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Nationalism Triumphs in Europe . Germany Strengthens . Warm Up. How did Germany become a strong nation? Give me 1 reason. Warm Up 12/3 . Who was William I? What did he do? . Objectives . After the lesson, students will be able to Describe how Germany became an industrial giant.
Nationalism Triumphs in Europe Germany Strengthens
Warm Up • How did Germany become a strong nation? Give me 1 reason.
Warm Up 12/3 • Who was William I? What did he do?
Objectives • After the lesson, students will be able to • Describe how Germany became an industrial giant. • Explain why Bismarck was called the Iron Chancellor • List the Policies of Kaiser William II.
Today’s Goals • Go over TAG • Complete Cause and Effect Worksheet • Notes on Germany Strengthening
Mini-Quiz Chapter 10 Section 1 & 2 • Who is Otto von Bismarck? • What does Chancellor mean and who became Chancellor to the King of Prussia? • Kaiser means __________? • Reich is the German word for____________? • Annex means ___________? • Bismarck’s main purpose by unifying the German states was to support nationalism. T or F • Realpolitiks is practical policies based on the needs of the state. T or F • The new German government was structured as a 2 house legislation T or F • EXTRA CREDIT: How did the empreror and his chancellor retain power in German Government?
Birth of the German Empire • William I of Prussia took the title kaiser. • January 1871: Birth of the second Reich. • Constitution was drafted: • 2 house legislature • Upper house appointed by the rulers of the German states: Bundesrat. • Lower house: elected by universal male suffrage: Reichstag • Bundesrat could veto any decisions of the Reichstag. • Where did the power stay?
Germany Becomes an Industrial Giant • German empire emerged as the industrial giant of the European continent. • Chemical and electrical industries were setting standards. • German shipping only second to Britain’s.
Making Economic Progress • What made industrialization possible? • Ample iron and coal resources • Disciplined and educated workforce • Rapidly growing population • 41 million in 1871 to 67 Million in1914 • Early progress • 1850s & 60s Founded large companies and built many RR. • Krupp boomed after 1871: an enormous industrial complex that produced steel and weapons for a world market. • August Thyssen built a small steel factory of 70 workers into a giant empire with 50,000 employees.
Promoting Scientific and Economic Development • Valued applied science in developing new products such as synthetic chemicals and dyes. • Industrialists and Government supported research and development. • Economic development: • 1 single currency for Germany • Reorganized the banking system • Coordinated railroads built by the various states • Depression in the late 1800s: Germany rose tariffs to protect home industries.
The Iron Chancellor • Foreign Policy Goals: • Wanted to keep France weak and isolated • Build strong links with Austria and Russia. • Didn’t compete with Britain with naval power but competed for overseas colonies. • Domestic Policy: • Erase local loyalties and crush all opposition to the imperial state • Targeted 2 groups • Catholic Church • Socialists
Campaign Against the Church • Catholics made up about 1/3 of the German population. • Bismarck was Lutheran and distrusted Catholics. Why? • Loyalty lies with the pope instead of to Germany. • Launched the Kultukampf (battle for civilization) 1871-78 • Goal: Make Catholics put loyalty to the state above allegiance to the Church • Passed laws that gave the state the rights to supervise Catholic education • Approve priests appointments. • Closed some religious orders • Expelled the Jesuits from Prussia • Made it compulsory for couples to be married by civil authority • Made a mistake: Catholics rallied behind the Church • Worked to make peace with the Church.
Campaign Against the Socialists • German Marxists organized the Social Democratic party. • Called for parliamentary democracy and laws to improve conditions for the working class. • Bismarck feared socialist would undermine loyalty of German Workers and turn them towards revolution. • Dissolved socialist groups, shutdown newspapers, banned meetings . • Backfired again. Workers unified in support of the socialist cause. • Bismarck changed course: • Sponsored laws to protect workers • 1890s health and accident insurance and old-age insurance • Socialism still grew. By 1912—held more seats in the Reichstage than any other party. • Other Europeans would build on Bismarck’s social policies.
Kaiser William II • William II succeeded his grandfather as kaiser. • Supremely confident in his abilities and wished to put his own stamp on Germany. • Asked Bismarck to resign in 1890 • “There is only one master in the Reich, and that is I” • He was an Absolute Monarch • Resisted efforts to introduce democratic reforms.
Kaiser William II • Government provided programs for social welfare. • Cheap transportation and electricity. • Public Schools taught students obedience to the emperor along with reading, writing, and mathematics. • Funded German military, most powerful in Europe. • Expand navy and expand overseas empire to rival those of Britain and France. • Increased tensions on the eve of WWI.
How did German increase its power after unifying in 1871? • Complete your Causes and Effects worksheet. • Use your notes and book. • Work with the partner next to you.
Cool Down 12/3 • Who was William II? What did he do?
Cool Down • Do you think Bismarck’s methods were justified by his social reforms? Explain.