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Sustainable Development Participatory Planning Workshop AGONDA, GOA. January 4-8, 2010 Workshop Jointly Conducted By: Panchayat of Agonda Council for Social Justice and Peace Goa College of Architecture Pratt Institute, Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment. WELCOME!
Sustainable Development Participatory Planning WorkshopAGONDA, GOA January 4-8, 2010 Workshop Jointly Conducted By: Panchayat of Agonda Council for Social Justice and Peace Goa College of Architecture Pratt Institute, Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment
WELCOME! Message from Mr. Jovi Fernandez, Sarpanch, Agonda Pnachayat Dear Friends. Wish you all a very Happy New Year! It is my pleasure to start the Year 2010 looking forward into the future with a Participatory Planning Workshop. As you all may be aware, a Settlement Plan for Agonda was filed in 2009 marking the beginning of the Planning Process for Agonda. A Plan is a dynamic regulatory document which needs to be amended periodically to reflect the changing values and needs of its citizens. The planning process is ongoing and calls for continued citizen involvement and action. Over the past six months we have collaborated closely with the Council for Social Justice and Peace, the Goa College of Architecture and Pratt Institute to bring about a Participatory Planning Workshop. Towards that goal, in October, many of you took part in a survey that was conducted by young school students and senior citizens. Thanks to you and to the students who did a marvelous job – we managed to cover 640 households in a period of three days. Summaries of that survey will be presented during the workshop. Such a workshop is a small yet important step in the larger and ongoing planning process. The objective of this workshop is to arrive at a common ‘Vision’ to guide us during the course, and to build our capacity as a community to solve issues in a democratic manner. Every voice is important. I call on each one of you to participate fully in this planning workshop to shape our common future in Agonda, keeping sustainable development in mind! Thank you. Jovi Fernandez. Message from Father Maverick, Council from Social Justice and Peace Greetings. May this new year bring forth joy, strength, and community action towards a sustainable future for Agonda. The Council for Social Justice and Peace has been a key partner in drafting the Regional Plan 2021 which provides a common platform for shaping the planning process in Goa. The initiative from the Goa College of Architecture and Pratt Institute has taken its lead from the Regional Plan 2021 for this planning workshop. I encourage you all to participate and make this workshop a success. Thank you. Father Maverick. Message from Ravi Hazra, Dean of Goa College of Architecture Happy New Year. The College of Architecture has worked jointly with Pratt Institute, on this student-led planning project which we hope will lead to new collaborations where students from professional institutes can be seen upon as a resource for the communities. This project has been made possible by the leadership and support from the Agonda Panchayat and the Council for Social Justice and Peace. Along the way there has been tremendous support from many leaders and experts in Goa, who have helped put this workshop together. Its our sincere hope they all will continue in this capacity as partners for your community. Best Wishes. Ravi Hazra. Message from Meenakshi Varandani, Pratt Institute, New York On behalf of the Pratt Institute Team, I would like to thank Jovi Fernandez, Fr. Maverick, and the Community of Agonda for inviting us to be part of the planning process. We would also like to acknowledge our partners from the Goa College of Architecture and numerous advisors including Dean D’Cruz, Malini Krishnankutty, Edgar Rebeiro, S.T. Puttaraju, and the amazing team at TERI, who made this project happen. It is our pleasure to collaborate with such a progressive and caring team of individuals. We look forward to starting 2010 with this wonderful initiative and working together with you all. Thank you. Meenakshi Varandani.
Regional Plan 2021 and the Planning Process Objectives from RP2021 Planning Process Timeline
Typical Components of a Settlement Plan May Include, but are not limited to the following: • Long Term Vision, Values and Needs • Existing Conditions • Land Uses and Zoning – Text and Maps • Geography and Regional Settings • Community and Demographic Profile • Socio-Economic Profile • Housing Stock • Transportation Networks • Infrastructure and Utilities • Institutions, Community Facilities and Services • Identification of Problems and Opportunities • Sustainable Development Goals and Objectives • Environmental Conservation and Coastal Zone Protection • Heritage Preservation • Economic Development • Equity and Wellness • Public Health, Education, and Safety • Education • Housing • Recreation • Infrastructure • Transportation and Access • Plan Concepts & Alternatives with Feasibility and Environmental Assessments • Plan Selection: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations • Land Use and Zoning Maps • Transportation and Circulation Plan and Maps • Economic Development Plan • Housing, Community Facilities, and Institutions Plan • Infrastructure and Utilities Plan • Open Space, and Recreation Plan • Environmental Site Development and Design Guidelines • Finance and Phased Implementation Plan • Plan Adoption • Legal Framework • Provisions and Basis for Granting Variances or Waivers • Periodic Participatory Public Review Process and Plan Amendment Guidelines to Draft a Plan (Text and Maps) call for it to be clearly stated, serving identified goals through a participatory process, equitable and constitutional. A Plan needs to be legally defensible, based on sound research and technical studies.
