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How To Use Serious Mass Weight Gainer For Optimum Results?

Healthy diet and lifestyle are keys to gain weight in healthy way. And, If dietary requirements from food are not met, we can consider a mass gain supplement to help us meet our calorie needs. But we should always aim to eat in healthy way.

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How To Use Serious Mass Weight Gainer For Optimum Results?

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  1. How To Use Serious Mass Weight Gainer For Optimum Results? You may find it difficult to gain weight as you generally face health challenges such as fatigue and a weakened immune system in daily life. Sometimes, several other health conditions leads to weight loss, unintentionally. If you are suddenly losing weight, rather than trying by yourself, it is advised to visit your doctor to check for any medical causes. If you get the all-clear signal from your doctor and want to gain weight while supporting your overall health nutrition professional or nutritionist may definitely help. Healthy diet and lifestyle are keys to gain weight in healthy way. And, If dietary requirements from food are not met, we can consider a mass gain supplement to help us meet our calorie needs. But we should always aim to eat in healthy way. We can simply start by adding calorie and other nutritions in our food first such as nuts, butter, whole seeds, eggs, fish and green vegetable and oils, etc. Meeting the calorie requirements for gaining the weight sometimes become a daunting task. Some people feel that they cannot eat enough to meet their body needs. However, this is when the real ingredients of weight loss start to work. Weight or mass gainers are high in calories and essential supplements taken to acquire good physique. Causes of Low Weight There are several reasons that leads to someone for being underweight. In some cases, it is the family genetics and for others may be an illness that may is the cause. •Below are few examples of causes of a low weight in someone: •A high metabolic rate i.e. those whose digestion is really fast which makes them struggle to gain weight even while eating high-energy foods.

  2. •Genetic disposition may also be a reason for some such as low weight runs in the family. •Frequent exercises and for those who are very physically active. •Some physical illness may also be the reason like diarrhea causes to lose weight temporarily while long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and other digestive illnesses also lead to low weight. •Some mental health conditions also affect body weight like depression, anxiety and eating disorders, etc. Gaining weight in healthy way Whether it is losing or gaining, intentional weight change is not easy. Over the time, our body develops "set points” for body weight and it can be difficult to change as well. Whether you are an underweight due to health conditions or a high metabolism; or want to build muscle weight, the strategies to gain healthy weight are mostly the same. Some of them are enlisted below: Increasing your Calorie Intake

  3. An athlete or a person actively involved in physical activities, is they want to gain muscle weight, they should increase their calories strategically. They will need to eat plenty of high-calorie foods like protein-rich meat, fats and whole grains, etc. If anyone want to weight gain, their goal may consists of consuming more calories always. Eating more frequently Consuming food more oftenly can help us to get more calories. If we get full easily, like eating 5 to 7 meals each day instead of the standard 3, it will increase calorie intake, thus, increasing our weight. Additional Calories We can add extra calories in our meals by topping oatmeal, yogurt, nuts and salads with daily diet. Sprinkling cheese into our soups, stews and scrambled eggs is also a great options to add extra calories. Addition of ground flaxseeds to protein shakes and smoothies, could also be a great option. We may also eat a spoonful of peanut butter at every meal to easily get extra calories. Trying liquids If you face difficulty in chewing, or generally suffer from fatigue and also do not want to cook. Then, taking calories in the form of liquids which can be nutrient-rich shakes and smoothies can be a great option to add in our lifestyle. Sipping fluid between meals We should sip throughout the day, even between meals to gain weight, instead of drinking Calorie free beverages. If You don not want to get full and bloated, then drink in fixed intervals. Additionally, if you consume a high-calorie beverage, you will get additional calories, protein, carbohydrate and healthy fats.

