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The start of your journey to Hair and Scalp Conditions. Click on the link below for introduction. http://goanimate.com/go/movie/02c_Ix1SUcww?utm_source=emailshare&uid=0f8HJnoMoxuU. AN INSIGHT TO WHAT YOU MAY COME ACROSS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJEMMv2Zvc http://youtu.be/m4cg8vYk698
Click on the link below for introduction http://goanimate.com/go/movie/02c_Ix1SUcww?utm_source=emailshare&uid=0f8HJnoMoxuU
AN INSIGHT TO WHAT YOU MAY COME ACROSS . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJEMMv2Zvc http://youtu.be/m4cg8vYk698 “Click on the links”
You will experience some BIG words that you may not understand . . . Through this journey you will become more familiar with these BIG words and by the end become more comfortable with them. You would have also learnt new words and understand what they mean
Student learning outcomes • Element One • Contagious skin and scalp conditions are described • Health precautions to prevent the spread of it are described • Sanitisation has been described • Element Two • Non Contagious skin and scalp conditions are described • Skin irregularities are such as malignant growths are identified and described • Manner of how the skin irregularity such as a malignant growth is brought to the clients attention • Element 3 • Hair shaft conditions are described
Part OneContagious = conditions that CAN be passed on to others
GLOSSARY Con-ta-gious Infectious, carrying or spreading a contagious condition Cap-i-tis(scalp) Of the head (think of cap on a head) Im-pe-ti-go Contagious skin infection school sores, more common in children (think go to school – school sores) Fol-lic-u-li-tis Infection of the hair follicles Pe-dic-u-lo-sis Capitis(scalp) Infestation (huge number) of head lice. Tin-ea Capitis(scalp) Fungi scalp Ringworm infection of the scalp (think of worms in a tin)
BECOME FAMILIAR . . . Meanings: Contagious transferred condition eg: Scabies Type: Is it Contagious or non-contagious Signs: Obvious symptoms Cause: Is it Transferable or Non transferable Treatment: Cure for the condition
Contagious conditions You will need to find the type, cause, advice and signs for all of the below conditions
Part Two Non Contagious - conditions that CANNOT be passed on to others
BECOME FAMILIAR . . . Meanings: Non Contagious Conditions that cannot be transferred SKIN: Effects only the skin eg: Melanoma SCALP: Main area where condition occurs eg: Sebaceous Cyst HAIR : Effects the hairshaft eg: Pili tort
Alopecia You will need to find the type, cause, advice and signs for all of the below conditions
Alopecia You will need to find the type, cause, advice and signs for all of the below conditions
SKIN and SCALP Conditions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7qBmmiAAOw&feature=related “Click on the link above”
SKIN and SCALPYou will need to find the type, cause, advice and signs for all of the below conditions
Malignant Skin GrowthsMalignant = disease or cancer of the skin
Malignant Skin Growths When . . . you are with your client how would you approach them if you identify a skin growth or irregularity? sensitive Recommendations Medical Colour change Feelings IrregularChanges Sensitive How. . . would you approach the client once you have identified it?
HAIRSHAFTConditions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNu1c4_AZxU&sns=em “Click on the link above”
Describe the condition and the type and cause for the following
Foundations to your houseHow are you going to put this all together . . . Research completed How will you present your information Order of how you will present your work Timing Icebreaker Handouts and activities Peer evaluation Self evaluation
What do you need to do . . .? http://goanimate.com/videos/05OdNcv0SsxI?utm_source=linkshare “Click on the link above”
CHECK LIST STUDENT PRESENTING LEARNERS INVOLVEMENT Remember have a FUN element to your presentation Hand outs Q & As Activities Power point Whiteboard • Preparation / setting up • Resources Needed Eg. Paper, pens hand outs etc • Icebreaker • Introduction of content / subject • Delivering your information • Activity - Getting leaners/peers involved • Conclusion of your delivery • Peer Evaluation • Self evaluation
Peer Evaluation STUDENTS NAME…………PEERS NAME ……………………. PART ONE:Contagious conditions Tick the boxes if the following has been described TYPE - Impetigo folliculitis pediculosiscapitistineacapitis CAUSE - Impetigo folliculitis pediculosiscapitistineacapitis SIGNS - Impetigo folliculitis pediculosiscapitistineacapitis TREATMENT/ADVICE – Impetigo folliculitis pediculosiscapitistineacapitis Prevent spread of contagious condition for all of the above Described how to sanitise tools for all of the above
Peer Evaluation STUDENTS NAME…………PEERS NAME ……………………. PART TWO:Non Contagious conditions Tick the boxes if the following has been described TYPE Psoriasis alopecia areata (totalisand universalis) androgenic diffuse hairloss seborrehea seborrheic dermatitis sebaceous cyst pityriasis simplex Trichotilomainia cicatricial traction alopecia CAUSE – as per conditions above SIGNS – as per conditions above TREATMENT/ADVICE – as per conditions above MALIGNANT GROWTHS - are named and explained SKIN IRREGULARITIES/GROWTHS, EXPLAINED TO THE CLIENT – awareness of feelings, skin colour changes, growith irregularity and advise to seek medical help
Peer Evaluation Part Two Continued ……. Tick the boxes, if the learners has described the following…… TYPE Trichoptilosis (split ends) pili tort fragilitiscrinium trihorrhexisnodosa CAUSE Trichoptilosis(split ends) pili tort fragilitiscrinium trihorrhexisnodosa
Peer Evaluation Part Two Continued ……. Tick the boxes, if the learner has completed the following…