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WELCOME TO ASHBY SCHOOL YEAR 10 INFORMATION EVENING. SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 ASHBY SCHOOL LECTURE THEATRE P.M.O’Brien I.Gibson. AIMS OF THIS EVENING. To explain our aims for your children To introduce our tracking and monitoring systems including My Child at School
AIMS OF THIS EVENING • To explain our aims for your children • To introduce our tracking and monitoring systems including My Child at School • To introduce the Parental Consultation System • To show the relevance of good attendance to high achievement • To introduce our on-line learning systems at Ashby School • To show you where school information can be found on our school website and MCAS web browser.
Our Aims for you and your child • The highest possible achievement for every individual by fostering a sense of individual responsibility in students • To be at a school with a good reputation both locally and nationally • To develop academically, socially and personally • To enjoy learning experiences at Ashby becoming a successful learner • To offer parents high quality information about the progress of their child at all times
Mind Tricks The science behind increasing your chances in life
Mind Tricks Look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, look into my eyes not around the eyes, the eyes... the eyes... the eyes... into the eyes, 3.2.1 you're under.............
Think of a number between 2 and 9 You should now have a 2 digit number Take that letter and think of a country that begins with it Take that number and multiply it by 9 Take the two digits and add them together Take the second letter in the country and think of an animal that begins with it Take that number and subtract 5 from it Hold the country and animal in your head.... Take that number and correspond it to a letter in the alphabet (eg. A=1)
It's all about chance... How is it done? 1. It’s a maths trick... Everyone gets an answer of four after the first bit. 2. Then that always equals a D! How many countries begin with a D? Can you think of any? 3. Denmark is the most probable. The second letter is then E. How many animals can you think of? 4. Elephant is the most probable! We think the same! 5. This is how most mind tricks work. 6. It’s all about increasing my chances...
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 34 9 38 40 46 8 It's all about chance... Gambling is for mugs.... (famous saying by someone) The probability (chance) of winning the Lotto draw is 1 in 13,983,816 (14 million). Which of these sets of numbers is likely to come up in the Lotto?
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 34 9 38 40 46 8 It's all about chance... For all sets there is a 1 in 14 million chance that you will pick the six numbers! That’s why it’s called a Lottery
It's all about chance... Here is a chance graph for ‘winning’ a grade at GCSE (or equivalent) in English:
These people came in with average SATs and got an F, G or U! winners losers Some people came in with average SATs and got an A*, A or B!
Do all coursework and hand it in Be in the classroom when lessons are being taught Turn up for Exams! It's all about chance... What did the winners do that the losers did not? How did the winners increase their chances of gaining a good GCSE? Be responsible for your own behaviour Use learning as much as you can in the real world Not blame other people for failure GCSE
The problem with %! • Most people are happy with 80% or above. • 90% sounds even better… • How often do we get 90% in a test or exam? • Percentages lie to us!
The bigger picture... 90% attendance is half a day off every week In a year that is 20 days off (nearly 4 weeks) 38 school weeks In secondary school (Yr 7-11) that is half a year off!
100 90 80 70 60 92% 50 60% 46% 40 35% 30 27% 20 20% 10 The minimum qualification for a service industry job will soon be this… GCSE/GNVQ achievements for year 11 2007 by total absence 5+ A*-C grades (including English and Maths) 90% % who achieved 80% >15 days 15-19 days 20-24 days 25-29 days 30-34 days 35+ days Total absence Taking time off and its impact on your future!
