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Arranging Pop Songs. Jyun-Ming Chen. Motivations. How do I create a melody? How do I harmonize the melody? What rhythms are available? Can I arrange a song from 簡譜?. 主音. 上主音. 中音. 下屬音. 屬音. 下中音. 導音. Scale Tones. 每個音符在音階中扮演不同的角色. 以 C 大調為例:. Tonic(I). Leading note (VII).
Arranging Pop Songs Jyun-Ming Chen
Motivations • How do I create a melody? • How do I harmonize the melody? • What rhythms are available? • Can I arrange a song from 簡譜?
主音 上主音 中音 下屬音 屬音 下中音 導音 Scale Tones 每個音符在音階中扮演不同的角色 以C大調為例: Tonic(I) Leading note (VII) Dominant (V) Subdominant (IV)
V I I V VII I V I I V Scale Tone 範例 小星星 (C大調) 生日快樂 (C大調) 愛你一萬年 (e小調)
Melody Contour • Contour - this is the shape of the line. Usually, there is only one highest or lowest note, called the peak. • Arch contour • Inverted arch contour • Ascending ramp contour • Descending ramp contour • A Smooth Connected Line - Our ear more easily hears a series of notes as belonging together when they proceed smoothly and without leaps of larger intervals. • use about 80% step wise motion (i.e. only the interval of a second) and 20% intervals large than a second.
Arch Inverted arch Ascending ramp Descending ramp
b3 b5 #5 b7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Degree: 以C大調為例 Degree: 另一種表示法
Cmaj Am a小調 C大調 Gmaj G大調 e小調 Em Triad Chords (三音和弦)
Scale and Chords • 每個調中,因音程的不同,可組成7個三音和弦 • 以C大調為例:
其他常用和弦 三音和弦 Harmonic extension
Inversion Slash chord open position/close position repeating/missing notes Chords variation in playing
Harmonizing a Melody • Try to determine what the harmonic pulse is. • For each beat of the harmonic pulse, list all possible chords that could contain most if not all of the notes within that beat. • When completed, begin at the end, try to compose a harmonic cadence that fits the melody. Complete the last two or three beats.
Three-Chord Song (Wikipedia) • A three-chord song is a song whose music is built around three chords that are played in a certain sequence. • Typically, the three chords used are the chords on the tonic, subdominant, and dominant (noted as I, IV and V): in the key of C, these would be the C, F and G chords. Sometimes the V7 chord is used instead of V, for greater tension. • There are literally tens of thousands of songs written with I, IV and V chords: country, blues, rock and roll, pop songs
Chord Progressions • Create a harmonic backing for melody • Infinite possibilities. Rely on your ears to decide which chords are good for the melody, and in what order • General principle of harmonic movement: • build up tension, resolve at the end • many popular chord progression that does this: V7-I (a popular cadence) • Triads are sufficient; use 7-chord & 9-chord to enrich the harmony
A chord progression map suggested by this reference Chord Progression
簡譜(Wikipedia) • 簡譜(Numbered musical notation)為記譜法之一,主要以數字作表達,故亦稱為數字譜。今天在中國等地較為常見。其起源於18世紀的法國,後經德國人改良,遂成今日之貌。在1904年引入中國,並大行其道。 • 簡譜的全盛時期是在校園民歌時期。 • 二代簡譜:近代卓著出版社更將簡譜發揚光大且建構到最完整的標示機制,適用於現在各式各樣的流行音樂。許多職業琴師,只要看著簡譜,即使是沒有聽過的歌曲,也能夠將原曲呈現到90%~100%以上的相似度。這項發明是流行音樂界的創舉。
Points in Reading Guitar Sheet Strumming pattern e小調(關係大調:G大調)
首調與固定調 簡譜記譜為首調。 e小調(G大調)時,123 … 是固定調的 GAB… 『寒風吹起。。。』在固定調如下:
常常聽到人家說“一塊半”或“三塊半”… 那是怎樣的調號??
Topics • BB: appreciate what computer has done for you (pattern, solo, ) • Goldwave: digital audio primer • CoolEdit: multitrack • Vocaloid: virtual singer • Final work: video spot (flash + powerpoint)
Homework • Verify chord progression by marking melody notes in chords • Write chords (in NWC) • Seek chord center (modulation) example