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A Complete CMOS UWB Timed-Array Transmitter with a 3D Vivaldi Antenna Array for Electronic High-resolution Beam Spatial Scanning. Alexandre Maniçoba de Oliveira , Marcelo B. Perotoni, Jorge R. B. Garay, Stelvio H. I. Barboza, João F. Justo, and Sérgio T. Kofuji. amanicoba@usp.br. θ t2.
A Complete CMOS UWB Timed-Array Transmitter with a 3D Vivaldi Antenna Array for Electronic High-resolution Beam Spatial Scanning Alexandre Maniçoba de Oliveira, • Marcelo B. Perotoni, Jorge R. B. Garay, Stelvio H. I. Barboza, João F. Justo, and Sérgio T. Kofuji. amanicoba@usp.br
θt2 θt1 scanned area θt3 ω = Constant where, dθ ω = dt ergo, θ = ωdt ω ω θ dt Traditional Radar System Angle Control more amanicoba@usp.br
Timed-Array TX Radar System Angle Control By Δt d distance(constant) θ c Light speed θ θ Δt c 00 θ1 d scanned area Δt Δt Δtc=dsinθ θ2 Δtiis the delay at antenna i. ergo, Δtc φ x θ= arcsin() d θ Δt1<<Δt2<<Δt3<<Δt4 Δt1< Δt2< Δt3< Δt4 Δt1= Δt2= Δt3= Δt4 d d d y More about PDC More about PG 1 2 3 4 More about pulse more amanicoba@usp.br
Measured results Simulated results more amanicoba@usp.br
SIMULATION RESULTS • Data of some possible Sets and results at 6GHz. amanicoba@usp.br
Conclusions • We proposed a new timed-array UWB transmitter with beamforming capability; • This is controllable beam steering between 17º and -11º for θ angles and between 17º and -18º for φ angles • Maximum gain of 13dB; • New PDC array circuit generate delays digitally controlled from 0 to 63ps; • The pulses obtained with 104mVpp amplitude and 500ps of pulse duration and a power consumption of 543µW, and energy consumption of 0.27pJ per pulse using 2V power supply at PPR of 100MHz; amanicoba@usp.br
Special thanks … • Alexandre Maniçoba de Oliveira would like to acknowledge the material and specs support from Rogers Corporation and User Licence of Microwind 3.5 and support in the review, from Prof. Dr. Etienne Sicard of l'Université de Toulouse.
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Contact us. Alexandre Maniçoba de Oliveira, Marcelo B. Perotoni, Jorge R. B. Garay, Stelvio H. I. Barboza, João F. Justo, and Sérgio T. Kofuji. e-mail: {amanicoba, jorge, stelvio, kofuji}@pad.lsi.usp.br; jjusto@lme.usp.br; marcelo.perotoni@ufabc.edu.br (+55 13) 8822-2124 amanicoba@{usp.br; ieee.org; gmail.com; hotmail.com} amanicoba@usp.br
Traditional radar transmitter. amanicoba@usp.br
Traditional radar transmitter. amanicoba@usp.br
Traditional radar transmitter. Beamforming changes the irradiated beam direction electronically, eliminating mechanical systems (BALANIS, 2008; CHU; RODERICK; HASHEMI, 2007; KRAUS, 1997;). Back amanicoba@usp.br
Traditional radar transmitter. Beamforming changes the irradiated beam direction electronically, eliminating mechanical systems (BALANIS, 2008; CHU; RODERICK; HASHEMI, 2007; KRAUS, 1997;). Back amanicoba@usp.br
Timed-Antenna-Array(basicidea) (RIBEIRO, 2012; ZHAO, 2009; KRAUS, 1997; WOLFF, 1966) amanicoba@usp.br
Timed-Antenna-Array(basicidea) amanicoba@usp.br
Timed-Antenna-Array(basicidea) Back amanicoba@usp.br
Timed-Antenna-Array(basicidea) Back amanicoba@usp.br
Proposed Vivaldi antenna: Microstrip Transition line where h and t are the substrate and strip conductor thickness, respectively, and w is the strip conductor width (a). A quasi-TEM analysis is represented (b) (BAHL; TRIVEDI, 1977; WHEELER, 1977) amanicoba@usp.br
Proposed Vivaldi antenna: (DE OLIVEIRA, et al.,2012) (GREENBERG, 2003; MEHDIPOUR; AGHDAM; DANA, 2007; YANG; WANG; FATHY, 2008) amanicoba@usp.br
Proposed Vivaldi antenna: Antennadesigned in CST MW Studio. amanicoba@usp.br
Proposedantennaarray: Dimensions of the Antennas amanicoba@usp.br
Proposedantennaarray: d distance stude: amanicoba@usp.br
Proposedantennaarray: d distance stude: Bad PSI/EPUSP amanicoba@usp.br
Proposedantennaarray: d distance stude: but Volume 200% higher Excellent amanicoba@usp.br
Proposedantennaarray: d distance stude: Volume 108% higher Good amanicoba@usp.br
Proposedantennaarray: d distance stude: d=36.3mm d=58.1mm Back d=72.6mm amanicoba@usp.br
Proposedantennaarray: d distance stude: d=36.3mm d=58.1mm Back d=72.6mm amanicoba@usp.br
