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Marketing During Tax Season

Marketing During Tax Season. Overview. Why it’s important Yes it is possible! Some helpful hints. Why it is so important. Everyone is focused on accounting High level of client contact Develop work to fill slow times in the summer Competitors aren’t doing it – you will really stand out!.

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Marketing During Tax Season

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Marketing During Tax Season

  2. Overview • Why it’s important • Yes it is possible! • Some helpful hints

  3. Why it is so important • Everyone is focused on accounting • High level of client contact • Develop work to fill slow times in the summer • Competitors aren’t doing it – you will really stand out!

  4. It is possible • Current Clients • Provide great client service • Let clients know how important they are to you • Make sure clients know you are available to assist them, even during tax season • Look for opportunities to help them in other areas • Ask for referrals • Ask for testimonials

  5. It is possible • Referral Sources • Call your top sources to see if they have any new leads • You still have to eat – set up breakfasts/lunches

  6. It is possible • Prospects • Call to see if they are happy with the service they are receiving • Set up a lunch for late April

  7. Helpful Hints • How to ask for a referral • I’m always looking for good clients like you, if you know of anybody, I’d appreciate you giving me a call. • If you know of anyone who could benefit from working with our firm, please pass along my name. I’d be happy to help. • Ask them to call and set up a meeting for after tax season if it is something that can wait.

  8. Helpful Hints • Testimonials & Case Studies • Any comments on how DWD’s assistance has positively impacted the client • Don’t forget to get their express permission to use it in marketing materials (web site, printed materials, proposals, etc.)

  9. Helpful Hints • How to answer the question “How’s it going?” • The year is starting off great. The family is doing well and business is good too. • Things are really going well right now. My family and I just….. Business is great right now too. We have assembled a great team for the new year and we are looking forward to expanding the firm.

  10. Helpful Hints • How NOT to answer the question “How’s it going?” • I’m swamped! • I can’t wait until April 15th gets here! • We are so busy we can barely see straight!

  11. Helpful Hints • How to answer the question “How’s Business?” • Business is great and we’re looking for more.

  12. Helpful Hints • Look for opportunities to help current clients • You don’t need to be an expert in the new area – simply can say “I’d like you to talk with XXXX. I think s/he may be able to help you with this.” • Indicators from clients • I wish… • I need… • I’m concerned/worried about… • If I had the time… • I’d like to…

  13. Helpful Hints • Questions you can ask • What has been your experience…? • What is one thing you would improve about…? • What would you change about…? • What is taking up too much of your time? • How are you currently…? • What are you doing to ensure…?

  14. Questions? • Remember that I am here to serve you – • You are MY clients…

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