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PA’S CHILDCARE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION. ChildWare has 4 key functional areas. STAFF DATA DPW Requirements Keystone STARS Standards Professional Development (Training & Other Activities) Credentials, Experience & Career Lattice Level Clearances & Health Assessments

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  2. ChildWare has 4 key functional areas STAFF DATA • DPW Requirements • Keystone STARS Standards • Professional Development (Training & Other Activities) • Credentials, Experience & Career Lattice Level • Clearances & Health Assessments • Schedule & Classroom Assignments • Reports & Notifications BILLING & ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE • One-Click Weekly Billing & Simple Billing Adjustments • Batch Charges, Payments, Refunds, Credits & Discounts • Family Billing, Inter-sibling Balance Transfers, & Payment Splits • Financial Reports & Invoices CHILD & FAMILY DATA • Enrollment, Discharge and Recruitment tracking • Parents & Emergency Contacts • Health Information & Assessments • Expected Attendance & Meals • Schedule & Classroom Assignments • Tuition Rates, Discounts & Subsidies • Reports & Notifications ATTENDANCE & MEAL TRACKING • Record of Actual Attendance & Meals • Comparison of Scheduled vs. Actual Attendance & Meals • Attendance & Meal Reports (incl. Data For CACFP Reports

  3. Child & Family Data

  4. As soon as a parent calls about enrolling their child, you can begin to track their information – this is the “Add Child” screen.

  5. Each child has an individual record; this is the “Main” Tab.

  6. Child Record – Relationships Tab

  7. Child Record – Service Profile Summary Tab

  8. Child Record – Service Profile Detail The Service Profile specifies care level, classroom, expected attendance & meals…

  9. Child Record – Service Profile Detail …it also includes subsidy information, tuition rates, and the parent’s payment plan.

  10. Child Record – Financial History Tab

  11. Child Record – Health Information Tab

  12. Child Record – Special Needs Tab

  13. Child Record – Enrollment/Consents Tab

  14. Child Record – Events Tab

  15. Child Record – Vaccines Tab

  16. Child & Family Reports For a complete list of reports, see the “Reports Overview” section of the Manual

  17. Child Health Assessment Report – Enables centers to stay on track to meet DPW requirements

  18. Child Emergency Contact and Health Information Report – Useful for teachers in classrooms or on field trips

  19. Child Care Level Transition Report – Helps centers plan classroom assignments and identify upcoming vacancies

  20. Child Care Level Mismatch Report – Helps centers identify children who need to be moved to the next care level

  21. Daily Classroom Schedule Report – Outlines arrival and departure times for each child, by classroom for each day of the week (weekends can also be included).

  22. Billing & Accounts Receivable

  23. For each billing period, the system generates a list of children to be billed along with corresponding amounts, based on the service profile.

  24. For non-routine charges such as field trips, you can bill several children at once using the “Batch Charge” function.

  25. You can also enter payments for multiple children at once using the “Batch Payment/Credit” function.

  26. This function also enables you to split payments among siblings.

  27. Financial Reports For a complete list of reports, see the “Reports Overview” section of the Manual

  28. Invoices – Can cover any period; can be printed in bulk or individually; and can either include siblings, or not

  29. Aging Report – Shows how much money is owed for each child and for how long the debt has been outstanding

  30. Fiscal Summary Report – Shows charges and payments for each care level served; a collapsed version without care level groupings is also available

  31. Tax Statements – ChildWare makes it easy to generate tax statements for each family at the end of the year

  32. Attendance & Meals

  33. The system generates a weekly attendance roster pre-populated with default attendance & meals – only absences and missed meals need to be entered. When a child is marked absent, meals are automatically deleted. Each completed week can be saved for your records.

  34. Attendance & Meal Reports For a complete list of reports, see the “Reports Overview” section of the Manual

  35. Attendance Summary – Shows expected vs. actual attendance for each child and calculates an attendance percentage

  36. Meals Summary – Shows the number of each type of meal consumed by each child and calculates the number of free, reduced and paid meals of each type served within a given month

  37. Attendance/Meal Detail – Shows a weekly breakdown of meals and attendance for each child, by classroom; this report enables centers to quickly compare hand-written meal counts to the counts recorded in the system to help avoid errors

  38. Staff Data

  39. Each staff member has an individual record, similar to the child record. Not all tabs are covered in this demo. This is the “Credentials” Tab.

  40. Staff Record – Clearances Tab

  41. Staff Record – PD-Training Tab

  42. Staff Record – PD-Training Detail

  43. Staff Record – PD-Events Tab

  44. Staff Record – Schedule Tab

  45. Staff Reports For a complete list of reports, see the “Reports Overview” section of the Manual

  46. Basic Training Expirations Report – Helps centers quickly identify which staff members need required trainings now or in the near future

  47. STARS Training Hours Report – Helps centers determine if all staff members are on track to meet requirements for Keystone STARS

  48. STARS Career Lattice Report – Helps centers determine if staff meet credentialing requirements for Keystone STARS

  49. Classroom Schedule by Staff – Handy reference tool; classroom schedule by room also available

  50. Staff/Child Ratio Report – Shows number of children and staff (and staff/child ration) in each classroom during each 15-minute increment of the day; Identifies required ratio based on age of youngest child...

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