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Creating a Vision of Quality Teaching Defining Mentoring Roles Identifying New Teachers' Needs

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Creating a Vision of Quality Teaching Defining Mentoring Roles Identifying New Teachers' Needs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Goal: The Watertown Unified School District expects all teachers and administrators to be well versed in the best practices in their professional assignment and to engage in on-going, quality professional development that matches goals established through data and information of various kinds (demographic, enrollment, performance, etc).Ongoing Dialogue: Administrators and staff throughout the district will engage in ongoing discussions concerning the best practices in curriculum and instruction in all subject areas, and will plan strategies and activities to improve student opportunities and outcomes across the district.

  2. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal)Mentor Program and Teacher Evaluation • Creating a Vision of Quality Teaching • Defining Mentoring Roles • Identifying New Teachers' Needs • Building an Effective Mentoring Relationship • Selecting Support Strategies • Establishing an Environment for Professional Growth • Highlighting the Role of Professional Standards in Mentoring

  3. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal) Staff PD Allocations

  4. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal) The Reading-Writing Connection

  5. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal) Step up to Writing

  6. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal) Laptops:Create, Communicate, Reciprocate

  7. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal) Professional Book Studies • Preventing Misguided Reading (Elem.) • Brain-Based Teaching in the Digital Age (RMS) • Comprehension and Collaboration (RMS) • Readicide (WHS) Book study is based on feedback from summative assessments.

  8. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal) Online Certification

  9. Action Steps(current and future activities that address this goal) Writers’ Workshop

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