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< cos 2( F A+B - F true ) >

inner + outer combined. inner segments. outer segments. < cos 2( F A+B - F true ) >. RXN. BBC. < cos 2( F A – F B ) >. Reaction Plane Detector (RXN) at RHIC-PHENIX 200GeV Au+Au collisions RUN7 - 2007/Mar. centrality selections are given by BBC charged multiplicity.

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< cos 2( F A+B - F true ) >

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  1. inner + outer combined inner segments outer segments < cos 2(FA+B - Ftrue ) > RXN BBC < cos 2(FA – FB ) > Reaction Plane Detector (RXN) at RHIC-PHENIX 200GeV Au+Au collisions RUN7 - 2007/Mar centrality selections are given by BBC charged multiplicity z-vertex selections by BBC [-40,40] cm [-30, -20] cm [-5,5] cm [20,30] cm total [~500] [500~1500] [1500~] RXN north charged mult. (a.u.) charged multiplicity in RXN (a.u.) RXN south charged mult. (a.u.) mid-central collisions < cos 2(Fsouth - Fnorth ) > BBC r.p. ~ 0.08 < sin 2(DF) > Fnorth (rad) Fsouth (rad) charged multiplicity in RXN (a.u.)

  2. centrality cut applied (rxnsum > 0.25rxnmax , 0~40%) Dt0 (ns) zdc rxn rxn zdc-bbc rxn-bbc rxn-zdc bbc bbc zdc Dzvtx (cm) zdc rxn rxn zdc-bbc rxn-bbc rxn-zdc bbc bbc zdc crxn-bbc crxn-zdc crxn-rxn Dzvtx (cm) crxn crxn crxn bbc zdc rxn crxn = f * (aS-aN) / (aS+aN)

  3. z_zdc (tdif) z_rxn (tdif) z_rxn (tdif) z_bbc (tdif) z_bbc (tdif) z_zdc (tdif) z_bbc (tdif) z_bbc (tdif) z_bbc (tdif) z_rxn charge asymmetry crxn = f *(aS-aN)/(aS+aN) z_rxn charge asymmetry c’rxn = func(crxn) z_rxn c’rxn + tdif func(x) = a [2/{1+exp(-bx)}-1.0]

  4. centrality cut applied (rxnsum > 0.25rxnmax , 0~40%) Dt0 (ns) zdc rxn rxn Dtzdc ~ 120ps Dtrxn ~ 230ps zdc-bbc rxn-bbc rxn-zdc bbc bbc zdc Dzvtx (cm) zdc rxn rxn Dzzdc ~ 2.5cm Dzrxn ~ 6.5cm zdc-bbc rxn-bbc rxn-zdc bbc bbc zdc Dzvtx (cm) crxn crxn crxn crxn = f * (aS-aN) / (aS+aN) crxn-bbc crxn-zdc crxn-rxn bbc zdc rxn Dzc/rxn ~ 5.1cm c’rxn - bbc c’rxn - bbc Dzvtx (cm) bbc c’rxn = func(crxn) c’rxn-bbc c’rxn-zdc c’rxn-rxn c’rxn Dzc’/rxn ~ 3.3cm Dz(c’+tdif)/rxn ~ 3.2cm rxn charge bbc zvtx

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