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Welcome to Year 2 Information for Parents Thursday 4 th September 2014 2:15pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm. Welcome to Year 1 Leader of Year 1 and Year 2: Miss De La Salle Puffins Class: Miss Whitehead, Mrs. Khan Owls Class: Miss De La Salle, Mr. Banks Support Teacher: Mr. Solana Martin.
Welcome to Year 2Information for Parents Thursday 4th September 20142:15pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm
Welcome to Year 1 Leader of Year 1 and Year 2: Miss De La Salle Puffins Class: Miss Whitehead, Mrs. Khan Owls Class: Miss De La Salle, Mr. Banks Support Teacher: Mr. Solana Martin
Curriculum • In Year 2 children follow the National Curriculum. • At HCFS we continue to build our thematic way of learning into Year 2. This year the children will cover themes including: • The Victorians, The Jungle, Celebrations, Wonders of the World, The Human Body, George’s Marvelous Medicine, Animation, Being Scientists, Authors and Artists. • In Year 2 children are continually assessed by their teachers. They are expected to be working at or above a Level 2. • Those children who did not pass the Phonics Screening Check will be re-tested in the Summer Term. • SATs • This will happen in the Summer Term, with results reported to parents. Details will follow nearer to the time.
A Day in the life of Year 2 – Morning • Transition • Wake and Shake • Maths – Children work in different groups across the year. • Toast and Break time • Phonics – Children work in different groups across the year. • Literacy and Big Write – Children work in different groups across the year. • Skills: Spanish (taught by Mr Solana Martin), Music, Handwriting, Religious Education, PSE/Virtues • Lunch and outside play
A Day in the life of Year 2 – Afternoon Thematic Afternoons PE Assembly: Virtues, Virtue Story, Singing Assembly, PE: Both classes – Every Thursday. PE Kit:black plimsolls, black shorts and a plain white t-shirt. No earrings. Hair always tied back. Home Time: - School finishes at 3pm! Children are dismissed from the main office door. Should you wish to speak to the class teacher just pop in. If your child is going home with someone else the Office must be informed. Please make sure this adult has the password. If there is someone who will be taking your child regularly please email class teacher to avoid unnecessary phone calls.
Curiosity Afternoon • Every Thursday • Science Specialist School. • Thursday afternoons give children the chance to build on their natural curiosity through first hand experiences in our vast grounds. • Children in Year 2 really get to grips with core Science. • First Session (1 hour): Science • Second Session (1 hour): Physical Education. • All children must have Wellington Boots and a Raincoat to be left in school for the year.
Social Groups These are a ‘treat’ for the children to celebrate their hard work throughout the week. In Year 2 the children DO NOT need to bring in any toys, as they make the transition to a different approach to social groups. Throughout the week the children will discuss with the adults things they make wish to do during social groups: for example football, rounders, board games, circus activities. They will decide as a class on the activity, which is then facilitated by the adults. The focus in Year 2 for social groups is all about team skills socials skills and working together. Social groups are a privilege for the children, similar to how other schools would have golden time. Class teachers and the senior leadership team have the right to remove a child’s social group time as a consequence of their actions throughout the week.
Recorders Usually, musical instrument tuition begins in Year 3. At HCFS in Year 2 there is a requirement that all children have a recorder. They will receive tuition on these during the core school day, with the option of extra tuition during extended learning clubs. All children MUST have purchased a recorder from the school office (at a discounted price) by the week commencing 29th September. Recorders cost £4. Letters will be sent out tomorrow. We want all children to learn the basics on the same instrument, therefore please do not purchase a recorder from anywhere other than the school office, as children will not be able to use these in school. Recorders should come to school in children’s book bags every day.
Homework • Reading • The children will continue to come home with an ORT book each week. Once the class teacher feels the ORT books may not be providing enough challenge, they will move your child on to Chapter Books. This is the start of children becoming ‘free readers’. • There are no set reading days so please ensure your child has their reading book every day. Reading books can be changed (by the children) as many times as you wish, however you MUST write in their yellow literacy communication book that you want them to change their book. PLEASE NOTE: Children should be keeping the same chapter book for approximately 2 – 3 weeks. • Literacy Communication Books • These will contain spellings for your to practise with your child. Spellings are put in the book every Friday, and children are ‘challenged’ to write the spellings the following Friday. These spellings are based on the spelling patterns and phonics children are learning in class. Children can also use these books to write down new words they have uncovered during their learning time. • PLEASE NOTE: Teachers will NOT write in the literacy communication book unless there is something they want to inform you of. This DOES NOT mean your child has not be read with, as all children read in a variety of ways each week.
Homework Theme Homework is a continuous project led by your child. This homework will be put on the class webpage at the start of each theme. Your child can complete it in the back of their homework book if they wish. Children can choose Challenge Cards to take home every Friday. Challenge cards in Year 2 differ from those in Year 1. Children should take ONE card per week, as each card contains a maths, literacy and science/ humanities challenge. All of the cards are numbered, with a grid for children to tick the ones they have done in their homework book. Spellings are viewed equally as important as homework. Your child should practice their spellings for at least 5 minutes every day.
Setting up for toast time • Setting up for assemblies • Being in charge of House Points and Principals Awards • Helping the younger children to set up for lunchtime. • Decision making through POWOW’s • Being Role Models! Responsibilities Year 2 children are given much responsibility throughout the school: • We want the children to become Independent and take responsibility for their own belongings: • Anything they take off (jumpers/ hair bands/ gloves) they will be reminded to put in their trays. - Please make sure EVERYTHING is named. • Adults do not check book bags in the morning (for letters/ homework etc), so please remind your child before they come into school if they have something to give to us.
Extended Learning – Clubs 3 – 4pm After School Club This is an extension of the children’s learning day. In Year 2 the 3-4pm clubs are very much focused activities that carry on from the children’s afternoon learning. All Year 2 Clubs are run by Year 2 adults: Mr. Banks, Mrs. Khan, Miss Whitehead, Miss De La Salle. Activities this year include: Recorders, Football, Homework Club, Rounders, Arts and Crafts and many more. Each week the activities will be the same, and you MUST book a place. These will begin the week commencing 15th September. Children who are not on the list will be sent to the Office to wait to be collected by you. We will be enforcing a late pick up charge. 4 – 6pm Chill Out Club (£6)
Year 2 Trip Friday 26th September – British Schools Museum, Hitchin.
Communication We are always happy to discuss any questions you may have about your child and their learning. Class Teacher’s are contactable by email: puffinsteacher@hatfieldcommunityfreeschool.org.uk owlsteacher@hatfieldcommunityfreeschool.org.uk Please note, our weekly emails will now direct you to the class webpage, rather than having an email attachment. If you wish to speak to us in person please let Miss Hake or Dr. Attard / Miss De La Salle know in the morning and we will arrange a convenient time.
Thank you Any questions? This PowerPoint will be sent out via email to all parents.