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Staff on the Naughty Step: Dealing with counterproductive workplace behaviour. AUA Branch Meeting, University of Kent Thursday 10 July 2014. Sandra Henry School Manager, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sheffield and Network Coordinator
Staff on the Naughty Step: Dealing with counterproductive workplace behaviour AUA Branch Meeting, University of Kent Thursday 10 July 2014 Sandra Henry School Manager, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sheffield and Network Coordinator AUA Departmental Administrators Network
Tracy & Olivia • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuJxsLE7Dgc
What CWB is not: • Labelling people. • Genuine sickness absences. • Genuine medical conditions, for which a diagnosis exists. • Genuine differences of opinion or disagreements expressed in a respectful way. • Authorised absences/lateness.
Harm aimed at an organization Coming to work late without permission Facebook Sabotage Timewasting Taking long breaks Trying to look busy while doing nothing Being rude to customers Absenteeism Failing to report a problem so that it gets worse Presenteeism Leaving early without permission
Harm aimed at an individual Derogatory or nastycomments Facebook Negativity Hostility Silent protests Not returning a phone call to someone you should Outbursts (crying/anger) Skiving Playing games Ignoring someone at work Misuse of humour Criticism/underminingothers Dirty looks Making someone look bad Verbally abusing a colleague
Bullying Ayoko, Callan and Hartel 2003
Performance problems Time wasting Shirking Job neglect Withholding effort Withholding efficiency Noncompliance Ignorance about rules Slow working Not following procedures
Costliness of CWB (1) Staffing problems: Retention issues Wellbeing Morale Disruption to teams Problematic working relationships Commitment Staff turnover Sickness absence Recruitment costs
Costliness of CWB (2) Mental health related difficulties Stress Anxiety Workplace depression Nervous conditions Emotional distress Panic attacks
organizational & interpersonal • Organisational • Minor • Serious • Interpersonal
Exercise A member of your team is unhappy with her performance review. She believes the feedback and rating you gave her are not fair or accurate, and she responds by badmouthing you, to the rest of the team, and her comments get back to you. Is this a problem? How would you handle it?
Some reasons for CWB • Boredom • Role conflict and/or role ambiguity • Unhappiness with grade/job • Job stress related to role conflict and ambiguity, and workload • Negative feedback from the manager • Feeling betrayed or let down by a manager or senior staff • Perceived injustice • Unrest/uncertainty (change) • Restructures or office reorganization • Frustration
Passive leadership Definition: “Managers who display a passive leadership style model an apathetic, indifferent mode of behaviour consistent with the “whatever” mentality that allows incivility to flourish.” Harold and Brian (2014)
Passive leadership • What is it? • a reticence to act or failure to provide leadership • a lax, informal work environment • a pattern of inaction • neglecting workplace problems • less likely to define and clarify behavioural expectations • generally don’t take proactive steps to model and reward appropriate conduct Harold and Brian (2014)
Examples of Workplace incivility: • negative eye contact • giving someone the silent treatment • asking for input and then ignoring it • "forgetting" to share credit for collaborative work, or not giving credit where its due • waiting impatiently over someone's desk to gain their attention • side conversations during a formal meeting or presentation • public reprimands
Personality…. Psychopaths, Narcissists, Machiavellian’s People Management 2010
Personality traits People Management 2010
CWB involving Facebook • Virgin Atlantic • New Park Nursing Home • Royal Bank of Scotland • Argos • Royal Scots Guard 'Her and William drove past me on Friday and all I got was a s****y wave while she looked the opposite way from me, stupid, stuck-up cow. Am I not good enough for them! Posh b****. Who really gives a f*** about her?'
What can managers do? The goal is to develop the skill of stepping outside the situation to ask “what’s happening, why is it happening”, and then using this understanding to take positive action.
CWB caused by the manager? • Failing to understand their own managerial style, and the role this plays in the situation • Excusing CWB because of “talent” • Failing to act • Failing to address problems as they arise • Showing favouritism • Being inconsistent • Setting a bad example • Job design and management procedures
Nick and Carol • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpS8P4Trdqc
Managerial action (1) (corrective &/or preventative) • Understand your own managerial, professional and behavioural style. • Adopt vigilant selection and management procedures. • Facilitate good communication. • Consider the role that structure, job design and processes play in creating CWB or other deviant behaviour. • Look how work is allocated.
Managerial action (2) (corrective &/or preventative) • Implement effective supervision/line management • Adopt a zero tolerance approach…how? • Get help (HR, Line manager, peers) • Develop your ability to deal with difficult situations (training, skill building) • Tackle bad behaviour