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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome • Parents: • Please stand • Thank you for attending, you may be seated • Administration, Superintendent, and Trustees: • Please stand • Thank you for attending, you may be seated • Members: • Please stand • Thank you for attending, you may be seated • Advisors and or Alumni: • Please stand • Thank you for attending, you may be seated

  2. Please prepare for the Opening Ceremony • Rap gavel 2 times- • Please be ready to stand • Rap gavel 3 times- • Will everyone please stand

  3. Opening Ceremony • Speaker: “We are members of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Our mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences Education.” • Officers: Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and vocational preparation.”

  4. Members: As we work toward the accomplishment of our goals, we learn cooperation, take responsibility, develop leadership, and give service.” • This meeting of the Linden Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is now in session. You may be seated.”

  5. 2015/2016Linden Chapter’s venture from FHA-HERO: the California Affiliate of FCCLA to just Family, Career, Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

  6. Student Reflections I never chose the FCCLA life, the FCCLA life chose me. -Shane Mrs. Nealy is amazing, she is funny and kind and gave me the courage to stand up to do things. I love being a FHA member. Thank you Mrs. Nealy for being my teacher Loves, Shelby Garcia I have had a wonderful time with Nealy these past 4 years. I want to thank Nealy for all that she has taught even though we didn’t always get along. Love you Nealy (believe it or not  ~ Kendra Jones I can say I have had a blast to be in FCCLA! Nealy has taught me a lot even though most of the time she is yelling at me when she is teaching me! Love~Jiana Espinosa The time I spent in FCCLA has been an amazing journey filled with knowledge and friendships -Anthony Craven I seriously thought FCCLA was not going to be like I hoped for but being surrounded by family instead of classmates is amazing –Tony I have had a great time in Mrs. Nealy’s class. she has been a great teacher and wonderful to be around. ~ Alissa Lovecchio I would have remained behind my own shadow if it wasn’t FCCLA ~ Delsy Lopez I like this class! -Pedro Stearns 

  7. Mrs. Nealy’s Comments • It’s been a quiet year and yet some how we have accomplished so much and grown strongertogether. We have a new name and new Bylaws with a solid foundation with which to step into the future. • To the students, thank you, because it is all about serving, guiding, and strengthening you into the future persons you will become. To the 60 Senior members graduating, remember your story is not over; this is just the beginning. Thank you for letting me share a line or two in the telling of your story. • Ms. Wegner, you are a valued member of this Chapter. Your friendship and professional guidance allows me to do for the students, with the degree of effort, what has been done. • Many thanks go out to ASB Leadership, Administration, Superintendents, and the Board of Directors for their ongoing support.

  8. Special Thank You • Mrs. Fish,thank you for your willingness to substitute long term. You added creativity and enrichment to our standard curriculum.

  9. What does the change in name affect? • Because the state charter was not fully bought into the national organization for over 15 years we lost Ed Code verbage and paid positions at the state level. Where we had 6 paid state personnel, we were cut to 3, and now 2 positions to over see curriculum, professional development, and student organization. • However, because we are fully affiliated with the national organization, our members now have more competitive events and programs open to them with networking available across the nation in multiple career pathways.

  10. Region 6 MeetingsChapter Officer Training, Fall and Spring • Chapter Officer Training- John’s Incredible Pizza • Fall at: Tokay High School • Spring at: Linden High School

  11. State Leadership Meeting • To Riverside and back

  12. Fun Fridays • Fire Fighting • Campus beautification • Pretzels • Movies and Kool Aid

  13. Career Thinking • Child Development started working at the Lion’s Pride Preschool on a weekly basis this year and have loved it. This has increased interest in a career in Education

  14. Career Implementation • Careers in Early Childhood Education • Students worked at Lion’s Pride Preschool, Linden Elementary and CPS Preschool • 8 First Years • 3 Second Year students- Career Pathway Completers

  15. Career Pathway Expansion • Due to a strong student interest in the cooking, reorganization of current courses was given so that next year we will again offer: • Advanced Culinary and Hospitality • This increases career options for our students.

  16. At Work!!!!Doing it and earning it$ • Nealy Day Care- With Mrs. Becky Whiteside’s support we have been able to employ students who apply their classroom experience in the career field of Education • Valentina Albarran • Rosa Montoya • Estefania Becerril-Palacios • Maria Hernandez-Solis • Delsy Lopez • Shane Sarup • Baylee Osterlie Thank you to you and Delsy for offering child care for the Latino Family Literacy Night. It made me feel a lot more comfortable letting the kids play outside knowing you were there to watch over them. Thank you, Heather Haley-Baden

  17. Career Success Valentina Albarran • Applied for and earned her Child Development Classroom Assistant Permit in November 2015 • Started working at Lion’s Pride Preschool in March 2016 • Graduates with a 3.0 G.P.A. June 2nd 2016 • Desires to go onto Delta majoring in Child Development and from there continue education while pursuing a career in Education.