Agonda Fact Sheet(SURVEY SUMMARIES TO BE INCLUDED) RPG2021 Sample from Agonda Questionnaire Q: What symbolizes/indicates the identity of this village? A: Place or special character- Beach The Panchayat of Agonda is ‘not satisfied’with the: roads, water (potable/drinking and agriculture/irrigation), domestic power, wome and child welfare and the health/medical centers. The Panchayat of Agonda note to RPG 2021: “Proper planning of infrastructure should be carried out as per the plan submitted by the Panchayat.” • VP3 FAR: • Residential between 40 and 50 • Commercial between 40 and 60 • Government between 40 and 60 • Institutional 100 • Industrial between 60 and 100 • Transportation 60 • Recreational 5 • Agricultural 10 • (ground coverage: 50% of plot area for all exept recreational and agricultural)
9:00-9:30 Registration and Sign-in 9:30-10:15 Welcome by Panchayat Remarks by Jovi Fernandez Remarks by Fr. Maverick Remarks by Ravi Hazra Remarks by Meenakshi Varandani Overview of RP2021 10:15-11:00 Introduction by Pratt Institute Planning Process and Timeline, Existing Conditions, Survey Highlights Workshop Structure 11:00-11:30 Tea Break Community Interactive Map Exercise 11:30-12:00 Problem Identification 12:00-1:00 SWOT Analysis by GCA 1:00-2:00 Lunch Break 2:00-3:30 Visioning Exercise Vision Statement for Agonda Preserve, Create, Change Exercise 3:30-3:45 Wrap Up Overview of Next Day’s Activities 3:45 Tea Schedule: Day 1Monday, January 4, 2010Defining Community Needs Agonda in 2030… Write your vision here!
Schedule: Day 2Tuesday, January 5, 2010Tourism & Economic Development; Farmland Conservation Tourism & Economic Development : • Explore current economic conditions in Agonda as well as alternative options for general development as well as sustainable tourism. Issues and discussion will include: • Existing industries, the jobs they provide, how it brings money into the economy • Understanding tourism • Exploring stakeholders, goals and feasibility 9:00-9:15 Registration and Sign-in 9:15-11:15 Tourism & Economic Development Part 1 Program Overview, Issues & Case Studies Facilitation Breakout, Pros-Con Map Ex. 11:15-11:30 Tea Break 11:30-1:00 Tourism & Economic Development Part 2 Facilitation Results & Presentation Groups Sign up for Community Tour & Conclusions 1:00-2:00 Lunch 2:00-4:00 Farmland Conservation 4:00 Tea Farmland Conservation: • Explore obstacles, incentives, and a process for farmland conservation. The importance of farmland conservation will be expressed as well as the obstacles. • Understand local community needs • Challenges to small, local farmers • Policy incentives that could assist
9:00-9:15 Registration & Sign-in 9:15-11:15 Wastewater management 11:15-11:30 Tea Break 11:30-1:00 Residential Solid Waste Management 1:00-2:00 Lunch Break 2:00-4:00 Design Guidelines 4:00 Tea Wastewater Management: • Present information on wastewater management and water cycle. • Explanation of sustainable sanitation • Individual wastewater management vs. municipal wastewater management • Composting toilets, water closet, septic systems • Agricultural reuse and artificial wetlands • Short and long term priorities Schedule: Day 3Thursday, January 7, 2010Wastewater & Residential Solid Waste Management;Design Guidelines Residential Solid Waste Management: • Create a forum for the dissemination of issues associated with current handling of residential solid waste: • Increase participant awareness of the type of residential solid waste • Categorize responses in a waste segregation exercise: compostable, recyclable, residual, toxic, other • Explore fate of solid waste • Develop recommendations in the area of waste reduction Design Guidelines: • Create awareness of issues regarding preservation of the natural and built environment, as well as sustainable practices that be be applicable to the environment of Agonda. Areas of interest include: • Open space design • Storm water management • Greenways and greenbelts • Waterfront and coastal preservation • Architectural and urban image issues
Your SMART Goals For Agonda Are… SPECIFIC MEASURABLE ACHIEVABLE REALISTIC TIME-BOUND 9:00-9:15 Registration & Sign-in 9:15-9:45 Welcome and Overview Recap VISION and Workshop Highlights Introduction to “SMART GOALS’ 9:45-11:15 Summarize Focus Group Conclusions Recommendations Implementation Strategies Break Up Groups: Tourism and Economic Development Farmland Conservation Wastewater Management Solid Waste Management Design Guidelines Consider: Priorities and Programmes Role of Communidad Cost and Budget Estimates Financing & Resources Partnerships & Sponsors Alternatives & Environmental Assessments 11:15-11:30 Tea Break 11:30-1:00 Presentation of Recommendations Sign-Up Volunteers for Action Groups Next Steps: Plan for Agonda Closing Remarks and Thank you 1:00-2:00 Lunch Break 2:00-4:00 Planning Committee Meeting 4:00 PMCELEBRATORY EVENING !!! Schedule: Day 4Friday, January 8, 2010Taking Action