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Product Life Cycle. “…in addition to nonstop advertising, food companies must bring out a constant stream of new products to keep sales up and revenue high.” ( The End of Food ). Why new product development?. Impacts the future Role of the sales professional
Product Life Cycle “…in addition to nonstop advertising, food companies must bring out a constant stream of new products to keep sales up and revenue high.” (The End of Food)
Why new product development? • Impacts the future • Role of the sales professional • New products more broadly defined • In developing a product, a firm is determining a lot about its future
Question #5 5 New Product Classes? • New-to-the-World • New Product Lines • Additions to Existing Product Lines Extensions • Product Improvements • Repositioning
New to the World • Innovative products→ create a new market “the thoroughbreds of product innovation” Examples: • Kellogg’s Pop Tarts (1963) • Oscar Mayer’s Lunchables (1988) • Dreyer’s Slow-Churned Light Ice Cream (2003) Creating “new to the world” products is expensive but potentially quite lucrative.
New Product Line • Allows a company to enter an existing market for the first time - often copies a rival’s product
Line Extension • Company makes additions to existing product lines • Wendy’s Homestyle Chicken Strips • Heinz green and purple ketchup (2000)
Product Improvements • Quality, feature, service enhancements toward greater value -Different flavor, change in packaging (i.e. tamper proof)
Repositioning • Existing products targeted to a new market • Cereal becomes a portable snack (Kellogg’s) • 7-Up – the “un-cola”
New-to-the-World: Innovative products. Create a new market. Monsanto’s blue cotton New Product Lines: Allows the company to enter an established market for the first time. Gerber life insurance, private label Additions to Existing Product Lines: Extensions. Vanilla Pepsi, Vanilla Diet Pepsi, Ocean Spray’s grapefruit juice products Product Improvements: Quality, feature, service enhancements toward greater value. Soft drink refrigerator packs Repositionings: Existing products targeted to a new market. Gerber graduates, Hilton and professional businesswomen Be able to list example new products by class or label one given you with the correct category ______________ _______________ ______________ _______________ ______________ List & Classifying New Products (Added)
New Product Type and Development Time New lines Repositioning Improvements Extension New-to-the-world Based on the previous classifications of new products, which would you expect to take the longest to get to the market?
Q#5 (b): Development Time by New Product Type Which would you expect to take the longest to get to market? The shortest time to market? • New-to-the-World: Innovative products. • New Product Lines, new to the Co. • Additions to Existing Product Lines: Extensions. • Product Improvements: modifications • Repositionings: new market existing item
AEC 320-Fall 2008- Robbins Product Life Cycle
Q#4: Activities in New Product Development Process 1st step of product life cycle
Where do new product ideas come from? • Opportunity Identification • Market Intelligence: Understand changes in the market and the best segments (profitable, growing) to enter • Internal Intelligence or idea Generation: Generate new product ideas to enter these markets.
Product or Service Design • Consumer Value Measurement • Other tools: Product Positioning3, Forecasting4, Perceptual Mapping5, Conjoint Analysis6,Test Marketing7 Product Positioning: Forecasting: Helps set goals.
Perceptual Mapping • Objective: getting feedback from customers. • Identify holes • Helps see opportunities • Axes derived from surveys to see how primary attributes valued. (conjoint analysis) • How is our product is perceived and the competitive density of the space
Organic Food Stores (like Wild Oats) • Whole Foods Market, a fast growing US food retailer • How is their Price and Quality • Supermarkets are suffering • US Household with incomes are changing • Organic Food Stores are not high volume
Organic Food Stores Whole Foods Market has elite fare Compare to the ‘30’s King Kullen’s store Who, “Piled it high and sold it low” Supermarkets are suffering because of Wal-Mart & similar stores
Conjoint Analysis • Define demand at the at the attribute level • People drink wine not just because it’s wine
The (Modified and Simplified) McFadden Case - Dr. Hu List attributes • In-vehicle time • Outside-vehicle time • Cost • List “levels” within each attribute
Attributes and Levels - Dr. Hu • How to determine attributes and levels? • Then what? • Design and implement a survey • Analyze data • Draw conclusion
Data Collected - Dr. Hu • Attributes associated with each transportation mode; i.e., product (X variables) • Choices people made (Y variables) • Individuals’ characteristics (age, income,…) (another set of X variables)
- Dr. Hu - Luckily… • Attributes associated with each product (alternative) • Choices people made • Individuals’ characteristics (age, income,…)
Results - - Dr. Hu • Individuals’ preferences for each level within each attribute • Individuals’ willingness to pay for each level within each attribute • Individuals’ overall WTP for a product (package) • What and why different people like (dislike) different levels and attributes • Particularly Useful for…
Conjoint Analysis • Statistical tool that helps us to understand consumer preferences of product • Typical approach
Conjoint Analysis Some final points Allows developers to estimate the marginal value of each attribute— Pros & cons?
Q#1: What is Supply Chain Management and the advantages of using it? A strategy that integrates the various organizations’ objectives in order to increase the efficiency of the entire supply chain The channel members must behave as if they are part of the same company 11/15/2014 27
Q#3: What is OUTSOURCING and what are some of the advantages and drawbacks of using it? 11/15/2014 29
Best Management Practices in NPD1 • 1) Systematic Process • 2)Early involvement • 3) Parallel Processing Advantages and disadvantages 11/15/2014 30
PARALLEL PROCESSING ADVANTAGES & Disadvantages Shortens the product development cycle time; Reduces delays caused by failure to include necessary information Encourages frequent interaction Maintains continuity across phases There is a need for significant changes in the corporate culture 11/15/2014 AEC 320-Fall 2008- Robbins 31
Cross-Functional Teams in NPD ADVANTAGES & DISADVATAGES 11/15/2014 AEC 320-Fall 2008- Robbins 32
Development Time Matters Strategy making has changed...The premium now is on moving fast and keeping pace...The beststrategies are irrelevant if they take too long to formulate. ----Kathleen M. Eisenhardt Speed kills competition. ----Richard D. Stewart As a strategic weapon, time is the equivalent of money, productivity, quality even innovation. ----George Stalk, Jr. 11/15/2014 33
ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES of First to Market 11/15/2014 34
The challenge is: “To achieve speed without cutting corners, sacrificing quality or eliminating steps” “Today’s climate is characterized by increased competition, changing customer requirements, rising product development costs and an increasing dependence on external organizations.” (Gupta and Souder, 1998) 11/15/2014 35
Misconceptions of NPD Two misconceptions of NPD It worked over there, it will work over here It worked once, it will work again Each organization will need to develop a flexible & unique NPD strategy that works for them 11/15/2014 36