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The Solar System

The Solar System. By Annie Brown.

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The Solar System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Solar System By Annie Brown

  2. In the Solar system, there are thousands of bright stars and also planets. These planets are called Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto- Pluto being a smaller planet called a dwarf planet. These planets are orbited by Moons, just like Earth.

  3. The Planets And how they work with the Sun

  4. The Inner Planets The planets that are closest to the Sun are given the name ‘inner planets’. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These planets are mostly made of rock. Mercury and Venus are the only planets in our Solar System without any Moons.

  5. Outer Planets There are also 4 other planets called outer planets. These planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto was once classified as a outer planet but it changed to a different type of planet called a dwarf planet in 2006.

  6. THE SUN The Sun is a burning ball of gas that (on it’s surface) is 5500°C But, at the core (the centre of the sun) it reaches a sweltering 15.6 million! The Sun is the biggest and heaviest object in the solar system. It make sup 99% of our systems weight. Did you know??? The Sun is so large, you could fit over 1 million Earths inside it!

  7. THE MOON The Moon is the only natural satellite orbiting our Earth The first manned expedition to the moon was made by Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin on the Apollo 11 mission of 1969. To different religions in different periods of time, the Moon has meant many different things. To the Romans, the Moon was the goddess Luna. The Greeks referred to the Moon goddess as Selene, and the Egyptians worshiped the Moon as Isis. There are different phases of the Moon.

  8. Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun; orbiting (which means travels round) it once every 87.969 days. In the whole solar system, Mercury is the second smallest planet in the entire Solar System. During the day, Mercury is a hot 427°C however during the night it drops to a chilly -173°C ! Mercury has no Moons orbiting it!

  9. Venus Venus is 2nd away from the Sun and Earths closest planetary neighbour Venus has the longest day of any planet – a staggering 243 earth days! The only planet where the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east Venus was named after the Roman goddess of beauty Just like Venus, it has no Moons.

  10. Earth Earth is the only planet to inhabit (to have) life on it, or so we think.... The population of Earth is 6.4 billion 120 million years ago, most of the land on the planet was joined to form a enormous continent known as Pangea. Two thirds of the Earth is covered with water. The Earth has one Moon.

  11. Mars The fourth planet away from the Sun. Mars is often known as the red planet, because of its vivid colour. 1 Martian year is equivalent (equal to) 2.11 Earth years Temperatures on Mars can go from 20°C (during the summer) to -140°C (in the winter) Scientists are still curious whether or not the red planet once contained life or if it still does. Mars has 2 Moons.

  12. Jupiter Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun and is the biggest planet in our Solar System. Jupiter is bigger than all the other eight planets put together 1 Jovian year on Jupiter is the same as 11.9 Earth years! It has the most Moons in the Solar System It has 63 Moons!

  13. Saturn Saturn is the 2nd biggest planet in the Solar System and 6th in line from the Sun Saturn's weight is so light, that it would float on water The rings of Saturn are not solid but made up of billions of tiny chunks 1 Saturnian year is equivalent to 29.5 Earth years It has 60 Moons.

  14. Uranus Uranus is the 3rd Largest planet in the Solar System and 7th away from the Sun It is the only planet to spin on its side 1 uranian year is the same as 84 Earth years Just like Mars, Uranus is known for its distinctive blue colour It has 27 Moons.

  15. Neptune Neptune is the fourth largest planet and the furthest away from the Sun It has the fastest winds in the Solar System at over 2,000km per hour Neptune was named after the Roman god of the Sea 1 Neptunian year equals 164.9 Earth years It has 13 Moons

  16. Pluto Pluto used to be the smallest planet in the Solar system In 2006, scientists redefined the term ‘planet’ so now Pluto is classed as a Dwarf Planet. Pluto is a dwarf planet along with 2 other planets called Ceres and Eris. 1 Plutonian year is the same as 248 Earth years It has 3 moons.

  17. Thanks For Watching! 

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