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hyperledger fabric node deployment

Project hyperledger fabric node deployment is an open source project by the Linux Foundation. Hyperledger Fabric network is one of Hyperledger's projects, where its main purpose is to act as a framework for building blockchain business networks that can be shared across organizations and platforms. Hyperledger fabric was initially built by Digital Asset Holdings but recently IBM offered their contribution to Hyperledger Fabric with 20 new enhancements.

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hyperledger fabric node deployment

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  1. Project Hyperledger is an open source project by the Linux Foundation. Hyperledger Fabric network is one of Hyperledger's projects, where its main purpose is to act as a framework for building blockchain business networks that can be shared across organizations and platforms. Hyperledger fabric was initially built by Digital Asset Holdings but recently IBM offered their contribution to Hyperledger Fabric with 20+ new enhancements. The Hyperledger cross-industry community includes big names like Cisco , Daimler or European Insurance Society . Lately, I found myself in need to deploy Hyperleger fabric node on cloud infrastructure. This article explains how exactly to do it using Digital Ocean service which has simplified deployment process for Docker containers (in comparison with AWS EC2 for example). Apart from Hyperledger Fabric itself, we will deploy Hyperledger Composer tool as well to help us develop and test Hyperledger blockchain applications. Hyperledger composer is one of Hyperledger projects created by IBM and it serves as a business network model-driven development environment where you can go from business network definition (the so called channel), over smart contract creation and deployment, to the interaction with the blockchain ledger. I think that I don't have to mention how promising all this sounds - just take a look at huge companies like Maersk which joined Hyperledger project or goverments such as that of UK who plans on using Hyperledger . We will be deploying Hyperleger fabric 1.2 and Hyperledger composer 1.0 in this article. Hyperledger fabric version 1.2 brings a lot of new features to the table, such as Hyperledger Quilt that implements interoperability between Hyperledger Fabric and R3 Corda by using 'gossip protocol' - friendly term for sending messages about transactions through the network nodes before these reach their final destination (originator). In case you are wondering what is Docker , it's an open platform for developing, shipping and running applications which aims to make software development life cycle shorter by allowing fast transfer of ideas into real-world programs without any infrastructure or OS setup issues slowing us down. In other words, Docker

  2. makes it possible to run containerized application on different environments without knowing in advance which of them will be used. Now, let's start with Hyperledger fabric deployment. Step 0 Before you start with Hyperledger fabric deployment on the cloud, there are some basic stuff that you should do first : install java 8 on your machine (you can use Open Jdk ) download Hyperledger Fabric 1.2 distribution for your platform - currently supported are Ubuntu 16.04 or above and Centos 7.3 or above Hyperledger composer requires Docker so install it as well after you have downloaded Hyperledger Fabric binary, unpack it to any target directory of your choice Hyperledger Fabric uses Hyperledger Composer tool to define business networks so before starting development we will need to download Hyperledger composer binaries as well now let's run Hyperleger Fabric network node docker image within the Hyperledger Fabric target directory (e.g Hyperledger fabric 1.2 installation directory) by executing this command: docker run -d --name my-network-node -p 7050:7050 -p 7051:7051 \ -v /home/grzegorz/hyperledger:/root/.composer/config \ --network-alias=my-network \ fabric/fabric-peer:1.2 Hyperledger Fabric node is now running within the docker container and it waits for peers with which to form the network, or for user to interact with Hyperledger Composer tool. Hyperleger composer was built on top of Node JS and Hyperledger Fabric framework. Hyperledger composer installation is a two-step process: first you have to download Hyperleger composer binaries from here and after that create Hyperledger composer config file which contains all necessary configuration parameters needed for Hyperledger Composer tool to run within your environment. Hyperleger composer can connect to Hyperledger Fabric node deployment over predefined port 7050 ,

  3. so we will need to map the incoming connection requests on this port from the outside world onto 7051 port on our docker container where my-network node is listening .

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