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PAST TENSE KEY VERBS I went I stayed I travelled I played I visited I bought I ate I saw I drank I watched I went out It was EXTENSION We went We stayed We played We visited There was/were. jeudi , le 24 octobre Objectifs : to be able to use perfect tense.
PAST TENSE KEY VERBS I went I stayed I travelled I played I visited I bought I ate I saw I drank I watched I went out It was EXTENSION We went We stayed We played We visited There was/were jeudi, le 24 octobreObjectifs: to be able to use perfect tense
PAST TENSE KEY VERBS I went =Je suis allé(e) I stayed= Je suis resté(e) I travelled= J’ai voyagé I played=J’ai joué I visited=J’ai visité I bought=J’ai acheté I ate=J’ai mangé I saw=J’ai vu I drank=J’ai bu I watched=J’ai regardé I went out=Je suis sorti(e) It was=C’était EXTENSION We went=Nous sommes allé(e)s/On est allé We stayed=Nous sommes resté(e)s/On est resté We played=Nous avons joué/On a joué We visited=Nous avons visité/On a visité There was/were=Il y avait
Laetitia-qu’est-cequetu as fait hier? • transcript
The perfect tense is used to describe events that happened in the past. • These events are completed actions which means that they are over and done with. • eg. J’ai joué au foot = I played football • The perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verbs avoir and être + the past participle. • Most verbs go with avoir (j’ai)
Most verbs make the past participle by using these regular patterns:-er verbs: + é jou(er) joué -re verbs: + u répond(re) répondu-ir verbs: + i fin(ir) fini
To show WHO did the action in the past you use the correct form of AVOIR in front of your main verb • Eg: J’ai joué=I played • Il a joué=he played
The auxiliary: AVOIRI, you, he/she/it, we, you, they • J’ai tu as • Il/elle/on a ils/elles ont • Vous avez • Nous avons
THE PRESENT TENSE OF AVOIR j’ai (I) tu as (you) il/elle/on a (he/she/we/one) nous avons (we) vous avez (you) ils/elles ont (they)
Some verbs take the verbs être as their auxiliary verb not avoir THE PRESENT TENSE OF ÊTRE-put in order (I/you(s)/he,she.it/we/you(pl)/they) nous sommes ils/elles sont je suis il/elle/on est tu es vous êtes
THE PRESENT TENSE OF ÊTREje suis (I)tu es (you)il/elle/on est (he/she/one)nous sommes (we)vous êtes (you)ils/elles sont (they)
The most common ones you will use are • Aller • Sortir • Arriver • Retourner/rentrer • Rester What clues do you know to help you remember them?
Many common verbs have irregular past participles Avoir(to have) eu boire(to drink) bu Faire(to do/make) fait Lire(to read) lu mettre(to put) mis prendre(to take) pris Recevoir(to receive) reçu Voir(to see) vu vouloir(to want to) voulu
Running dictation key past tense phrases • There are 15 phrases about a past school day hidden around Elmhirst. The first team to find them, copy them down in their books and translate wins a prize!