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Management of on-shore oil combating SÖKÖ project Justiina Halonen Project Manager, KyAMK Seafaring and Logistics BSc Marine Technology, Master Mariner. Table of content. KyAMK SÖKÖ projects What is SÖKÖ? SÖKÖ guidebook Why SÖKÖ? Results/examples Working method Conclusions.
Management of on-shore oil combatingSÖKÖprojectJustiinaHalonenProject Manager, KyAMK Seafaring and LogisticsBSc Marine Technology, Master Mariner
Table of content • KyAMK • SÖKÖ projects • What is SÖKÖ? • SÖKÖ guidebook • Why SÖKÖ? • Results/examples • Working method • Conclusions
Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences (KyAMK) • Education is divided into three faculties: • Technology, Forestry and Transport • International Business and Culture • Social and Health Care • Seafaring and Logistics Department in Kotka • Seafaring offers degrees of Bachelor of Engineering (Maritime Engineer, Logistics) and Bachelor of Marine Technology (Master Mariner) • R&D activities include a wide variety of projects with ready to use results for real life needs
SÖKÖ project is… • innovated and administered in the R&D unit of Seafaring and Logistics in KyAMK (Kotka). • Started as a pilot project in Kymenlaakso Region • Expanded to cover the regional rescue areas on the coast of Gulf of Finland • carried out in co-ordination with local authorities: Regional Rescue Services and Regional Environmental Centres Picture: www.kymenlaakso.fi 2007
SÖKÖ pilot project 2003-2007 • Developing oil combating preparedness in Kymenlaakso region • Administered in the R&D unit of Seafaring and Logistics department in Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences • Carried out in co-ordination with Kymenlaakso Regional Rescue Service and South-East Regional Environmental Centre • Personnel: Project Manager T. Ulmanen (05-07), P. Kolari (03-05) Project Planner: J. Halonen (06-07) • Main financier: Finnish Ministry of Education • Budget 400 000 €
SÖKÖ II project 2007-2011 • Developing oil combating preparedness in Eastern-Uusimaa and Uusimaa regions • Carried out in co-ordination with Regional Rescue Services of Eastern-Uusimaa, City of Helsinki (with Central-Uusimaa) and Western-Uusimaa and Uusimaa Regional Environmental Centre • Personnel: Project Manager J. Halonen Project Manager M. Pascale • Budget 800 000 €
SÖKÖ area KyAMK Seafaring and logistics, KOTKA
SÖKÖ II partners and financiers • Regional Districts (Uusimaa, Eastern-Uusimaa and Kymenlaakso) • Eastern-Uusimaa Regional Rescue Service • Helsinki Regional Rescue Service • Western-Uusimaa Regional Rescue Service • Uusimaa Environmental Centre • Finnish Ministry of Environment (National Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) • Finnish Environmental Institute • Finnish Defence Forces • Coast Guard • Civic organizations • Universities and educational centres • Businesses
SÖKÖ ... • Provides comprehensive instructions on management of on-shore oil incidents for regional oil combating authorities: Regional Rescue Services and Regional Environmental Centres. • Develops on-shore oil recovery operations by producing detailed action plans represented in guidebooks for RRSs and RECs, focusing on the practical problems in arranging oil combating • The SÖKÖ action plan is a complementary study to the regional and national statutory contingency plans • The action plan differs from the governmental plans by focusing only on on-shore response excluding the at-sea response
Chart picture: Kymenlaakson liitto 2006 SÖKÖ guidebook • The guidebook is used as an action plan, a manual for the response commander as well as for training both authorities and volunteers • Is an extensive collection of studies undertaken by further education students and specialists under the supervision of the project steering committee • Authorities supervise the project and accept the results included in the contingency plan & guidebook • Completed in Kymenlaakso → Available online at www.kyamk.fi/soko (in Finnish)
The necessity of contingency planning • Modifications in oil combating legislation in 2005 • Approximately 7 800 tankers operate in the Gulf of Finland annually (1) • ~20 tankers a day operating in the sea-area characterized by shallow waters, rocky shores and narrow fairways as well as a partial ice-coverage during the wintertime. • Coastal waters repeatedly suffer small size oil spills caused by illegal bilge discharges from passing vessels. • Oil reaching the shores in major spill is evident • Arola et al. 2007. Meriliikenteen paikkatiedon tilastointi ja hyödyntäminen Suomenlahden meriturvallisuudessa. • Helsinki University of Technology. Ship Laboratory.
High accidental risk Oil transportation volumes in GoF (2) • 2006: 140 million tonnes • 2015: 160-240 million tonnes (estimation) (2) Finnish Environmental Institute 2007 Pictures: SYKE 2007 and Finstaship 2006
How to set the objects • Oil combating authorities set the subjects to be investigated, most of them being practical problems in arranging oil combating • Most issues are consequences of the amendments in the oil combating legislation 2005 • Action plan & guidebook is scaled on the worst possible oil incident threatening the area • Risk assessment of oil spill incident based on the investigations of VTT and SYKE
SOKO’s questions • There is 30 000 tons of oil waste on-shores and in the archipelago, how to get rid of it time/cost effectively and safely? • What are the most challenging bottlenecks in the logistic chain? • What should be taken into account when coordinating trans agency co-operation (governmental and regional agencies, businesses, volunteers, residents, etc) ?
