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Zenith Nutrition, a division of Medizen Labs, is a leading manufacturer of wellness products in India. The company is focusing primarily on growing Nutritional supplements and dietary supplements space globally. The Company utilizes its industry leading R&D and technical capabilities to produce superior research based formulations that optimize the nutritional value and performance for its customers’. The Company also leverages its knowledge and expertise to complement its products with value-added technical services and continuous customer support. The Company’s specialised product and service offerings combined with its manufacturing flexibility enables it to create customized value added solutions that address specific customer needs. Zenith Nutrition’s broad knowledge across a wide variety of competencies allows the Company to provide condition specific wellness products to meet customer’s needs./nZenith Nutrition’s products are unique in their use of synergistic ingredient formulations which deliver outstanding potency and therefore greater efficacy and a better value to the customers Zenith Nutrition runs on passion, innovation and highest quality for healthier world. For more than five years, Zenith Nutrition’s has been proactively contributed to growth and continues success of health care industry by passion, innovation, and most important, customers satisfaction.
Zenith Nutrition Super Calcium Calcium is a mineral that is found naturally in foods. Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of the body, especially bone formation and maintenance. Calcium can also bind to other minerals (such as phosphate) and aid in their removal from the body. Calcium carbonate is used to prevent and to treat calcium deficiencies. Calcium carbonate may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.
How it works !? Calcium intake is regulated hormonally and also requires Vitamin D, which assists in its absorption into the body through the intestines and in keeping calcium in the body in balance. In childhood bones are being made at a rapid rate. In our middle adult years, the balance between bone making and bone breakdown in a healthy person is about equal. And then, as we age, more bone breakdown occurs, especially in women as they enter menopause. Calcium is a key player in all of this.
*Benefits* • Bone up on calcium to prevent osteoporosis. • Calcium absorption and bone development. • It can decrease bone loss during aging. • Calcium will keep you slim and trim. • Calcium may combat cancer .
Supplement Facts Calcium isn't found free in nature, but it can be purified into a soft silvery-white alkaline earth metal. Calcium is the 5th most abundant element in the Earth's crust, present at a level of about 3% in the oceans and soil. The element is essential for animal and plant nutrition. Calcium participates in many biochemical reactions, including building skeletal systems and moderating muscle action. No of capsules per day – 3 Capsules. Variants • Zenith Nutrition Super Calcium 600 - 180 Capsules • Zenith Nutrition Super Calcium 600 - 360 Capsules
Why Do You Need Super Calcium Calcium promotes healthy bones and teeth. Just as lime is necessary for strong concrete, calcium is needed for strong bones. Calcium is continually deposited into multiplying bone cells, like the cement that holds together the particles of stone and sand in a chunk of concrete. The stronger the bone development during childhood, the healthier those bones will be in adulthood.. During adolescence bones grow rapidly, so teens need a lot of calcium in their diet. Once a person reaches full growth, calcium needs stabilize, but there are periods when calcium needs increase, such as during pregnancy, lactation, and healing from injuries. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.