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Haz Ahora 1/22

Haz Ahora 1/22. What are some of the similarities and differences between holidays/traditions/celebrations in Spanish Speaking countries and in the US? Which holiday would you be most interested in celebrating or incorporating into your holiday traditions? Why ?. Haz Ahora 1/23.

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Haz Ahora 1/22

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HazAhora 1/22 What are some of the similarities and differences between holidays/traditions/celebrations in Spanish Speaking countries and in the US? Which holiday would you be most interested in celebrating or incorporating into your holiday traditions? Why?

  2. HazAhora 1/23 • Write in a sentence the correct number in Spanish . Example: Hay diecinuevechicos. • 11 cuadernos • 47 maestros • 31 mochilas • 71 estudiantes • 99 problemas • Come up with one on your own

  3. HazAhora 1/24 • Answer these questions: • Say that there are 98 books in class. • Say that there are 67 whiteboards in this class. • Say that there are 42 computers in this class. • Come up with an “hay” question and answer it • Come up with a “cuantos ____ hay?” question and answer it.

  4. HazAhora 1/25 Write a sentence stating each of these times: • 7:13 • 10:29 • 8:10 • 4:51 • 1:32

  5. HazAhora 1/28 Write a sentence stating each of these times: • 9:23 • 5:16 • 1:9 • 7:38 • 11:15

  6. HazAhora 1/31 • Switch hazahora sheets with a partner. • Write down 5 times on their sheet. • Give the paper back to your partner and they have to state the time in a complete sentence.

  7. HazAhora 2/4 Look at Thursday’s class schedule and write a sentence saying what time each of these classes meets.

  8. HazAhora 2/5 Contesta laspreguntas.(Answer the questions) • ¿Tegustamirar la television? ¿A quehora? • ¿Tegustaestudiar? ¿A quehora? • ¿Tegustapracticardeportes? ¿A quehora? • ¿Tegustapasar un rato con amigos? ¿A quehora? • ¿Tegustaescucharmusica? ¿A quehora?

  9. HazAhora 2/6 Fill in the correct verb conjugation and the time. Yo _____ queestudiar __________. (11:00am) Nosotros _____ la clase de ciencias __________. (12:30pm) Tu _____ la clase de matematicas __________. (2:15pm) Yo _____ la clase de ingles __________. (8:00am) Ustedes _____ quellegar a la escuela __________. (6:40am)

  10. HazAhora 2/7 Write the correct form of the verb TENER for each pronoun: Yo _____ Tu _____ Ella _____ Nosotras _____ Ustedes _____ Ellos _____

  11. HazAhora 2/11 Write 5 sentences using the verb TENER or TENER QUE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  12. HazAhora 2/12 Write the correct form of the verb TENER for each pronoun and use it in a sentence. Yo _____ Tu _____ Ella _____ Nosotras _____ Ustedes _____ Ellos _____

  13. HazAhora 2/13 Write a question asking a person whether they have to do these things after school or not. ¿ ________________________________________?

  14. HazAhora 2/14 Create sentences using the following phrases and the correct form of TENER QUE + pronoun in parantheses Ejemplo: estudiar (el)  El tienequeestudiar. Escucharmusica (yo) Montar en bicicleta (ellos) Dibujar (nosotras) Hablarportelefono (tu) Tocar la guitarra (ustedes)

  15. HazAhora 2/15 Fill in the blank with a conjugated verb that makes sense in the sentence. Yo __________ deportestodos los dias. Ellas __________ la computadora en la clase. Ustedes no __________ portelefono en la clase. Nosotros __________ la musicaclasica. El __________ un rato con amigos.

  16. HazAhora 2/25 & 2/26 2 steps! • Write the verb chart for the verb: PASAR • How would you ask these questions: • Do you hang out with friends? • Do you (formal) hang out with friends? • Do you all (in Spain) hang out with friends? • Do you all hang out with friends?

  17. HazAhora 2/27 Fill in the blank with a conjugated verb that makes sense in the sentence. Ella __________ un rato con familia Yo __________ deportes. El __________ portelefono en la casa. Nosotras __________ la musica de hip hop. Vosotros __________ apuntes en la clase.

  18. HazAhora 2/28 Write at least 5 sentences explaining what you do as a student to maintain good grades.

  19. HazAhora 3/4 Write a sentence stating each of these times: • 2:24 • 5:30 • 9:45 • 1:01 • 12:56

  20. HazAhora 3/8 Write a sentence stating each of these times: • 1:23 • 6:30 • 7:15 • 6:02 • 9:10

  21. HazAhora 3/13 • What is the difference between race and ethnicity? (You may answer this question in English)

  22. HazAhora 3/14 Write 3 things that you learned/were surprising/interesting during the video and last lesson. Write 1 question you still have.

  23. HazAhora 3/15 Read the article that you grabbed on your way in. Please do not write on it, but as your HazAhora, do the following: • New things you learned • Write down questions • Things you find interesting • Answer the question at the bottom of the article.

  24. HazAhora 3/18 • Name at least two influential Afro-Latinos who’ve shaped American culture and describe their contribution, where they’re from, what they do, etc.

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