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Energy conservation at GSFC

Energy conservation at GSFC. By. U.V.Yajnik * Mgr (TS). G.N.Desai GM (Design,TS, Inst. & PU). M.S.Shah DGM (TS). * Will present the paper.

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Energy conservation at GSFC

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  1. Energy conservation at GSFC By U.V.Yajnik* Mgr (TS) G.N.Desai GM (Design,TS, Inst. & PU) M.S.Shah DGM (TS) * Will present the paper. GSFC ltd.

  2. Energy conservation is the quickest, cheapest and the most practical method of overcoming energy shortages. Energy is a manageable expense, and it can be easily controlled through dedicated efforts. GSFC ltd.

  3. About GSFC…... • GSFC is an integrated complex manufacturing Fertilizers, Petrochemicals,Polymers,Fibers etc. • GSFC also have in built CoGeneration system to make complex, self sufficient for the need of power and steam. GSFC ltd.

  4. Various products…... • Ammonia = 445500 MTPY • Urea = 367000 MTPY • Caprolactam = 70000 MTPY • Melamine = 15000 MTPY • Sulphuric acid = 582000 MTPY • Phosphoric acid = 54000 MTPY • Ammonium Sulphate = 196000 MTPY • DAP = 108000 MTPY • Nylon-6 Chips = 8000 MTPY • N6 Yarn = 6000 MTPY • Methyl Methacrylate= 5000 MTPY GSFC ltd.

  5. PROCESSING OF ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES • Aspect of Energy conservation is covered under ISO-9002 policy declared by GSFC. • Technical Services Group • carries out studies related to energy conservation measures and works out basic schemes. • Design Group • carries out design, prepares specifications. • Selecting vendors, procuring machineries / equipments etc. are also the functions of Design group. GSFC ltd.

  6. PROCESSING OF ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES • On implementation of measures, Audit is carried out. • Energy audit is also carried out by third party. • Energy Manager governs all activities pertaining to energy conservation and remains in touch with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). GSFC ltd.

  7. The main reasons for higher specific consumptions in Indian Industries –findings of BEE • Obsolete technology. • Lower capacity utilization. • Casual metering and monitoring of energy consumption. • Lower automation. • Poor raw material quality. • Poor handling, operating and maintenance practices. GSFC ltd.

  8. Areas in which Energy conservation is possible • Power • Steam • Natural gas GSFC ltd.

  9. Cost of energy • Power = Rs. 2.25 / kWh • Steam = Rs. 700 / MT • Natural gas = Rs. 7 / SM3 GSFC ltd.

  10. Cost of energy per MT product-1 • Normally, cost of energy varies between 5 to 40 % of total production cost. • Ammonia (A-IV) = 13 % • Capro-1 plant = 16 % • CEP = 12 % • Nylon-6 = 06 % • Melamine = 39 % • Urea = 21 % GSFC ltd.

  11. E-601A/B D-603 Energy conservation through integration of two or more nos. of plants A-IV & DAP Mel-I Plant Mel-II Plant Urea Plant Liq. NH3 M= ~ 3 MT/Hr C.W. DAP Plant HP NH3 refrigeration compressors C-603 A/B/C M=~ 3 MT/Hr Power saving = 8 lacs units /yr (Rs. 16 lacs/yr) Cost of modification = Rs. 30.68 lacs Payback period <3 years HP NH3 refri. gas M=45 MT/Hr P=3.75 barg T=30C Power GSFC ltd.

  12. HE Evaporator Functioning of VAHP Waste Steam Condenser C.W. Generator C.N. LiBr soln. 5 0C 8.5 0C C.W. Absorber Chilled water DMW Lean LiBr soln. GSFC ltd.

  13. VAHP unit at CEP GSFC ltd.

  14. Novel technology – Thermo-compressor system CEP PT 35 K 7 K TC-1st stage 5409 3909 1500 2.5 K LPS PT 14 K 35 K TC-2nd stage MPS 24761 19352 Steam saving = 1.5 MTPH (12000 MTPY) Equi. to Rs. 67 lacs/Yr Cost of modification = Rs. 29 lacs Payback period < 4 months HPS 35 K GSFC ltd.

  15. Novel technology – Thermo-compressor system continue • Useful when low pressure steam is being vented / condensed. • Requirement of medium pressure steam is met by throttling high pressure steam. • Higher pr. of MPS requires high amount of HPS. • Quantity of MPS determines recovery rate of LPS. • Very attractive pay back period. • Becoming popular. GSFC ltd.

  16. Power saving in Compressors: • Provision of Inter stage coolers. • Adequate CW supply to inter stage coolers. • Clean heat transfer surface of Inter stage coolers. • Low inlet temperature of feed gas. • Low temperature of cooling water. • Less handling of inlet mass. GSFC ltd.

