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Target the young consumer for. Quest for RITUALS.
Quest for RITUALS “2 strong ideas for a drink ritual for Passoathat can be easily implemented in bars first and then at home, duplicable and scalable, link to long-drink consumption and/or shot consumption, that can be visible and easily recognizable, ownable by Passoa and linked to Brazil.”
“new rituals will influence the brand, its awareness and its association” therefore - first: some field research…
I Asked 5 questionsto5 ordinarypeople • Do you know Passoa? • Top of mind perception of Passoa. • (if they drink Passoa): Where do you drink it • (if they drink Passoa): When do you drink it • Passion question: where have you met your partner & what did you guys drink during your first date?
The result (movie) Press on the logo to start the movie or click on the link below http://youtu.be/TE7uXBIP0sE
Conclusions: • high notoriety, but whataboutbrand associations? • exotic (summer – beach – party – sunset - cocktails are nice and warm images, but are close to milked) – saturated image? • sweet flavor • 16 year • puberty drink • school parties Google Search results for “passion” – brand associations : • First result is Passion max (bockor is on page 7 of the search results) • Passoadoes not occur in the top 20-pages on search term ‘Passion’
COMPETITION IN THE MARKET • The obvious ones – (exotic) liquor market: • Bacardi • Martini • Smirnoff • Aperöl SPRITZ • The less obvious ones – competitors claiming to create passionate and pleasant moments : • Nescafé • Guinness • Absolut Vodka • Johnny Walker • …
How to reach 18 to 25 year olds: where should Passoa be? Easy: Passoa should be where passionate moments can unlock = and this is basically everywhere. Moreover, Passoa should be the passion link between people. Great passionate moments should start with Passoa. Whether you go to dance club or a more quiet lounge, there should be Passoa on the drink menu. Events where people are naturally emotionally involved and connected like art festivals or exhibitions, dance and theatre or other cultural and semi-cultural activities can be a serious option. These events constitute a natural habitat for (unlocked) passion. In order to maintain or even improve its brand association, I think Passoa should prioritize on the higher- and midclass pubs/clubs. With a new image built around the brand, Passoa should try to influence the market from above (the higher class clubs) and let rumor spread about its renewed image. Therefore the brand should go upmarket. The main goal should be the absolute leadership within the beverage group of Passion starters. What do you offer your date if you want to make an impression? Passoa it is!
Brand positioning: PASSOA =/= PASSION? Passoa is too much considered as a cocktail drink. This not only limits the sales, but has also an effect on perception and the esteem that consumers have for the brand. In areas with a cold and rainy climate like Northern and Western Europe, cocktails are less consumed during autumn and winter, which limits the sales-possibilities. Cocktails are also generally drunk in an ambient atmosphere (summer party, summer festivals, pool party), being consumed in large quantities. Some small field research teaches us that Passoa is not taken seriously enough. It seems to have a high brand notoriety, but the image around it doesn’t match with the concept of Passion. Rather than “Passion”, it’s more associated with “Party”.
“Quest for strong ideas that can possibly embody a new drinking ritual” • the passion lipstick: girls (or boys) do their lips before they go out with the “Passoa Passion stick”. It has a Fruity passion flavour.Distributed with every bottle and available in participating bars / clubs when purchasing 3 drinks of the Passoa rangeKissing is a must-be ! • the passion cubes: ice cubes with fruity passion flavourComes with 2 purchased drinks in participating bars.Pass it on !
“Whatever the ritual is, it should be perfectly embedded in a lifestyle, a mentality. Something positive, dreamy but yet authentic, realizable and achievable for every person.” Therefore I think we have tothinkbroader…
RitualProposal: bringsomebrazilian lifestyle over here • Brazilian lifestyle is especially characterized by • Go-with-the flow mentality • Relaxed, No worries, lots of dreams • You can do it – positive thinking • Fast in establishing new relationships • Openness • Let loose • Mentality in the western world (north and western Europe, north america): • Stressed/anxious to lose what we already have • Always maintaining control • Competitive • Often sceptic about the future and new things / also in new relationships we are rather reserved • we can learn a lot from the Brazilian way of life: bringing some Brazilian lifestyle into our western lifes • “THE BIGGEST RITUAL OF ALL IS THE BRAZILIAN LIFESTYLE ITSELF”
“Givehim / her a shot” Passoacanactivate the passionbetweenpeople • Everyone has secretly a person in mind they want to have a date with • But we don’talwaysexpress the way we feel • Too muchchances on passion, romance andluck are beingmissed • Passoacan change this • byintroducingsomepositiveandrelaxed brazilian lifestyle / mentality • “Let loose, discover, trythings out, giveit a go,
Concretely: 360° campaign • Everybottlegetsa Passoa shot glass(on top of the bottle) with a QR-code on it, which leads to the campaign website • We create a website giveherashot.be / givehimashot.be • Visitorscan get 2 free drinks (cocktail or shot) in a participating bar, ifthey login withtheirFacebook-account andselect the date they want sobadly • They return automaticallyto the website wheretheycanwriteandsend a personal messageto the selected person • The selected is notified via Facebookand/or e-mail. There’s a button for the answer (yes or no) + room formessage (on the site) • Advertisements in classy lifestyle magazines (alsowith QR-code) andotherselected media • Needed: • Participating bars / clubs andretail • Campaign website • Passoa Shot glasses • FacebookApp • Facebook Landing Page • Advertisements andotherselected media
Create passionate moments. It’s not about the drink, it’s about the moment you create.Thank you.