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Welcome to the Annual Meeting of Title I Parents

Welcome to the Annual Meeting of Title I Parents. What is Title I? .

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Welcome to the Annual Meeting of Title I Parents

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the Annual Meeting of Title I Parents

  2. What is Title I? Better known as the No Child Left Behind Act 0f 2001. This act was developed with ideas to “close the achievement gaps between minority and non-minority students and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers”. (Corey, Corey, & Callahan, 2005, p. 48.)
  3. How did our school qualify for Title I funds? Schools must have 40% of their students eligible for free and/or reduced lunch. Hayden Elementary had 38% of students eligible for free and/or reduced lunch. We qualified because Hayden Primary School reached 40%, and they are considered a “feeder” school to us.
  4. How much money does our school system receive? The Blount County School System’s Title I allocation for 2009-2010 was $1,848,153.00.2010-2011’s budget should be about the same. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 –$1,101,851.00 which will be split between two years. $550,790.50 for 2009-2010 and for 2010-2011 school years.
  5. How is Title I money spent? District money set-aside before allocations are made to the schools: Administrative Costs Professional Development Neglected or Delinquent ELL Program Support Homeless Preschool – Materials and Supplies (Kid Crafters) Social Services (Social Worker) Health Services (Floater Nurse) Media Services (Young Authors Conference – Author Contracts) Instructional Staff Support (Consulting Teacher, BCRC Aide) Title I, Part C - Migrant Parent Involvement (1% of total allocation required to be set-aside )
  6. Why is 1% set-aside and how is it used for parents? Any LEA with a Title I Allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of the Title I allocation for parental involvement. Each school gets a portion of money designated to be used for Parent Involvement. In Blount County, the schools agree to allocate a portion of their Parent Involvement money to be used to support the Parent Involvement Specialist and the activities and resources made available for all parents of Blount County School students and the Blount County Resource Center located in Cleveland, AL.
  7. How is the 1% Parent Involvement money spent? Parent Involvement Specialist Salary + Fringes Travel Parent Materials and Supplies Copier @ BCRC Office Supplies Telephone at Resource Center Postage for Parent Mailings Printing STI Home Crisis Communication System
  8. What does the District Parent Involvement Program provide? Materials and information for Annual Federal Programs Information meeting for Parents Blount County Schools’ Resource Center Open House/Orientation for parents A parent information booth at the Blount County Fair Beginners level computer classes using MicroSoft products Parent training session addressing Homework Tips Parent Workshop addressing DIBELS, ARI, A+, Academy of Reading and Academy of Math
  9. Home & School Connection Newsletters for parents of students K-6 Parent Information Brochure for all parents KID CRAFTERS Preschool Program Parent Advisory Council Assistance for school administrators regarding compliance with Title I law regarding Parent Involvement Annual Parent Survey Parent Involvement Link on blountboe.net website
  10. District Parent Involvement Specialist Rebecca J. Shew 205-625-4103 Blount County Resource Center 62561 U.S. Hwy 231 Cleveland, AL 35049 Blount County Resource Center is open school days – 8:00-3:00P.M.
  11. How much money does our school receive? Hayden Elementary School will receive $19,577 in Title I funds and $7,479 in ARRA funds for the 2010-2011 school year.
  12. How is the money spent at our school? Contract teacher (tutor) for additional help for students during the school day $4000 1 supplemental copier $2500 New computers for classrooms $9500 Professional development $750 Classroom supplies (copy paper, laminating film, printer cartridges, etc.) $2500 Writing curriculum $3600 Violence prevention curriculum $400 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids materials $400 (Approximate amounts)
  13. What’s available for parents at our school? Meet the Teacher Night AMSTI Math and Science Nights PTO/PTSO meetings Camp Wildcat Programs and assemblies (special events & honor roll) Spring Fling Book Fairs Field Days Serve on Continuous Improvement Plan
  14. Additional Information Each school receiving Title I funding must have a Continuous Improvement Plan with parents serving on the planning committee. The Blount County School System has a System Improvement Plan which is developed by a committee , which includes parents. Parents have a “Right-to-Know” the qualifications of their child’s teachers. (Information provided in Parent Information Brochure) When you receive a call from the Crisis Communication System this number will appear on your phone. 478-477-3240
  15. Thank you so much for attending this meeting. Please take a moment to sign the handout provided for every parent. If you didn’t receive one, please raise your hand NOW. Your comments are very important to us, please note any comments and/or suggestions to help our school serve your child better. Detach PARENT SIGNATURE/COMMENT FORM and place in area indicated as you leave.
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