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What does it mean to be infertile?. Infertility is when a couple have been having unprotected sex for a period of 1 year without achieving pregnancy. . Male infertility- where the male is not producing enough sperm to achieve pregnancy. (Sperm count) Female infertility-
What does it mean to be infertile? Infertility is when a couple have been having unprotected sex for a period of 1 year without achieving pregnancy. • Male infertility- where the male is not producing enough sperm to achieve pregnancy. (Sperm count) • Female infertility- • Not enough eggs being produced or eggs released at the wrong time • Fallopian tubes blocked • Cervix acts as a barrier to conception • Eggs do not mature properly, • Fibroids (small tumors growing out of muscle tissue that affect reproductive organs from functioning correctly.
Using the work sheet...Match the term with the definition AIH Surrogacy Egg donation IVF AID Embryo donation (Test-tube babies) Egg and sperm are fertilised in a laboratory Artificial insemination using husbands sperm A woman donates her eggs to another woman A woman carries a baby for another woman A woman donates an embryo to another woman Artificial Insemination using a donor’s sperm
Genetic Screening Genetic screening is where several _______ are produced through ____ and then ‘_________’ to find the _________ or most suitable one for the ________. It can be used to decide the _______ of the baby and to rule out potential ____________ genetic problems. IVF gender screened hereditary embryos healthiest parents
Saviour Siblings • Saviour siblings are sometimes called ‘spare parts’ babies. They are created so that tissue or bone marrow can be taken from them to help save the life of a brother or sister (sibling) suffering from diseases such as leukaemia or thalassaemia. They are created from embryos which have been ‘screened’ to find ones which have tissue that matches their suffering sibling. When the baby is born stem cells from the umbilical cord are taken to treat the sibling. Sometimes bone marrow is taken to treat the sibling. This can be uncomfortable for the child and may have to be repeated. Campaigners fear that saviour siblings would be seen as ‘commodities’ – only useful for spare body parts.