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EGC 1. Basic Patterns. Structure. PEOPLE. I You He She We They It Scott Scott and 장나라. Structure. PEOPLE. VERB. I am You are He is She is We are They are It is Scott is Scott & 장나라 are. Structure. PEOPLE. VERB.
EGC 1 Basic Patterns
Structure PEOPLE • I • You • He • She • We • They • It • Scott • Scott and 장나라
Structure PEOPLE VERB • I am • You are • He is • She is • We are • They are • It is • Scott is • Scott &장나라 are
Structure PEOPLE VERB 명사 / 형용사 / 동사 + ing / 전치사 a teacher attractive studying in class students young raining from Toronto dating • I am • You are • He is • She is • We are • They are • It is • Scott is • Scott & 장나라 are NOT
Structure PEOPLE VERB 과거 명 / 형 / 동+ing / 전 was were was was were were was was were a student young sleeping at home children drinking sunny in class hanging out • I am • You are • He is • She is • We are • They are • It is • Scott is • Scott & 장나라 are
Structure PEOPLE VERB 미래 명 / 형 / 동+ing / 전 will be will be will be will be will be will be will be will be will be a CEO married living in Seoul in Gwangju in class working hard rainy at home getting married • I am • You are • He is • She is • We are • They are • It is • Scott is • Scott & 장나라 are
Making questions a student gentle cute from 여수 in 전대 studying warm from Canada a couple I You He She We They It Scott Scott &장나라 am are is is are are is is are ?
Answering Questions Am I …명/형/동+ing/전 ??? Are you …??? Am I a teacher? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Are you a teacher? Is he…? Is she…? Is it…? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
What’s is happening? 1. Are they dancing?
What’s is happening? 2. Is she in the desert (사막)?
What’s is happening? 3. Are they a couple?
What’s is happening? 4. Is she pretty?
What’s is happening? 4. Is she lying in bed?
과거& 미래 Am I a teacher? = Was I a teacher? Were you a teacher? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t. Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. Is Was she sick? Is Was he drinking 소주?
과거& 미래 Am I a teacher? = Will I be a teacher? Will you be a teacher? Yes, I will. No, I won’t. Yes, she will. No, she won’t. Yes, he will. No, he won’t. Is Will she be okay? Is Will you be in the dorm?
Are these sentences correct? • I am loving 장나라. • I am having a watch. • You are knowing him. • I am understanding you.
Are these sentences correct? Some verbs – love, hate, like, dislike, have, know, understand, want, (cost, prefer, resemble) = no “ING” • I amloveing장나라. • I amhaveing a watch. • You are(don’t) knowing him. • I am(don’t) understanding you.
Don’t forget the ‘S’ Some verbs – love, hate, like, dislike, have, know, understand, want, (cost, prefer, resemble) = no “ING” • It (my dog) loves my cat. • She hates이명박. • He has a girlfriend. • Shedoesn’t like her boss. • Hedoesn’t want more homework.
Making questions Do ? I love 장나라 Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Do you love 장나라? Do you know Scott? Do you understand English? Do you want to sleep? Do you like to study? / Do you like studying?
Making Questions She prefers chocolate to ice cream. He dislikes studying. Does she prefer chocolate to ice cream? Does he dislike studying? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
And… Do you have a car? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have much money? Do you have a job? Do you have to go to school? Do you have to clean your room? Answer = Yes, I… DO Yes, I have = 완료 Have you eaten 보신탕? – Yes, I have. / No I haven’t.
과거& 미래 Do you have a girlfriend? = Did you have a girlfriend? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Is Did she want to drink? Is Did he drink 소주 last night?
과거& 미래 Do you teach? = Will you teach? Yes, I will. No, I won’t. Yes, she will. No, she won’t. Yes, he will. No, he won’t. Is Will she want some pizza? Is Will he sleep in the dorm?
What’s happening? • 1. Does she like snow?
What’s happening? • 2. Does she look happy?
What’s happening? • 3. Does he like his computer?
What’s the difference? I am eating chicken. VS I eat chicken.
What’s the difference? • Are you smoking? vs Do you smoke?
Some are the same - I live in Gwangju = I am living in Gwangju.
Where are the mistakes? • I am live in the dormitory (기숙사)? • Are you play basketball? • Do you studying English? • I am work at my part-time job.
Where are the mistakes? • I am living in the dormitory (기숙사)? I live in the dormitory. 2. AreDo you play basketball? Are you playing basketball? • Do you studying English? Are you studying English? • I am work at my part-time job. I am working at my part-time job.