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P.E. By: Brison Bourg. Basketball. What is the objective of basketball?. Football. What is the objective of football?. Dodge ball. How do you play dodge ball?. Roll call spots. How do you sit in roll call spots?. Dressing out. How do you dress out ?. Brison Bourg 12/1/11 5 th hour.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. P.E By: Brison Bourg

  2. Basketball • What is the objective of basketball?

  3. Football • What is the objective of football?

  4. Dodge ball • How do you play dodge ball?

  5. Roll call spots • How do you sit in roll call spots?

  6. Dressing out How do you dress out ?

  7. Brison Bourg • 12/1/11 • 5th hour

  8. The objective of basketball is • Bring the ball down the court and try to make it in the basket.

  9. The objective of football is • To get a touchdown are a field goal.

  10. The objective of dodge ball is • To throw balls at people to get them out

  11. Roll call spots is • Were we sit in ABC order on the gym floor

  12. Dressing out is • Were we dress out into our p.e clothes

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