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Leaders and clusters in social space

This research explores the historical role of political and religious leaders in social impact theory, using the Ising model and nucleation theory to study bistability, hysteresis, and self-localization in scale-free networks. The findings suggest that the presence of leaders can induce a discontinuous phase transition to a social homogeneous state in social groups.

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Leaders and clusters in social space

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  1. Leaders and clusters in social space Janusz Hołyst Faculty of Physics and Center of Excellence for Complex Systems Research (CSR),Warsaw University of Technology

  2. social impact theory historical role of political and religious leaders Ising model phase transitions nucleation theory bistability and hysteresis spontaneous self-localization scale-free networks Interdisciplinary trade balance imported from sociology: exported to sociology: trade is NOT balanced...

  3. Social impact theory (B. Latane, 1981) • N - individuals holding one of two opposite opinions: yes - no , i = 1, i =1,2,3,...N (spins) • Each individual is characterised by a strength parameter si and is located in a social space, every (i,j) is ascribed a „social distance” dij • Individuals change their opinions according to i (t+1) = i (t) sign [-Ii(t)] where Ii(t) is the social impact (local field) acting on the individual i click here for demonstration

  4. Condition for the cluster radius a(SL): impact at the cluster border I(a)=0 (metastable state) After some integration: where R- radius of the social space, h – external social impact

  5. Mean cluster radius as a function of the temperature

  6. Critical temperature as a function of the leaders strength

  7. How are leaders created ? Concentration of power, capital... Self –localization of active Brownian particles

  8. Active Brownian particles clik here for demonstration System entropy S = - p(i) ln(p(i)) as the function of the coupling parameter , where p(i)=N(i)/N

  9. Influence of geometry on social dynamics • Two and three dimensional systems - similar results for several immediace functions g(x) • Random geometry - random distribution of social immediacies mij

  10. What is the proper geometry for social networks ?

  11. Internet routers; (b) movie actors; • (c- d) coauthorships

  12. Barabasi-Albert model of scale free-networks (Science 286, 509 1999) • Network grows up: at every time step a new node with m links to old nodes is added • Preferential attachment: probability  that a new node will be connected to the node i is:

  13. Ising interactions in BA model (Aleksiejuk, Holyst, Stauffer, 2002) 3 2 3 2 6 k=2 7 2 8 3 2 = 1=si 2 2 = -1=si

  14. Fig. 1a: Mean magnetization versus temperature for 2 million nodes and various m Fig. 1b: Effective Tcversus N for m =5

  15. Fig. 2: Correlation between the number of neighbours and the local magnetization < Si> for one network of N = 4000 at T = 2; 9 and 16. The curve is the mean field prediction tanh(kM/T).

  16. What is the order parameter ? local field created by the spin s1 s1 s2 local field created by the spin s2 k1=6 k2=2 s1+s2=0 no order ? s1k1+s2k2<0 order !

  17. Effect of leader(s) in scale-free networks –nucleation of a new phase due to pinning of most connected spins Fig. 3: Total magnetization versus time, summed over 100 networks ofN = 30; 000 when after every 50iterations the most-connected free spin is forced down permanently. For higher temperatures the sign change of the magnetization happens sooner.

  18. Theory of spin pinning If we pine j of the most connected spins (leaders of social group ?) to the state S=-1 then all spins of the degree k >  > N are pinned where The direct decrease of the mean magnetization (per one spin) M=2j/N The effectiveinternal (pinning) field

  19. The additional decrease of the magnetization Susceptibility

  20. Conclusions • In the presence of a strong leader a discontinous phase transition to the social homogenous state can take place in a social group. • The transition can be induced by the social temperature. • The effect is generic and occures for several geometries, random and scale-free models (by pinning a few most connected group members). Where is the hydrogen atom for this model ?

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