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Best Home Remedies For Blemishes That You Can Try

This powerpoint presentation describes about the best home remedies for blemishes that you can try. You can find more detail at http://www.home-remedies-guide.com

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Best Home Remedies For Blemishes That You Can Try

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Best Home Remedies For Blemishes That You Can Try Home-Remedies-Guide.com

  2. Home Remedies For Blemishes • The home remedies for blemishes will make the skin glow and remove all the problems by making it soft. • The acne prone skin will look perfectly radiant. • It is time to pamper the skin with the use of these natural ingredients and embrace goodness of nature. • They are available in the kitchen. • There is no need to think twice before using the products. • They are perfect for its health and glow. Home-Remedies-Guide.com

  3. Home Remedies For Blemishes • Green tea, chamomile and lemon face pack is the perfect home remedies for blemishes. • It is made by mixing 2 tablespoon of green tea, chamomile and lemon juice boiled in water. • Cotton balls should be used to apply it to the skin for 20 minutes and washed off. • It is a perfect cure for blemishes and scars. Home-Remedies-Guide.com

  4. Home Remedies For Blemishes • Lemon, coconut and jasmine face pack is highly beneficial home remedies for blemishes that can be made by mixing 2 tablespoon of lemon juice with coconut oil and jasmine buds. • It has to be applied with cotton balls twice daily for 20 minutes and washed off with water. • It makes the skin clean, clear and glowing. • Turmeric, vinegar and strawberries face pack is made by adding some vinegar with three mashed strawberries. Home-Remedies-Guide.com

  5. Home Remedies For Blemishes • 1 tablespoon of turmeric should be added to form a mixture and then this is applied over the skin. • It is a natural therapy for the skin which makes it healthy and glowing. • Cucumber and carrots face pack is one of the best home remedies for blemishes that can be made by adding 2 carrots (small) to half cucumber in boiling water. • It is then mashed and mixed with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Home-Remedies-Guide.com

  6. Home Remedies For Blemishes • This mixture is then applied for about 15 to 20 minutes. • It helps to heal the skin and makes it strong. • Cucumber, lemon and honey face pack is the perfect and easy home remedies for blemishes that can be made by adding 1 cucumber (boiled and mashed) to 1 tablespoon of lemon and honey. • It should be applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with cold water. Home-Remedies-Guide.com

  7. Home Remedies For Blemishes • In addition to this, rose water should be massaged to the face with cotton buds for perfect results. • Lemon and baking soda face pack can be made by mixing them both together. • Apply it to the affected area and wash it off within 2 to 3 minutes as the mixture is strong. • It works as a strong anti-bacterial agent to heal the skin, being the best home remedies for blemishes. Home-Remedies-Guide.com

  8. Home Remedies For Blemishes Home-Remedies-Guide.com

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