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Processes, Schedulers, Threads. Sorin Manolache sorma@ida.liu.se. Last on TTIT61. The OS consists of A user interface for controlling programs (starting, interrupting) A set of device drivers for accessing the hardware
Processes, Schedulers, Threads Sorin Manolache sorma@ida.liu.se
Last on TTIT61 • The OS consists of • A user interface for controlling programs (starting, interrupting) • A set of device drivers for accessing the hardware • A set of system calls as a program interface to hardware (and not only, we’ll see later) • Process scheduler that schedules process execution and manages the process state • Memory management • File system • Others
Lecture Plan • What is an operating system? What are its functions? Basics of computer architectures. (Part I of the textbook) • Processes, threads, schedulers (Part II , chap. IV-VI) • Synchronisation (Part II, chap. VII) • Primary memory management. (Part III, chap. IX, X) • File systems and secondary memory management (Part III, chap. XI, XII, Part IV) • Security (Part VI)
Outline • The concept of “process” • Memory layout of a process • Process state and state transition diagram • Process Control Blocks • Context switches • Operations on processes (create, terminate, etc.) • Threads • Motivation, user vs. kernel • Multi-threading models, threading issues • CPU scheduling • Criteria, algorithms
What Is a Process? • In the previous lecture, I’ve used “processes” and “programs” interchangeably hoping you will not notice • A program is a passive entity, we use it to refer to the executable file on the disk (or memory stick, etc., from where it is eventually loaded in the main memory) • Definition: • A process is an active entity, it is an executing program, it is an instance of the program • We can have several processes of the same program
Memory Layout of a Process • The text segment contains the code of the program • The data segment contains the global variables • The stack segment contains the return addresses of function calls, and in most OS the local variables • The heap contains the dynamically allocated memory. It is typically at the other end of the stack segment. Text (code) Memory Data Stack
The Data Segment(s) • A process may contain several data segments: • Read-only data: printf(“%d\n”, i) • “%d\n” is read-only • Initialised data: int a = 20; • 20 goes into the executable file on the disk. When the program is loaded into memory, the memory location corresponding to ‘a’ is initialised with 20 • Uninitialised data: int b; • No space for ‘b’ is reserved for the executable file on the disk. It is just specified in the executable file header that the uninitialised data segment is X bytes long. When the program is loaded into memory, a segment of X bytes is reserved for uninitialised data.
The Stack Segment rlt = 6 int fact(int n) { int xp; 1000: if (n == 0) 1001: return 1; 1002: xp = fact(n – 1); 1003: xp *= n; 1004: return xp; } main() { int rlt; 1005: rlt = fact(3); 1006: printf(“%d\n, rlt); } 3 main 1006 xp = 2 2 fact 1003 xp = 1 1 fact 1003 xp = 1 0 fact 1003 xp fact
Process Execution • A register of the CPU, the program counter (PC), contains the address of the next instruction to execute (it points in the code segment) • Another register of the CPU, the stack pointer (SP), contains the address of the of the top of the stack (it points in the stack segment)
Segment Sharing • Can two processes of the same program share the code segment? What would we gain/lose if yes? • Can two processes, not necessarily of the same program, share the data segment? Why would we (not) want that? • Can two processes, not necessarily of the same program, share the stack segment?