  17. Power saving in Compressors-1: A-IV P = 25.5 barg T = 35 0C M = ~32000 NM3/Hr FCV High ∆ P = 2 bar Low ∆ P = 1 bar P = 23.5 K C-702 N2 Compressor Pure H2 Power saving = 170 kWh Equi. to ~1370 MW/Year (Rs. 27 lacs/Yr) Cost = Rs. 1 lac Payback period = Few days GSFC ltd.

  18. Power saving in Compressors-2: Cap-I • Less handling of inlet mass. • 24% NH3 solution preparation scheme: • Liquid ammonia is supplied as refrigerant. Vapour ammonia generated due to absorption of process heat was supplied to Reciprocating vapour ammonia compressors. • Part of vapour ammonia absorbed in DMW to prepare 24% NH3 solution, which is required raw material in Lactam plant. • Resulted into less power consumption by compressors due to reduction in loading step for Reciprocating vapour ammonia compressors. GSFC ltd.

  19. Power saving in Compressors-3: A-IV • Adequate CW supply to inter stage coolers. • CW supply / return headers to internal coolers & after cooler of centrifugal compressor (Air compressor C-0701, A-IV plant) was increased. It resulted into more cooling, less fouling and finally in to less power consumption. GSFC ltd.

  20. Power saving in Compressors-4: Ammonia • Low inlet temperature of feed gas. • In some of the ammonia plants, inlet air temperature to main air compressors is being cooled down by fogging effect. • Low temperature gas results into less volume and there by less power consumption. GSFC ltd.

  21. Power saving in Turbine system • When a fluid flows through a restriction, such as an orifice, a partly closed valve, the primary result of the process is a pressure drop in the fluid. Such a throttling process produces no shaft work. Hence, throttling is waste of energy. • Expanding steam / gas across turbine is effective way of producing work. GSFC ltd.

  22. Use turbine in place of throttling P = 20 K T = 250 0C M = 43.4 MT/Hr CEP P = 37 K T = 350 0C M = 40 MT/Hr PCV P = 20 K T = 320 0C Desuperheater BFW Turbine ActualProposed Power MWH 0.00 1.08 Steam MT/Hr 3.40 1.76 Saving- power 0.00 2160 (Rs./Hr) Saving- steam 2380 1232 (Rs./Hr) Saving Rs./Hr 1012 (Rs. 81 lacs/Yr) P = 20 K T = 292 0C GSFC ltd.

  23. Deaerator CoGen-I & III Maximum work done in Turbine CoGen-I CoGen-III Power = 0.0926 MWH/MT 14K Power = 0.1367 MWH/MT 5K Saving = ~1800 MW/Year (Rs. 36 lacs/Yr) Cost = Rs. 15.8 lacs 37K 105K STG-III Cond. TG-I 14K PCV-209-B 3.5K LCV-201 MUPW PCV-209-A 10K 5 MT / Hr 14K 5K To 5-ata grid To 14-ata grid GSFC ltd.

  24. HE LBP column-II T-406-2 E-405-5 Cap-1 Use of waste heat stream Dehydrogenation product T=135 0C T=85 0C T=95 0C Steam saving = 140 Kg/Hr (1120 MTPY) (Rs. 6.2 lacs/Yr), Cost of modification = ~Rs. 5 lacs Payback period = 1.5 years H2 T=50 0C CW D-405-3 T=50 0C GSFC ltd.

  25. Saponi-fication column K-145 W-141 HE B-144 CEP Use of waste steam TT T=150 0C STM-2 10 barg STL 2.8 barg T=130 0C M=430 Kg/Hr P=2.6 barg T=139 0C Soda solu. tank Cond Steam saving = 430 Kg/Hr (3440 MTPY) (Rs. 19.2 lacs/Yr) M=3700 Kg/Hr P=8.9 bara T=62 0C GSFC ltd.

  26. Energy Efficiency in Pumps Following are the ways to improve performance and there by to reduce power consumption. • Optimization of pumping system. • Trimming of impeller. • Installation of optimum size pump. • Improving network system to reduce pumping requirement. • Replacement of old and inefficient pump with new and higher efficiency pump. GSFC ltd.

  27. 500 m3/Hr 500 m3/Hr 400 m3/Hr 0 m3/Hr 6500 m3/Hr 1000 m3/Hr 1. Optimization of pumping system CoGen-I / II Plant CoGen-III Plant CoGen Ph-I / II 15+25 MW STG-III 15 MW GTG 30 MW 500 m3/Hr 0 m3/Hr 0 m3/Hr Condenser 400 m3/Hr CWP-1 Margin = 500 m3/Hr 900 m3/Hr 0 m3/Hr Power saving = 5.1 lacs units /yr (Rs. 11.5 lacs/yr), Cost of modification = Nil CWP CCWP Pump GSFC ltd.

