need Your Support . . . • To continue to build a Classical,,Academy for Christiansthat is: • Founded on Lutheran principles of catechesis and equipping for Christian vocation. • Rooted in the classical tools of learning and study canon. • Pioneering the renewal of classical, Lutheran, secondary education in the LC-MS.
At SSLHS, Our Students . . . • Feel physically, emotionally and spiritually safe . . .because they are. • Know what the Christian faith is . . . and believe it because it is true. • Want to take on the best colleges and universities in the country . . . because they know they can.
At SSLHS, Our Students . . . • Tell you what they think, not just how they feel . . . and will back it up with sound reasoning without saying like, or ya know. • Seek a life of serving others . . . because it is more fulfilling than self-indulgence and entertainment.
This is What We Offer • Shepherd of the Springs Lutheran High School offers students • An educational program of academic excellence. • A disciplined learning environment. • Classical tools of learning • The canon of Western Civilization. • A confessional understanding of the Gospel and the Christian world-view.
The Emphasis is onSerious Education • Every child has the right to become an educated person. • Students receive the learning skills needed to carry out inquiries into what is significantly true, good, and beautiful. • Classes require reading the Great Books and authors of Western Civilization, not textbooks about them.
Curriculum StandardsThat . . . • Integrate the Christian world-view. • Provide a classical, college-prep education. • Reflect four years of science, math and theology . . . required! • Present classes in Latin, logic and rhetoric to teach students how to think, write and speak . . . required!
Western Civilization 12 Intensive Grammar 6 Science 8 Mathematics 8 U.S. History, Govt. 4 Theology 8 Logic & Rhetoric 4 Health & P.E. 2 Intro to Computer 1 Senior Research 1 Balanced GraduationRequirements/Hours
Innovative EDGE for Excellence Program • Involved Students -taking it on the Road • Greater Colorado Springs area • Front Range of the Rockies • Unique out-of-classroom experiences • Academic • Co-curricular Activities • Extra-curricular Activities • Service Projects that help people
Special Student Clubs at SSLHS • Sport Climbing Club • Rock climbing, full gear & training • High Mountain climbing • Snow Club • Down Hill Skiing • Snowboarding • Debate Club • Drama Club
We pray that you will be led to partner with us in this bold educational venture. • We need your prayers. • We ask your financial assistance that will enable our classical and unabashedly LUTHERAN education to grow. • Only with help from faithful Lutheran partners such as you, with God’s blessing, can we continue to mature and develop this great school which also serves as a magnet and pilot for educational reform elsewhere throughout our Synod.
Some SSLHS support opportunities where we need your help • Student Scholarships • General Operating Funds • Instructional resources • Science Laboratory Equipment • Future classrooms • Thrivent matching gifts • Corporate matching gifts
In Conclusion . . . • With the Lord’s blessing, Shepherd of the Springs Lutheran High School is bringing a quality classical and Christian secondary education to many future faithful leaders in the Church and world. • Come, join us in“equipping the saints for a life of discipleship.” God’s blessings to you and thank you for your prayers and support. Dr. Steven A. Hein, Headmaster