Outline • The concept of “process” • Memory layout of a process • Process state and state transition diagram • Process Control Blocks • Context switches • Operations on processes (create, terminate, etc.) • Threads • Motivation, user vs. kernel • Multi-threading models, threading issues • CPU scheduling • Criteria, algorithms
Process States New preemption admitted Ready Running dispatch exit I/O, event completion I/O, wait Waiting Terminated
Outline • The concept of “process” • Memory layout of a process • Process state and state transition diagram • Process Control Blocks • Context switches • Operations on processes (create, terminate, etc.) • Threads • Motivation, user vs. kernel • Multi-threading models, threading issues • CPU scheduling • Criteria, algorithms
Process Control Block (PCB) • Is a memory area in the OS kernel memory • One for each process • Contains the data needed by the OS in order to manage the process to which the PCB corresponds • It is also called the context of the process • When the OS switches the process that runs on the CPU, we say that it performs a context switch
Contents of the PCB • Program counter value, stack pointer value, and the value of all other registers • Memory management information (base + limit registers, translation tables) • CPU scheduling information (process priority, pointers to scheduling queues) • Accounting information (CPU time used, real time used, etc) • I/O status (devices allocated to the process, list of open files, etc)
Context Switch Process A Process B A running Save state of A into PCBA Context switch Load state of B into PCBB B running Save state of B into PCBB Context switch Load state of A into PCBA A running
Ready queue I/O request I/O queue Ready Queues CPU I/O Time slice expired Interrupt occurs Wait for interrupt
Scheduling • The scheduler is the routine that selects a process from the ready queue. This is the short-term scheduler. It runs at least one time every 100ms.
Long-Term Scheduler • Degree of multiprogramming: the number of processes in memory at the same time • If this degree is stable number of newly created processes over a time interval is roughly equal to the number of processes that terminated in the same interval • A long-term scheduler runs whenever a processes terminates in order to decide which new process to bring in the memory • Has to select an appropriate process mix • Too many CPU-bound processes devices under-utilised, process execution times much longer than if the mix was more balanced • Too many device-bound processes under-utilised CPU
Outline • The concept of “process” • Memory layout of a process • Process state and state transition diagram • Process Control Blocks • Context switches • Operations on processes (create, terminate, etc.) • Threads • Motivation, user vs. kernel • Multi-threading models, threading issues • CPU scheduling • Criteria, algorithms
Operations on Processes • Creation: system call called fork in Unix • Termination: system call called exit • Loading of new process image (code, data, stack segments): system call called exec in Unix • Waiting for the termination of a child: system call called wait or waitpid in Unix • man –s 2 fork/exit/exec/wait/waitpid
Fork • Fork creates a “clone” of the invoking process. The invoking process will be the parent, and the “clone” will be the child. One child has exactly one parent, a parent may have 0 or more children • The child inherits the resources of the parent (set of open files, scheduling priority, etc.)
CoW • However, it has its own memory space. Its memory space contains the same data as the memory space of the parent, just that it is a copy. • Parent and child do not share data and stack segments. Each has its own copy that it can modify independently. • Should parent and child have different copies of read-only segments? Do they share the code segment? • Actually, in modern Unixes, data segments are allocated in a lazy manner, i.e. only if one of them starts writing, will the data segment copied. • This lazy copying technique is called “copy-on-write” (CoW)
Code Example pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { printf(“I am the child. My ID is %d and my parent’s ID is %d\n”, getpid(), getppid()); execlp(“/bin/ls”, “ls”, “-l”, “/home/TTIT61”, 0); exit(0); } else { printf(“I am the parent. My child’s ID is %d\n”, pid); waitpid(pid, &status, 0); }
Co-operating Processes • Parent and child processes have separated memory spaces, it is as if they are not aware that the other process exists. • Sometimes this is not desirable, we would like to pass data from one process to the other • E.g.: • gzip –dc nachos-3.4.tar.gz | tar xf – • Mail composer + spell checker
Inter-Process Communication Mechanisms • Pipes (gzip –dc nachos-3.4.tar.gz | tar xf -) • Signals (kill -9 pid) • Message queues • Semaphores, condition variables, locks, etc. • Shared memory segments • Network sockets (http, ftp, X windows, etc.)
Outline • The concept of “process” • Memory layout of a process • Process state and state transition diagram • Process Control Blocks • Context switches • Operations on processes (create, terminate, etc.) • Threads • Motivation, user vs. kernel • Multi-threading models, threading issues • CPU scheduling • Criteria, algorithms
Context Switch Process A Process B A running Context switch Performance bottleneck B running Context switch A running
Threads • Also known as lightweight processes • The do share the data segment • Do they share the stack segment?