  18. FundraisersWhat we do to help ourselves meet our goals • Concessions- $743.00 • Back to School Night- $250.00 • Dance Refreshments- $194.00 • Cups- $680.05 • Cookies- $251.00 • Semi-Formal- $2,186.00 • SB1070 Grant- $4,510.11 • Total: $8,814.11 • Rolling over to next year- ~$1,000.00

  19. Chapter Degreesfor demonstrated knowledge of Chapter and Organization • Carmen Alcozer • Jocelyn Altamirano • Gloria Berrera • Sierra Caves • MercedeEzCooper • Alexander EngelmanN • Isabella Ervin • Jiana Espinosa • Catherine Forni • Catherine Garcia • Shelby Garcia • Abel Herrera • Citlalli Izquierdo • Madison Lara • Brianna Marsh • SYdney Mayer • Christopher Fisher • Karla Rivera • Jessie Rubio • Rosa Servin • Pedro SteArns • Derick Stoker • Ariel Silva • Brittany Stewart • Daniela Tovar • Katherine Villanueva • Brianna Walding • Megan Wilke

  20. Region Degreefor demonstrating knowledge of and participation in region and above events Breanna Lee

  21. Chapter Awards • Total members- 198 • missed “200” by 2 members • 100% Affiliated • Gold Superior Chapter

  22. Advisor Awards • Gold • Star Region Advisor • 20 Years of Service 5 years- Ruby 10 years- Sapphire Fairmont, North Carolina: 15 years- Emerald Linden, California 20 years- Diamond

  23. Chapter Treasurer Kendra Jones

  24. Outgoing/ Incoming Region Officers • Breanna Lee- Outgoing Region 6 Vice President • Annamarie Gayla- Incoming Region 6 Historian San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Mariposa, Tuolumne, Alpine, Mono, and Madera counties Central Valley Region 6

  25. Incoming State Officer • Breanna Lee- Incoming State Treasurer

  26. 2016/17 Chapter Officers • Jiana Espinosa- President • Delsy Lopez- First Vice President • Brittany Stewart- Vice President of the Treasurer

  27. Installation Ceremony • Speaker: The following officers have been elected to serve the Linden chapter of the California charter of FCCLA for the 2016/17 school term. Will the following newly elected officers please come forward? • President • First Vice President/Secretary • Vice President of the Treasurer • Speaker: The officers elect must realize that the highest honors of the organization are being bestowed upon them, and that the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America have faith and confidence in their ability to lead the organization onward. The pledge of their office signifies their willingness to do this.

  28. Oath • You will repeat after me: • “I solemnly promise that I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully perform all the duties belonging to the office for which I have been selected.”

  29. President- Jiana Espinosa • Speaker: You have heard the pledge that the officers have made. It is important that each member assist these officers in the performance of their duties. Will the President-elect please come forward? • The office of President is one of great responsibility because the success of this organization depends to a great extent on the attitude and skill of the presiding officer. You will want to be pleasant, firm, impartial, considerate, and a true friend to every member of the organization. As incoming President of the Linden/Ca- FCCLA, are you familiar with your duties as stated in the constitution? • President-elect: Yes, I am familiar with my duties. • They are: presiding over the chapter, appointing all committees, and serving as an ex-officio member on them.

  30. First Vice President/Secretary-Delsy Lopez • President: Will the First Vice President/Secretary-elect come forward? • As First Vice President/Secretary of the LHS/CA- FCCLA, are you familiar with your duties as stated in the constitution? • First Vice President/Secretary-elect: Yes, I am familiar with my duties. • They are to assist the President in all her/his services, and in her/his absence, I will take the place as President. I will know all her/his duties and responsibilities. It is also my duty to keep accurate records of all proceedings of the organization. The members have indicated faith in my carefulness in keeping these records.

  31. Vice President of the Treasurer-Brittany Stewart • President: Will the Vice President of the Treasurer-elect please come forward? • Are you familiar with your duties? • Vice President of the Treasurer-elect: As the Treasurer, my duties are to keep a record of receipts and disbursements, to report the financial status of the organization at each meeting, to compile a list of activities by which the chapter can raise funds, and to serve as a member of the finance committee.

  32. Closing CeremonyMembers, please stand • FCCLA members, we are challenged to accept the responsibility of making decisions that affect our lives today and the world tomorrow. Let us repeat our Creed.”

  33. Creed • We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. • For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values. For we are the builders of homes, homes for America's future, homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair, homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams. • We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope.

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