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A TEST ABOUT OUTCOME INDICATORS GALICIAN CASE Work realised by Subdirección xeral de Planificación de la Dirección Xeral de Planificación e Fondos Consellería de Facenda XUNTA DE GALICIA October 2011.
A TEST ABOUT OUTCOME INDICATORSGALICIAN CASEWork realised by Subdirección xeral de Planificación de la Dirección Xeral de Planificación e FondosConsellería de Facenda XUNTA DE GALICIAOctober 2011
Priority axis 1.- Development of the economy based in the knowledge (R&D + Society of the information and TIC)
Priority axis 1.- Development of the economy based in the knowledge (R&D + Society of the information and TIC)
Priority axis 3.- Environment; protection of the natural resources; management of the water; prevention of risks
Eje 7. Technical assistance and reinforcement of the institutional capacity
Notes • It is difficult to find the OUTCOME INDICATORS that fulfil with the summarized characteristics in SMART, since: • There are not regionalized data • The update of the data delay more than two years (what hampers the feed-back and the monitoring) • The data are not public and/or do not proceed of statistical sources (especially administrative registers, no always regularly systematised) • Anyway, a fundamental element of the process of programming here described, is based in the political discussion and in the put in common with the participants and managers of the PO
Corollary • The approach of the orientation to RESULTS is applicable to the programming of interventions framed in politics of cohesion • Represents also tool for allocation/distribution of resources • Allows to optimise resources • Allows to know if they have attained the OBJECTIVE – NEEDS • In Galicia exists already a bet by the approach of orientation to RESULTS: • IN THE ECONOMIC SOCIAL PLANNING (ESTRATEXIC PLAN OF GALICIA 2010-2014) • IN THE ANNUAL BUDGET