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Stock Option 101. Vincent Tzeng March 25, 2011. What is “stock option”?. A contract or right to buy or sell a stock at a certain price before a certain date. Key Variables. Type of options = Call or Put Contract price = Striking price
Stock Option 101 Vincent Tzeng March 25, 2011
What is “stock option”? A contractorright to buyorsella stock at acertainprice before acertaindate
Key Variables • Type of options = Call or Put • Contract price = Striking price • End of contract date = Expiration Date • 1 Option Contact is based on 100 sharesof the underlying stock • Price of an option changes all the time
What are “CALLs” & “PUTs” options? Call = contract to BUY a stock Put = contract to SELL a stock There are agreed price, specific time, and an underlying stock involved in all contracts.
Option Contract Buyer & Seller Buyer pays a settled price($) to Seller Buyer gets the RIGHT to buy(call) or sell(put) the stock anytime before the expiration date (Exercise an option) Seller can end an option by buying back All options END on the Expiration Date
Why buy a Call Option? • Buyer bets the stock will GO UP substantially before the expiration date. • Buyer hopes to buy the stock at lower than the market price. • Buyers usually are aggressors & big risk takers, looking for “quick $ gain”. • Buyers take risk, and lose “most of the times”
It is better to SELL call options • Seller receives instant cash • Seller can reduce cost base • Seller continues to collect dividend • It is like selling “time” for cash! • Sellers win “almost all the times!”
Stock Price may go in 3 Ways Go Higher Go Higher Stay the same selling call option reduces your cost base Go Lower
Selling covered CALL options(own stock) • final stock price on expiration, stock will be called Stock$ + option$ received Seller’s profit (2) final price, stock will be called Striking price (3a) final price, still own the stock Starting stock price (3b) final price, still own the stock
Why Buy a PUT Option? • Buyer bets stock price to go lower • Buyer hopes to SELL the stock at a higher than the market price before the expiration date. • Buyer can reduce down side risk of a stock
Selling PUT options (3b) final price on expiration date, as if nothing happened Starting stock price Seller’s profit (3a) final price, as if nothing happened Striking price (2) final price, you have to buy Option$ received • final stock price on expiration, you have to buy the stock at striking price.
Account Requirement to Trade Options • Need a Margin Account, and brokerage firm’s approval for trading options • Own stock(>100 shs) to sell covered option • IRA or ROTH requires enough cash reserve to sell put options • You can always risk to buy any options • 1 contract is based on 100 shares of stock
Summary • Stock option can be a good investment tool. • Conservatively, can add to your asset gain. • Get instant cash while holding on your stock • ROTH is TAX-FREE on option gains. • Do options ONLY on “good” stocks. • Understand consequences before trading. • Do SELLING (covered only), not BUYING!
Summary (negatives) May limit your overall gain Relatively short term (market timing?) Tie up your stock under option contract Tie up your cash from selling PUT Tax issues on regular stock accounts More complicated trading than stock “Naked Writing” can lose your shirts!
Serious WARNING! ** Option Trading **may NOT be for Everyone!!!
References http://www.tradingonlinemarkets.com/Articles/Options/Stock_Options_Explained.htm http://www.stockoptionsexplained.com/ http://hubpages.com/hub/Stock_Options_Explained http://www.investopedia.com/university/options/
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