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Learn about the drug cocaine, including its effects on the body, classification in controlled substance schedules, slang terms, street value, origin, and addiction potential.
The name of your drug By: All of the group members
Drug Category Your Drug is in the drug category of hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, opiate, or marijuana. Because the drug is a ______________ it does this to the body _______________________________________________________________________________________________. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/cocaine
The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) • The government requires that certain drugs be placed in one of five schedules, based upon medical value, safety and potential for abuse or addiction: • The Controlled Substances Act also provides a mechanism for substances to be controlled, added to a schedule, decontrolled, and removed from control, rescheduled or transferred from one schedule to another. YOU WILL FIND THIS INFO ON: www.dea.org http://www.justice.gov/dea/index.shtml
DRUG SCHEDULES • Schedule I is reserved for drugs or other substances that have no currently accepted medical use (in the USA) and a high potential for abuse. • Schedule II is reserved for drugs or other substances that have a currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. • Schedule III is reserved for drugs or other substances that have a currently accepted medical use and a potential for abuse less than drugs or other substances in Schedules I and II. Their use may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. • Schedule IV is reserved for drugs or other substances that have a currently accepted medical use and a potential for abuse less than drugs or other substances in Schedules II and III. Their use may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to drugs or other substances in Schedule III. • Schedule V is the classification used for the least dangerous drugs. These drugs or substances have a currently accepted medical use. Their use may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to drugs or other substances in Schedule IV.
Drug Schedule __________ drug is schedule ____ drug. A schedule ____ drug means ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Because _________ is a schedule 2, 3, 4 or 5 drug… it was actually used for … (Medical purpose). www.dea.org http://www.justice.gov/dea/index.shtml
Slang Terms __________ drug can also be called: _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ https://drugabuse.com/library/list-of-street-names-for-drugs/
Value When sold on the street __________ costs about $____. If it is sold as a prescription drug, ___________ costs about $____. It will cost around $____ to get a “high.” The “high” of _______________ lasts between ___ minutes and __ hours. http://www.narcoticnews.com/drug-prices/cocaine/
Origin This drug was discovered in this country in this year. It was discovered by this person.This person was doing this when they discovered this drug. This person was trying find a cure for this when they discovered this drug. https://drugabuse.com/library/the-effects-of-flakka-use/
Is your drug Natural, Semi-Synthetic or Synthetic? • Synthetic Drugs • Chemical substances produced artificially in a laboratory • Semi-Synthetic Drugs • Semi-synthetic drugs are substances that are found in nature, can be ingested in their natural state for narcotic effects, but can also be chemically processed to produce a different (more potent) synthetic drug. • Natural Drugs • Drugs that occur naturally, taking the form of extracts from plants, animals, or minerals
Natural or Synthetic This drug is a synthetic drug because it is made in lab. OR This drug is semi-synthetic because it is naturally a __________, but ___________ is also added to it. OR This drug is natural and it grows here. http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/heroin.html
Short Term Effects of This Drug I would list at least 10 short term effects if you can find them. http://www.tobaccofreemaine.org/explore_facts/tobacco_and_health.php
Long Term Effects of This Drug Try to find at least 10 long term effects. Make sure you can explain your pictures!!!! If you do not know why or what, do not use it!!!! https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/teaching-packets/neurobiology-ecstasy/section-iii/2-long-term-effects-ecstasy-neurotoxic
Overdose • Can you die from taking too much of this drug? • How many overdoses from this drug occurred in 2017? https://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates
Addiction This drug is physiologically addicting. Which means _____________________________. This drug is psychologically addicting which means _____________________________. This drug is both psychologically and physiologically addicting which _____________________________. http://www.narconon.org/drug-information/mescaline.html
Withdrawal Symptoms If your drug is physiologically addicting… your drug WILL have withdrawal symptoms. If your drug is only psychologically addicting… your drug WILL NOT have withdrawal symptoms. If your drug does NOT have withdrawal symptoms, you MUST still add this slide and explain why your drug does not have withdrawal symptoms!!! If your drug is physiologically addicting and it does have withdrawal symptoms, tell HOW LONG THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS LAST! https://www.healthline.com/health/smoking/nicotine-withdrawal
http://www.gmu.edu/resources/facstaff/facultyfacts/1-2/grass.htmlhttp://www.gmu.edu/resources/facstaff/facultyfacts/1-2/grass.html How is yourdrug taken? This drug is taken by inhalation (smoking, snorting), ingestion (eating or drinking), absorption (on the tongue) or injection (shooting it through a needle). Make sure you list ALL possible ways.
Drug Treatment Options What are the treatments to help someone fight this addiction? Are their medications to help someone fight the addiction? Is there an in-patient facility that helps with this addiction? https://www.livescience.com/48606-marijuana-maps-of-united-states.html
3 Interesting Facts about your Drug Share with the class anything that you found during your research that you thought was interesting.
Bibliography You will need to cite all information on the BOTTOM OF EVERY SLIDE. The only thing that does NOT need to be cited are the pictures! You will use easybib for all of your citations!!! This slide WILL NOT be included in your presentation! https://www.dea.gov/divisions/hou/2010/houston012210p.html