ProgrammableDelayController The rocky road to research growth... First-orderRC network.(RABAEY; CHANDRAKASAN; NIKOLIC, 2002). System channelofproposedtimed-arraytransmitter. Static inverter (a) being its symbol (b) electrical diagram with two complementary transistors and the output node capacitance (capacitance load or CL) and key model of the dynamic behavior of the static inverter with Vin = 0 (C ) and Vin = Vdd in (d)(RABAEY; CHANDRAKASAN; NIKOLIC, 2002). amanicoba@usp.br
ProgrammableDelayController The rocky road to research growth... Static inverter (a) being its symbol (b) electrical diagram with two complementary transistors and the output node capacitance (capacitance load or CL) and key model of the dynamic behavior of the static inverter with Vin = 0 (C ) and Vin = Vdd in (d)(RABAEY; CHANDRAKASAN; NIKOLIC, 2002). System channelofproposedtimed-arraytransmitter. Diagram of a basic element of delay formed by the static inverter. (a) Setting time by varying the resistance, (b) capacitance and (c) both. amanicoba@usp.br
ProgrammableDelayController The rocky road to research growth... Delay element formed by two inverters connected in series (a). Illustration of the waveforms at nodes Vin, Vlinha and Vout (b). System channelofproposedtimed-arraytransmitter. By (RABAEY; CHANDRAKASAN; NIKOLIC, 2002) amanicoba@usp.br
ProgrammableDelayController The rocky road to research growth... IEEE LASCAS 2012 PDC with variable capacitance a Vlinha node (De Oliveira et al., 2012). IEEE IMOC 2013 System channelofproposedtimed-arraytransmitter. PDC with n-channel resistance variable. amanicoba@usp.br
ProgrammableDelayController The rocky road to research growth... System channelofproposedtimed-arraytransmitter. amanicoba@usp.br
ProgrammableDelayController The rocky road to research growth... Back amanicoba@usp.br
ProgrammableDelayController The rocky road to research growth... Back amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator no matching KIM, et al., 2004 Theoretical 5th Deriv. Gaussian Pulse (KIM, et al., 2004; TUAN et al., 2007; XIE et al., 2008) amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator no matching Theoretical 5th Deriv. Gaussian Pulse (KIM, et al., 2004; TUAN et al., 2007; XIE et al., 2008) amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator Newproposedtopology: amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator Newproposedtopology: The proposed 5th derivative Gaussian PG: (a) general structure of the PG; (b) Simplified time diagram; (c) PG proposed in [16, 17]; (d) AND gate formed by a CMOS NAND gate and a static inverter; (e) Static inverter circuit; and (f) three inverter –delay circuit. amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator Newproposedtopology: amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator Newproposedtopology: amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator Newproposedtopology: SUMMARY OF THE SIMULATED PULSE GENERATOR PERFORMANCE. amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator Newproposedtopology: PERFORMANCE AND COMPARASION OF UWB TRANSMITTER. Back amanicoba@usp.br
Pulse Generator Newproposedtopology: PERFORMANCE AND COMPARASION OF UWB TRANSMITTER. Back amanicoba@usp.br
The pulse choice dBm/MHz Sinc Pulse dBm/MHz Gaussian Pulse dBm/MHz Square Pulse (WENTZLOFF,2007) Time Frequency amanicoba@usp.br
The pulse choice • The Gaussian pulse has a DC component that makes the less radiation efficiently. (ZHUANG, W., SHEN, X.; BI, Q., 2003; TOYA et al., 2011; DE OLIVEIRA, 2012B). dBm/MHz Gaussian Pulse Frequency Time (SHENG et al., 2003; ORNDORFF, 2004). amanicoba@usp.br
The pulse choice • Toya et al. (2011), De Oliveira et al. (2012) as well as several other studies (egZhuang, W.; Shen, X.; Bi, Q., 2003; Kim, H. et al., 2010;) have used a derivative Gaussian pulse, which isn´t present DC component and has a circuit complexity degree related directly to the derivative degree. Derivation degree Circuit complexity degree amanicoba@usp.br
The pulse choice dBm/MHz FCC indoor mask FCC outdoor mask 5th Gaussian derivative order Frequency in GHz Derivation degree Circuit complexity degree Back amanicoba@usp.br