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Spanish Assessment Smackdown. What are two of the 5 important aspects of objectives? Hint , look at p . 22 Genesee and Upshur 1. CO’s = general 2. CO’s = single domain of language learning 3. CO’s should not overlap,
What are two of the 5 important aspects of objectives?Hint, look at p. 22 Genesee and Upshur • 1. CO’s = general • 2. CO’s = single domain of language learning • 3. CO’s should not overlap, • 4. CO’s should refer to student performance not teacher performance • 5. CO’s should refer to products of language learning or processes of language performance.
What are the three M’s of central tendency and how are each defined? • Mean, i.e. average of each score • Mode, most frequently occurring • Median, ‘middle’ score
Get out a piece of paper and a writing utensil. • Calculate by hand the three M’s for the following scores.
Get out a piece of paper and a writing utensil. • Calculate by hand the three M’s for the following scores.
What does a standard deviation tell us? • The typical distance of a score from the mean.(Hughes, p. 26)
Find a sweet definition of washback or backwash in one of your texts. • P. 53 Hughes, “Backwash is the effect that tests have on teaching or learning.”
What does a facility value provide information about? • Specific items on a test (Hughes, 225)
In language testing we often discuss the term validity. • Define validity. • When a test measures what it intends to measure. (hughesp. 26)
What does a cloze test supposedly measure? • Overall language ability (Hughes p. 187 last line first paragraph)
What is one simple way to calculate a facility value? • Number correct divided by the number of students
What are two ways that Hughes in chapter 6 suggests for achieving beneficial backwash? • Test the abilities you want to develop • Sample widely and unpredictably • Use Direct Testing • Make testing Criterion-referenced • Base Achievement tests on objectives • Ensure test is known and understood by teachers
What are two benefits of a short-answer item? • items easier to write than mult. Choice • Guessing less of an issue • Cheating more difficult • (Hughes, 79)
What are three of the steps of test development? • Hughes (p.59 and beyond)
What is one advantage and one disadvantage of using multiple choice items in language testing? • (Hughes 79)
What are three common kinds of or purposes for portfolio assessment? • Showcase, Documentation, Evaluation(MM, p. 233-255???)
Define Holistic v. Analytic scoring. • Holistic (Hughes p.94) = Assigning a single score to a piece of work, writing, speaking etc. • Analytic (Hughes p. 100) = Assigning separate scores for various components of a task.
What are two kinds of validity that are relevant in language testing, and what do they mean? • Content, Criterion, Construct (Hughes, 26)
What is reliability? • When a test measures something consistently. (Hughes, 3)
Name and explain two kinds of threats to the reliability of a test. • Genesee Upshur (p. 60 table at bottom of page) Person-related, Assessor-Related, Instrument-Related.
Which of the following types of tests describe the test in this setting. • Students have taken a test after joining the Marines. It is used to tell the drill sergeant what percentage of students scored below a given recruit. _________ • 1. Norm-referenced • 2. Subjective • 3. Criterion-referenced • 4. Achievement • 5. Proficiency • 6. Objective • 7. Placement