Oil Spill Scenario Evaluation time: 10 days Spilling time: 8 hours Spillage: 30 000 tonnes of crude oil Thickness of oil layer: 5 micrometers Mathematical model by Finnish Environmental Institute 2005 Probability of spreading [%] within 10 days
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS FROM FINNISH RESPONSECOMMANDER DESIGNATED BY GOVERNMENT OR REGIONAL RESCUE SERVICE EXECUTIVE OFFICE On-scene coordinator Operations manager Administrative manager HR manager Communication manager Office mgnt/ secretary HEADQUARTERS On-scene coordinator & executive office Rescue Services head / delegate SYKE / regional environ. centre Accountable for spill Border guard Defense force Police Municipal authorities Operative manager Admin. manager HR manager Communications manager
Foundation sources Reconnaissance Building-up organisation Supplementary budget time Loan from Municipalities Preliminary decision from National Oil Pollution Fund Compensations from P&I Insurer and IOPC Funds Source: Hasu 2006
Communication • One thesis examined the communication issues, in order to determine arrangements in internal communication, information and media. • Communication between authorities is well organised and practised • The difficulty is to ensure communication between authorities and the other employees like volunteers or businesses, which have different communication traditions • A new project was established to go deeper into this subject and to create a communication plan for response management team.
Human resources • Determining the procedures in receiving work force • Arranging personnel administration with salary payment, • Ensuring health care and occupational safety issues. • These issues together with other liability issues such as insuring against accidents are very important, especially if the volunteers are used
Sector 1km Line 200m P1 A B C D E P2 P3 = Symbol of sector (locality, serial number) , , etc. = Symbol of line P1 A B C
Polluted areas are easy to locate Whole shoreline is marked with sectors, lines and transport points Cleaning operations can be directed effectively
End point of sector End point of line Transportation spot Sectors are separated with colors PYH40 = Symbol of sector (locality, serial number)
Sector 1km Line 200m P1 A B C D E P2 P3 = Symbol of sector (locality, serial number) , , etc. = Symbol of line P1 A B C
Clean-up procedures and transportation of oily wastes - Cleaning operations are executed line by line, simultaneously in the area of 20 kilometers (15 km in the mainland, 5 km in the archipelago) - Areas to be cleaned first are prioritized ↔ the oil combating resources have to be allocated effectively according to ecological, economical or recreational importance of polluted areas
Cleaning a large scale oil incident may employ 500-1000 persons and may last for several months
Cleaning operations Elina Hurtta 2008 WWF2006
Handling oily wastes • Previous oil incidents around the world have demonstrated situations were the waste disposal system has been overloaded after an oil spill • Charting temporary storing places and producing construction instructions for storing sites (example) • Charting final treatment methods and disposal capacities (OSWATT project) • Waste streams and separation .
Pure oil and oil/water emulsion Oiled soil General oily waste Waste streams and separation + oiled animals
Temporary storing • In order to avoid overloading of the waste disposal system, the oily waste units have to be stored temporarily • Adequate areas to build up storage sites are charted and documented • Final treatment methods and capacities • OSWATT -porject
Sea transportation Vessel types, availability Loading and discharging equipment Route planning Legislation
Working method • Guidebook includes several work packages consisting of one or more studies • Most of the work packages were executed as theses by adult vocational students and specialists under the supervision of authorities and the project steering committee • Project personnel ensures that the students get in contact with all the right experts and authorities, as well as source material and that they achieve the objectives within a set limit • Also fills in possible information gaps, edits and summarises results into a comprehensible and easy to examine guidebook • The role of the oil combating authorities in the project is to provide practical information, supervise and accept the outcome.
Each Rescue region has a SOKO working team with: • Rescue Service officer • Environmental officer • manager from project • Students • Experts and specialists
Based on the results of the pilot project SOKO I SOKO I Directly usable information Setting objectives Participating in working groups Supervision Evaluation Acceptance Project administration Taking into account regional needs Adding new subjects Supplementary needs Regional needs Summarising results into guidebook Training
Conclusions • SOKO is a fairly good tool for authorities to accomplish the required planning in a prompt schedule and low cost • With detailed instructions, the SOKO plan is attached to the statutory regional response plan as a complementary supplement • The SOKO plan is taken into use when the incident rises to the major scale and important resources are needed • The Response Commander can use the guidebook to ensure the whole logistic chain is considered and reduce the combating organisation as needed
More information: • Justiina Halonen Project Manager +358 44 702 8514 justiina.halonen@kyamk.fi • Melinda Pascale Project Manager +358 44 702 8520 melinda.pascale@kyamk.fi www.kyamk.fi/soko