How do I win the lottery of life? Did get 5 A*-C including maths GCSE at grade C or above Graduate degree £17.44 per hour Didn’t get 5 A*-C grades or equivalent including maths A levels/Equivalent £11.16 per hour GCSE’s/Equivalent £9.85 per hour. no qualifications £8.14 per hour. Potential Earnings average per hour Qualifications
A hypothetical situation using raw data Wayne Shanika Gets 5 A*-C and goes onto college/university/FE/work Leaves school with 2 GCSE grades/equivalent Earns on average = £17.44hr Earns on average = £8.14hr Wayne earns £9.30 an hour more than Shanika In his lifetime (8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 46 weeks a year for 40 years), he would earn £684,480 more than Shanika in a lifetime! That’s two thirds of a million pounds! Each day he takes off costs him: £17,000
How will we monitor your child’s progress in Year 10? • Individual subject tutors monitor through assessment of classwork, coursework and homework • Faculty Heads monitor by reviewing these assessments • Mr O’Brien, myself and Personal Tutors monitor progress by using our student progress data base called ‘TRACKER’ which is informed by the grades you see on the MCAS system
What information will you receive from the school? • Each term we take a set of progress grades for each student from all full GCSE subjects • Each student has two grades from each subject • The ‘Target’ grade represents the teacher’s assessment of the highest possible grade the student could achieve based upon available evidence of prior achievement at KeyStage 3 matched against FFT data. We try to make these grades as positive as possible to motivate our students • The ‘Now’ grade is the level the student is working at when the grades are collected. At the start of Year 10, in November, this will inevitably be lower than the Target in most cases but we would expect it to improve during Years 10 and 11
From SAT Teacher assessment grades to GCSE grades • The FFT indicator is based on the performance of students across the country who achieved a similar average points score at the end of Key Stage 3 (the average points score is the average, decimalised, of the English Science and Mathematics SAT scores) • We aim to improve on this indicator wherever possible by at least 2 grades. • That means we aim to convert a level 5 in English at KS3 to at least a ‘C’ at GCSE
How do we use this data • We report it to you termly on MCAS. The report will contain not just data about grades but also attendance, behaviour and effort • We analyse the data and use it to identify potential underachievement and high achievement • We may interview students who appear to be underachieving and offer them a range of support • We monitor coursework and offer support to those who are not completing pieces successfully • But at any time if you are worried please contact us.
Part of this support may include the provision of catch-up sessions after school with late buses provided on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays • We offer advice regarding study-skills and effective techniques for revision. (www.ashbyschool.org.uk) • We encourage students to use our VLE called Ashby Learning Online and our revision/study site called SAM learning at home and in school. • We keep you informed of any concerns regarding your child’s progress in order that we can work in partnership to help them to achieve positively
School communication. • The school website: • www.ashbyschool.org.uk • We intend to use e-mail as much as possible to e-mail all communications to parents. • Our reasons are immediacy, cost and ease of contact • Please ensure at all times that we have up to date e-mail addresses for you and that the addresses are appropriate for confidential information
The School website • The website is updated daily • Curricular information • School Shop – Parent pay • Upcoming events • School news • School policies
Intervention • Faculties have programmes to improve performance in the run up to exams. This could include revision workshops and support with individual students weaknesses • “Target Groups” will receive support based around their particular needs- Attendance Underachievement Crossing the 5 A* to C borderline which is important for entry into the sixth form Reaching maximum potential in Maths & English (minimum ‘C’ grade) which is vital for entry into the sixth form.
Mentoring • Students identified will have their Form tutor as an academic mentor. • If appropriate some students may have a 6th form mentor. • Their objective will be to help the mentee achieve their potential • Parents will be informed if their child is to be offered a 6th form mentor
PARENTAL CONSULTATION • There will be a Form Tutor based Parent’s Evening on November the 30th in the evening starting at 5.30 p.m. • In November all subject tutors will negotiate Targets for improvement with Year 10 and 11 students • Parents will have these grades and targets before the day in order to discuss them with their child • Year 10 students with their parents will have a 15 minute appointment with their Personal Tutor to discuss progress in all subject areas and to raise any issues • The major aim of the evening is to ensure that students are responsible for their own progress and understand this
This offers parents an overview of their child’s progress across the curriculum • It is early to allow time for significant improvement • Personal tutors and subject tutors will monitor and review these targets throughout the year and negotiate new ones when appropriate • In Y11 parental consultation is by individual appointments with subject staff during the evening.
In Conclusion • If we act in partnership our students / your children will benefit • If we trust each other to have the best interests of the child at heart then progress, both academic and personal will be made • Ashe, Erdington – Mr Willoughby • Bullen, Crewe . Mrs Lane • Gylby, Loudoun – Mrs Allen • Hastings, Ferrers – Mr Demetriou But you can also contact your child’s Form Tutor, Mr Gibson and myself at any time if you have academic concerns.