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Customer Experience Map

Customer Experience Map. Ideas for improvement. Action (Employee). Decision. Action (Customer). Physical Element. Option. What they’re thinking.

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Customer Experience Map

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Customer Experience Map Ideas for improvement Action (Employee) Decision Action (Customer) Physical Element Option What they’re thinking Describe the action your employee(s) will make. It would also be good to note the position of the employee who does the action to keep track of how your entire team is servicing your customer. If there is a choice that needs to be made, note it here. Note their options here. What do you think your customers are thinking at that moment? How are they evaluating their decision? Use this shape to note ideas of how you can improve the experience and possibly adjust the customer experience process. Describe the actions your customers take along the buying process all the way to the sale, at least. If applicable, also include the after-purchase actions for both the customer and employees. Describe what physical aspects the customer is experiencing MATSUMOTO & CLAPPERTON @MCA_ON

  2. Customer Experience Map Consider classes to draw people who are just looking around Electronics Retailer Don’t know what I’m looking for Continues browsing Each Section Expert asks if they can help them Walks around Walks in the door Expansive store, large section signs Greeter asks if they need help Walks around Continues browsing Asks where to find something Asks a question Are they really being helpful or just “selling” Section Expert answers question, shows them products Greeter shows them where to go Goes to section Consider having greeter walk with them and introduce them to Section Expert Decides to keep looking Walks around Goes to cash register to pay Numerous displays of different products EXAMPLE Does he/she know what they’re talking about? Selects product to buy Selects product to buy Decides to keep looking Section Expert asks if they can help them Walks around Goes to cash register to pay Consider having all employees have mobile payment options Continues looking on own Section Expert helps them and shows products Walks around Asks for advice MATSUMOTO & CLAPPERTON @MCA_ON

  3. Customer Experience Map Action (Customer) Blank canvas for your Customer Experience Map Physical Element Action (Employee) Decision Option What they’re thinking Ideas for improvement MATSUMOTO & CLAPPERTON @MCA_ON

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