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Iran Essential Science Indicators(IESI) رواد العلم للعالم الاسلامی

Iran Essential Science Indicators(IESI) رواد العلم للعالم الاسلامی. By: Dr. Hamid Alizade. IranEssential Science Indicators is a web-based research tool that enables researchers and research evaluators to measure scientific performance and to track in science.

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Iran Essential Science Indicators(IESI) رواد العلم للعالم الاسلامی

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  1. Iran Essential Science Indicators(IESI) رواد العلم للعالم الاسلامی By: Dr. Hamid Alizade

  2. IranEssential Science Indicators is a web-based research tool that enables researchers and research evaluators to measure scientific performance and to track in science

  3. IESI ranks scientists, institutions, countries and journals in 22 fields of research by the number of papers published, citations received and citations made per paper

  4. Fields of Research in ESI • Material Engineering • Mathematics & Statistics • Medicine • Natural Resources & Environmental • Physics • Psychiatry & Psychology • Sciences • Social Sciences • Sport Sciences & Physical Education • Theology & Islamic Thoughts • Agriculture Sciences • Art & Architecture • Chemistry • Civil Engineering • Dentistry • Education Sciences • Engineering • Geosciences • Humanities • Law & Political Sciences • Library & Information Sciences • Literature & Language

  5. IESI Benefits • Analyzing research performance of individuals, institutions, countries and journals. Types of analysis include: • Identifying the top researchers or institutions in a specific field or discipline • Determining strong areas of research being produced at specific universities or institutions

  6. Identifying significant trends and emerging areas of research • Determining who is publishing the “hottest” papers in a field

  7. Citation thresholds

  8. IESI Subcategories • “citation ranking” , encompassing three subgroups of “periodicals”, “centers” and “scientists”. • “Papers” with the highest citations including two subparts: “highly-cited papers” and “hot papers”. • “citation analysis” with two subclasses of “baseline” and “research fronts”.”

  9. IESI can be a useful tool to help answer questions such as:

  10. Who are the most influential researchers in this field?

  11. Which institutions produce the most highly-cited research in a particular field?

  12. Is your institutions citation activity on an upward or downward trend?

  13. Where does your institution rank among other universities?

  14. Highly Cited Papers • Highly Cited Papers are papers with more citations over the last 10 years in 22 scientific fields. Rankings are based on meeting a threshold of top 1% by field and year based on total citations received.

  15. Hot Papers Hot Papers published in the past 2 years and received citations soon after publishing, compare to other papers of same field and age.

  16. Citation analysis • baselines: help put citation statistics into context • research fronts: create clusters of highly cited articles, useful for identifying ground breaking discoveries

  17. Research Fronts Research fronts are groups of highly cited papers referred to as “core papers” in a specialized topics. • To identify a research front, ISC uses co-citation cluster analysis of highly cited papers.

  18. Research fronts show the hottest topics in research community.

  19. Iran ESI

  20. Iran ESI Most cited papers Citation analysis Citation Rankings Journals Baselines Highly cited papers Institutions Scientists Hot papers Research fronts Help Help Help

  21. View citation rankings Citation Rankings Journals Institutions Scientists

  22. Iran ESI By Field Scientists Menu Select a a field of study View See the ranking for each scientist in a single discipline

  23. Iran ESI Scientists Menu By Name Browse or search for an individual researcher

  24. Iran ESI Agricultural Sciences view By field

  25. Scientist Rankings in Agricultural Sciences Sort by: Citations papers Citations per Paper Scientist/alphabetical Use the sort options to create ranking list based on : number of papers, number of citations or citations per paper

  26. Scientist Rankings in Agricultural Sciences Citations per paper Papers Citations Scientist view

  27. . click this icon to view top papers by this scientist Top papers for OmidiTabrizi, amirhossein in agricultural sciences Omidi Tabrizi, Amir Hossein SCI

  28. Title Author(s) Source Address Publisher ISSN Field Times Cited References

  29. Number of papers in 5 year intervals Click this icon to view graphically presented citation data for scientist Omidi Tabrizi Omidi Tabrizi, Amir Hossein Number of citations in 5 year intervals Average citations in 5 year intervals View data in tabular format

  30. Iran ESI Scientists Menu By Name

  31. Iran ESI Scientists Menu By Name Name Mirmiran

  32. Iran ESI Citations per paper Citations Papers Scientist Mirmiran, Parvin

  33. Iran ESI Field Medical Sciences

  34. Medical Scientists Scientist’s Rank

  35. Institution rankings in medical sciences Citations per paper Citations Papers Institution Medical University of Tehran

  36. Top papers for Tehran medical university in medical sciences

  37. Top papers for Tehran medical university in medical sciences Authors Source Address

  38. Scientist: Larijani B. Medical Sciences

  39. Journal rankings in agricultural sciences Citations per paper Citations Papers Journal Journal of Agricultural Sciences

  40. Number of papers in 5-year intervals Average citations in 5-year intervals Number of citations in 5-year intervals

  41. Most Cited Papers Highly cited papers in each of the past ten years(long term influence) Highly Cited Papers Hot Papers Papers published in the past two years that receive citations soon after publication, relative to other papers of the same field and age(short-term impact)

  42. Iran ESI Highly Cited Papers Menu By Field Display papers from this field view

  43. Iran ESI Highly Cited Papers Menu By Field Display papers from this field Chemistry

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