  4. Intake Healthy fats If you are underweight but healthy, or an athlete wanting to gain healthy mass, filling up on healthy fats is one of the best ways to gain weight. These includes nuts and nut butters, avocados and also fatty fish like salmon, etc. If you are fighting with a chronic illness or you are suffering from low appetite related to your age, you can try mostly all of the above techniques as well following full-fat dairy products, etc. Cream cheese, sour cream, whipped cream and full-fat ice cream are good sources of healthy fat. Keep exercising As it is always being said, exercise is one of the most important activity for overall health and well-being of every human being. It also helps us to gain weight from strength training and also, regular exercises will also increase your appetite as well. Increasing the desire to eat more is the first step to achieve the goal of weight gain. Additionally, Due to any gut disorders or less eating habits, the hungry we feel, more our stomach will shrinks, and simultaneously, we will eat less again. It is a deadly circle that should be broken through offering our body enough nutrients which are aimed at weight gaining. A regular course of body supplements such as a mass gainer to support our muscle gain, combined with a balanced diet with regular exercise, can give an excellent approach for weight gain in any body type. Mass Gainer Mass gainer is a body supplement that consists of a mixture of protein and other essential nutrients, which are required for mass building or gaining weight. These essential nutrients include protein, carbohydrate, healthy fats and other minerals, etc. The main aim of a mass gainer is to provide enough calories which are required in the body to help gain weight. The perfect amalgamation of these macronutrients ensures any person with fulfilment of the required carbs and healthy fats to gain weight, as well as the lean protein assists in building the muscle. The carbohydrate to protein ratio in almost every mass gainer is either 2:1 or 3:1. This means that these mass gainers contain more amount of carbs than protein.

  5. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or a experienced, If you are considering a mass gainer for weight gain, OptimumNutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer could be an excellent choice for you. Nutritional Values in Serious Mass Weight Gainer Serious Mass Weight Gainer is enriched with macronutrients such as protein, carbs, fats and essential minerals etc. The ultimate goal of this weight gainer is to improve muscle building and help in gaining weight. It offers 1250 calories, 50 grams of proteins, 253 grams of carbs. The carbohydrate of this supplement is extracted from starch and fibres found in vegetables, fruits, grains etc. These are an important component of a balanced diet which provide adequate amount of energy for working out and gain weight through muscles building. The fact that carbs provide enough energy to undertake the work, for which the carbohydrate is really recommended. Creatine, PABA and others ingredients used in this supplement are the choosen through deep research and for effective usage. Serious Mass weight gainer contains very less negligible amount of fat, if even we compare with other mass gainers that are available in the market right now. If you want to gain weight weight with muscle building, just consume 2 scoops of this supplement after your workout. In addition to, adding one or more natural food items in your shake will make it an amazing drink for your workout routine. You can add natural foods like banana, granola, chocolate chips, peanut butter, almonds, ice cream, whole milk, coconut, oat bran, flaxseed oil, honey and molasses in your drink. Adding calories in your diet won't be that much easier and tastier, the way it happens with serious mass. It comes in different flavors options like, chocolate, peanut butter, vanilla, strawberry, and cookies and cream. Using Serious Mass weight gainer It is good to mix this serious mass weight gainer with milk and not with water as Using milk results into almost 120 more calories and 8 gm of more protein. You can combine water or milk or mix them both together. Shaker or a blender is good to mix it if you get lumps in your supplement drink. It is easily digestable and preferable when everything is finely broken down. You can consume 1 to 2 scoops of serious mass weight gainer for effective results.

  6. Perfect time to consume Serious Mass Weight Gainer Any one who wants to put some additional weight or wants to bulk up quickly, Serious Mass Weight Gainer is the perfect choice for them. It gives the desired results when used during pre or post workout. If anyone wants to consume it before their workout, then it is advised to consume about an hour before your exercise. By the way, It is best to consume it within 30 minutes of your workout for replenishment of glycogen and rebuilding of muscles in effective manner. The main aim of Serious mass weight gainer is to gain you weight or to bulk up your body in a healthy manner. It is fully packed with premium-quality essential nutrients that helps to support body growth. It is best suitable for those who gets difficulty in gaining weight and also helps someone to bulk up when they can not do workouts. Consuming Serious Mass Weight Gainer before bed : Consuming your mass gainer shake before bed not only increases muscle mass and improved energy but also helps to accelerate weight loss, and enhanced sleep quality. •Creates and Preserves Muscles Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) can enhanced overnight by drinking the mass gainer at bedtime, which is a biochemical process, very crucial to build muscle mass. Our body muscles constantly go through MPS and MPB i.e. Muscle Protein Breakdown process to generate and maintain their production.a prolonged resistance training can accelerate the process kf MPB. But, Consuming Serious Mass gainer before bed helps to maintain a positive protein balance during this cycle and helps to form muscles in healthy way. Chances of stimulation of our muscle growth may decrease when we are sleeping,which leads to MBP. But if you have adequate amount of protein in our body before we go to bed, it will definitely improve the chances of preserving and building the muscle while sleeping. As everybody knows, Amino acid are the building blocks of our muscle mass. And these amino acids are present in Proteins only. There may be a deficiency of these amino acids in our body when we work out more often. And, If you are not balancing it with a high-protein diet, supplementing our body with serious mass weight gainer shake before bed will definitely help.