  28. 115 0 20 0 75 75 Make Up Water Tank 115 75 75 115 0 0 0 75 75 Present Revised 95 10 48 75 7 28 2.Installation of Optimum size pump CoGen-III Plant Recycle Deaerator LCV-B LCV-A GTG 30 MW MPS STG-III 15 MW Make up Water Pump MPS export Design Power saving = 1.6 lacs units /yr (Rs. 3.6 lacs/yr) Cost of modification = Rs. 3 lacs Payback period < 1 year 135 7 60 Flow m3/Hr Pressure barg Power kWh GSFC ltd.

  29. 8” Ø 3. Change in operation control Nylon-6 Plant 3rd stage ejector 4th stage ejector Power saving = 0.5 lacs units /yr (Rs. 1.12 lacs/yr) Cost of modification = Rs. 3.25 lacs Payback period = 3 years Barometric cond. C.W. ▼ ~6.5 meter ~68 m3/Hr CW+Cond. CW+Cond. Cooling Tower Holding vessel ~68 m3/Hr ▼ ~2.5 meter GSFC ltd.

  30. Before Recent 18 10.3 27 325 18 6.7 20 264 4. Trimming of impeller A-IV Liq. NH3 Vap NH3 to Ref. comp. P= 0.5 barg LP Flash drum VO = 10 % LCV MP Flash drum VO = 5 % 56 m3/Hr L= ~2 Kms NH3 storage tank Liq NH3 to consumers P=~17 barg P-601-A Power saving = 0.56 lacs units /yr (Rs. 1.26 lacs/yr) Payback period < 10 days Design 82 07 35 325 Flow m3/Hr Pressure barg Power kWh Imp.dia. mm GSFC ltd.

  31. Trimming of impeller- GSFC ltd.

  32. Trimming of impeller- • Q2/Q1 = D2/D1 • P2/P1 = (D2/D1)^2 • HP2/HP1 = (D2/D1)^3 Where, Q = Flow in m3/Hr, P = Head in meters and HP = power in kWh 1 = old condition, 2 = revised condition GSFC ltd.

  33. 5. Installation of higher efficiency pump / Improvement in efficiencyCase-1 • CW circulation pump (P-012-1A/B/C), Capro-I Plant: • CW pumps were running since commissioning of plant in 1974. Based on survey carried out, pumps were found running at very low efficiency ~ 55%. • New set of pumps installed having • higher head, capacity and better efficiency. GSFC ltd.

  34. Caprolactam-1 Plant M= 5800 m3/Hr H = 35 meter P = 980 kWh ή = 55 % 24 meter elevation It is possible to meet plant requirement at 110 % load. Booster pumps 18 meter elevation M= 6800 m3/Hr H = 40 meter P = 990 kWh ή = 80 % M= 5800 m3/Hr H = 35 meter P = 875 kWh P-Total = 980 kWh 12 meter elevation M= 6800 m3/Hr H = 40 meter P = 990 kWh Power cons/m3 circulation Before = 0.169 After = 0.146 6 meter elevation From CT basin Pump ή = 55% Pump ή = 80% GSFC ltd.

  35. GSFC ltd.

  36. 1. Installation of higher efficiency pump / Improvement in efficiencyCase-2 • CW circulation pump (P-1101A/B/R),A-IV Plant: • CW circulation of rated value (~20000 m3/Hr) is not achieved. • It was observed that pressure drop offered by NRV in pump discharge was significantly high. • NRV having low pr.drop installed in one of the pump. CW circulation increased by ~1000 m3/Hr with same power consumption. • Installation of low pr.drop NRV in another pump is also carried out based on experience. GSFC ltd.

  37. HP blow down drum D-0806 MPS generation drum Generation of high pr. Flash steam Vent A-IV To TG 5 K M=4000 Kg/Hr HP blow down 105 K 37 K header Blow down M= 800 Kg/Hr Steam saving = 0.8 MTPH Equi. To 6400 MTPY Equi. to Rs. 36 lacs/Yr Cost = Rs. 11.5 lacs M= 4000 Kg/Hr GSFC ltd.

  38. Isolation of idle header / user A-IV Naphtha section 37 K steam header Steam trap Service station Control valve FT NA reboiler NA turbine MP-BFW turbine Steam saving = 80 Kg/Hr, Equi. to 640 MTPY (Rs. 3.6 lacs/Yr), Cost of modification = Nil GSFC ltd.

  39. Desuperheating of steam CEP P = 20 K T = 250 0C M= 43.4 MT/Hr PCV P = 37 K T = 350 0C M = 40 MT/Hr P = 20 K T = 320 0C Desuperheater STH BFW Super heated steam acts as an inert gas and hence reduces heat transfer coefficient. It can result into capacity limitation at higher load. Desuperheating resulted into more steam generation by ~3.5 MT/Hr. GSFC ltd.

  40. Energy conservation becomes our joint responsibility, be it the industries, individual citizens, organizations, oil companies, or the government. Each one of us has a specific and significant role to play. GSFC ltd.

  41. Thanks GSFC ltd.

  42. ___ _________ ______ GSFC ltd.

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