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North Iredell High School’s

North Iredell High School’s. Design Model. IMPACT GRANT: “ IMPACT ” Stands for I nnovative M ethod for P ersonalizing A cademics, C omplemented by T echnology. Example of Initial Design Model to Implement BL in the Classrooms of NIHS:.

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North Iredell High School’s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. North Iredell High School’s Design Model

  2. IMPACT GRANT:“IMPACT” Stands forInnovative Method for Personalizing Academics, Complemented by Technology North Iredell High School Go Raiders!

  3. Example of Initial Design Model to Implement BL in the Classrooms of NIHS: In order to ease into Blended Learning and gain experience with the methodology before our devices are purchases, our initial “Design Model” involves splitting the classroom into two groups of students. The following slides are meant to be a written and visual explanation of how to implement BL in the classroom. We do have enough laptops on mobile carts to do BL with computers in some classrooms.

  4. Example: First Block with 2 Groups Direct Instruction and One-to-One with Computers Opening 10 minutes Whole Group 8:05 – 8:15 8:15 – 8:50 Group A: Students one-on-one with computers Group B: Direct Instruction Opening and Closing Configuration Two Rotations 35 minutes Half Group Each Two Group Rotation 35 minutes Half Group Each 8:50 Groups Switch Rotation Configuration 8:50 – 9:25 Group B: one-on-one with computers Group A: Direct instruction 9:25 Groups Return to Whole Group Closing 10 Minutes Whole Group 9:25 – 9:35

  5. At NIHS our beginning attempts to do Blended Learning Classes will have the students split into two groups Configuration 1: Group A – direct instruction Group B – one-to-one with computers or Configuration 2: Group A – direct instruction Group B – working in small, collaborative groups

  6. Other Configurations are possible! Remember the core principals of BL are: Small groups or one-to-one instruction Differentiation; a more student-centered learning experience Using digital content and assessments Encouraging students to set personal goals and learn to be independent

  7. What a typical class would look like as the time for that class progresses: First ten minutes: Class would open as a whole group Teacher would inform students of their group for the class Teacher would go over behavior expectations (posted in the room as well) Teacher would assign academic material for the groups that are either one-to-one with the computer or in collaborative groups (assignments posted as well) Teacher would go over the time for each group (also posted)

  8. Example: First Block with 2 Groups, first ten minutes (8:05 – 8:15) Whole Group Opening Configuration first ten minutes of class.

  9. At 8:15 Students would go to their first assigned grouping

  10. Example: First Block with 2 Groups, next 35 minutes (8:15 – 8:50) Lesson Plan: Direct Instruction and One-to-One with Computers Configuration for first 35 minute block of group time Purple Group receives direct instruction from the teacher Green Group works one-on-one with computers.

  11. At 8:50 Students would go to their second assigned grouping

  12. Example: First Block with 2 Groups, next 35 minutes (8:50 – 9:25) Lesson plan: Direct Instruction and One-to-One with Computers Configuration for second 35 minute group time Green Group receives direct instruction from the teacher Purple Group works one-on-one with computers.

  13. At 9:25 Students would go back to their whole group configuration

  14. Example: First Block with 2 Groups last ten minutes (9:25 – 9:35) Whole Group Closing Configuration, last ten minutes of class. Exit Tickets – work collected, etc.

  15. In order to currently accomplish this a teacher must have enough computers in the classroom for half the class, i.e., they must have arranged to use the laptop carts. If that is not possible, then the next set of slides is a configuration is an example of Blended Learning in a classroom without the computers (the one-to-one component).

  16. Example First Block with 2 Groups first 35 minutes period (8:15 – 8:50) Lesson Plan: Direct Instruction and small group collaboration. Configuration for first 35 minute group time Purple Group receives direct instruction from the teacher Green Group works collaboratively.

  17. Example First Block with 2 Groups next 35 minutes (8:50 – 9:25) Lesson plan: Direct Instruction and small group collaboration Configuration for second 35 minute group time Green Group receives direct instruction from the teacher Purple Group works collaboratively in small groups.

  18. Where are we going with Blended Learning? Eventually, NIHS Blended Learning classes will have three groups rotating. A typical classroom will look like this: Purple: Direct instruction Green: Small collaborative groups Orange: digital content one-to-one with technology

  19. At the end of this session: Think of three lessons in which you could employ the Blended Learning methodology. Please write down your ideas on the exit ticket and be ready to share with the whole group at the end.

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