  7. •Improved Energy Level The increase in mass of lean muscle boosts our energy level to let us work out for longer durations. As per a 2016 study, it is being concluded that consumption of around 40 grams of protein in the form of a shake before bedz has ability to promote skeletal muscle adaptive response in our body. Consuming Serious Mass Weight Gainer supplement before we sleep, can enhance the muscle repair process which leads to increased our strength. •Weight Gain Acceleration If you are trying to gain weight in quick time, consuming your mass gainer before bed can help you get calories even while you are sleeping. Taking mass gainer before sleep not only promotes MPS, but it also pushes your metabolism into healthy state. While we intake supplement in night, our body get calories to fulfil the calories loss during sleep and also stores the extra energy for future use. This process provides excess of calories than we loose, which in turn increases our weight. It is important to account for the calories our mass gainer shake adds to our diet, if we are trying to gain weight. In a weight gain program, we eat in a calorie adequate, consuming more calories than our body needs to maintain the current weight. This technique or level is known as our maintenance calorie level, which is different for every different individual. This level depends on individual's age, height, weight, gender, and level of physical activity, etc. For Example, If our daily intake level is 2800 calories, then we should be exceeding our thus limit by including a protein shake and mass gainers in our diet. We can capitalize on the benefits of pre-sleep mass gainer ingestion by adjusting our calories from the food as well. If we feel hungry, then we should eat more and more often, which in turn will increase the chances of weight gain. In a high-protein weight gain program, muscle tissues break down, which leads to more production of protein. Pre-sleep protein mass gainer can boost this process to gain weight in quick time. •Sleep Quality Enhancer Consuming Serious Mass Weight Gainer before going to bed promotes our sleep by pushing the amino-acid tryptophan into our biological system. Tryptophan is responsible for enhancing the production of happy hormone, serotonin and the sleep- inducing hormone, melatonin, which are responsible for quality sleep as well as

  8. enhancing weight gain process. We can also mix mass gainer in milk, yogurt, or soy milk, all rich sources of tryptophan to double up the effect. In the Non-Rapid Eye Movement ( NREM ) stage while we sleep, our brain releases Human Growth Hormone (HGH) into our blood stream. This hormone is responsible for promoting our blood flow to the body muscles, in turn improving the tissue repair and their regeneration. How many scoops of Serious Mass Protein Powder is enough? We can ideally consume 1 full serve after our workout session, If our goal is to put on some weight fast pace, as well while consuming regular meals which contains quality protein and calories. We can also start with half scoop serving after our exercise to see how it goes with us, as two scoops of Serious Mass Protein Powder contains a lot of protein and calories. Our goals with quality mass gainers , like Serious Mass protein powder, should be to consume the recommended scoops after our work out in addition to following our regular meals. We should not fall in the trap in which many fall and they try to consume Serious Mass Protein Powder after their main meal or replace it main meal. Don't do that! Conclusion : Serious mass gainer is very useful for the ones who wants to put up additional weight or wants to bulk up in a healthy way. It is best used during pre or post workout for faster and better results, apart from that, consuming it during night is also beneficial. If someone is using it before their workout, it is better to consume it before an hour. Generally, It is best to consume Serious mass gainer immediately after your workouts for glycogens replenishment and rebuilding of muscles. The main purpose of consuming Serious mass gainer is to weight gain or to bulk up the body. Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Gainer is a full package of high-quality essential ingredients which helps to support our body growth, specially those who gets difficulty in bulking up.

  9. Though you can consume serious mass gainer anytime, but consuming it before your bed has its own benefits. You can try out taking it in the night to see the weight gain effect in you, in short time. Source: https://bit.ly/3y8SZkQ Contact Us: Address: 6609 SE 47th AVE Portland Oregon 97206 Phone No. +1 503 444 0027 info@yoursforeverhealth.com https://yoursforeverhealth.com/

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