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O R D E R SETS . Order Set Committee. Jessica Meleskie GBHN, Chair Sharon Musehl Nursing, SBGHC Lisa Laviolette Nursing, GBHS Michelle Scime-Benninger Nursing, HDH Trent Fookes Pharmacy, GBHS Greg Young Laboratory, HDH Dr. Randy Montag HDH Dr. Paul Eisenbarth HDH
Order Set Committee Jessica Meleskie GBHN, Chair Sharon Musehl Nursing, SBGHC Lisa Laviolette Nursing, GBHS Michelle Scime-Benninger Nursing, HDH Trent Fookes Pharmacy, GBHS Greg Young Laboratory, HDH Dr. Randy Montag HDH Dr. Paul Eisenbarth HDH Dr. Lisa Roth SBGHC Dr. Roger Skinner GBHS Dr. Brendan Mulroy GBHS Pat Given HIS, Order Sets Susan Downs HIS, Clinical documentation Darlene Young GBHN, Education/Utilization Julia Metzger GBHN, Administrative Assistant Others as needed on an adhoc basis • Meeting once a week to move project forward quickly
Website • Initially see entire list of orders available • Click on name of document to print off and use • Search via key word at the top of the list, or select your areas yellow file folder on the left side to narrow your list to your areas orders. • Can also see the entire library of Open Source Order Sets if click on “Master OS Repository” on the left hand side • Involved with Cerner to build the order sets as developed into PowerOrders • NOTE: these do not replace the clinical pathways– they are still available on the EBC website via the icon on the desktop. The pathway orders will be available on both sites – the EBC site as well as the Order Sets site
Order Set Legend Rindicates mandatory order unless crossed out by physician. Open Box indicates optional order, activated when checked R.
How to Access Website • Start at Intranet • Select Service/Help (at top of Screen) • Then Select Open Source Order Sets which will open the Web page to the Order Sets
Thrombolytic Therapy Acute Coronary Syndromes Adult Subcutaneous Insulin COPD Clostridium difficile Treatment CAP CHF Stroke-Non-thrombolytic Ischemic/Hemorrhagic Stroke Rehab Stage Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke Admission Pre-Op Fractured Hip Post-Op Fractured Hip Post-Op FH (Receiving Hospital Post-Op THR Post-Op THR (Receiving Hospital) Post-Op Total Knee Replacement Current Order Sets : 16
Adult Potassium Dosing Bowel Care Cardiac Activity Levels Hypoglycemia Intermittent Bladder Catheterization for Urinary Retention New Diarrhea and Possible Melena Stools Thrombolytic Therapy Tirofiban tPA Dosage for Ischemic Stroke tPA Stroke Protocol-Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Clinical Protocols: 10
Education • You can view the May 07 presentation on the Order Set Project which gives you a complete overview of “Why are we doing this project?” • Or contact Evidence-Based Care program by e-mail : dayoung@gbhs.on.ca or phone 519-364-2341 ext 350 and Darlene can give your unit an update
Communications: • Will be releasing a memo each month with the new/changed orders available on the GBHN website & through the Intranet to ensure staff/physicians are up to date on the latest changes • Also releasing a newsletter as necessary to update staff/physicians on project status