Single vs. Multi-Threaded Processes code data files code data files stack registers stack registers stack registers
Advantages of Threads • Resource sharing (memory segments) • Faster creation and destruction (30 times on Solaris 2) application is much more responsive • Faster context switch (5 times on Solaris 2)
User Threads and Kernel Threads • Kernel threads: threads that are visible by the OS • They are a scheduling unit • Thread creation, scheduling, management is done in kernel space slightly slower than user threads • If a kernel thread blocks (on I/O, for example), the kernel is able to schedule a different kernel thread or process rather efficient • User threads: implemented by a thread library at the user level • They are not a scheduling unit • Creation, scheduling, management is done by the user (library) faster than kernel threads • If a user thread blocks, all user threads belonging to the scheduling unit (encapsulating process) block
Multi-Threading Models • Many-to-one User threads k
Multi-Threading Models • One-to-one User threads k k k
Multi-Threading Models • Many-to-many User threads k k
Threading Issues • Fork and exec? • Should the child process be multi-threaded, or should only the calling thread be cloned in a new process? • exec invoked by one thread replaces the entire process • Signals? Which thread should get the signal?
Outline • The concept of “process” • Memory layout of a process • Process state and state transition diagram • Process Control Blocks • Context switches • Operations on processes (create, terminate, etc.) • Threads • Motivation, user vs. kernel • Multi-threading models, threading issues • CPU scheduling • Criteria, algorithms
CPU Scheduling • Why scheduling? • For using resources efficiently • I/O is very much slower than the CPU (CPUs run at billions of instructions per second, hard disk and network accesses take milliseconds) • When a process makes a I/O request, it has to wait. In this time, the CPU would idle if the OS did not schedule a ready process on it.
Non-Preemptive vs. Preemptive • If a scheduling decision is taken only when a process terminates or moves to the waiting state because of the unavailability of a resource, the scheduling is non-preemptive (Windows 3.1, Apple Macintosh) • If a scheduling decision is taken also when a process becomes ready to execute (moves from waiting or running state to ready state), the scheduling is preemptive
Non-Preemptive vs. Preemptive • Non-preemptive scheduling requires no hardware support (timer). The OS is also less complex. • Preemptive leads to shorter response times. • However, operations by the kernel on some data have to be performed atomically (i.e. without being preempted while in the middle of managing that data) in order to avoid data inconsistancies • A common Unix solution is preemptive scheduling of processes and non-preemptable system calls. • However, the problem persists because of interrupts from the hardware, which may not be ignored. • Either disable interrupts or, better, fine-grained locking
Dispatcher • Once the new process to run is selected by the scheduler, the dispatcher • Stops the currently running process (if any) • Switches context • Switches to user mode • Jumps to the proper location in the user program to restart it • The time it takes the dispatcher to do that is the dispatch latency
Scheduling Criteria • CPU utilisation – keep it as busy as possible • The load can be between 0 and 100%. ‘uptime’ in Unix indicates the average number of ready processes in the ready queue. Therefore it may be > 1 • Throughput – number of finished processes per time unit • Turnaround time – length of the time interval between the process submission time and finishing time of a process • Waiting time – length of time spent waiting in the ready queue • Response time – length of the time interval between the process submission time and the production of the first results
First-Come First-Served • Simple • Non-preemptive • Non-minimal waiting times • Convoy effect
Shortest Job First • Optimal w.r.t. waiting time • How could we know the length of the next CPU burst? • Take the user-specified maximum CPU time • Cannot be implemented as the short-term scheduling algorithm. We cannot know the length of the next CPU burst. We can predict it with various methods (see exponential average, textbook, section 6.3.2)
Priority Scheduling • Processes are given priorities offline, not by the OS • More flexible in the sense that priorities capture aspects such as importance of the job, (financial) reward, etc. • Starvation – low priority processes never get to the CPU • Can be countered by aging, i.e. slowly modifying the priorities of processes that waited for a long time
Round-Robin Scheduling • Used in time-sharing systems • Every time quantum (10—100ms), a new processes from the ready queue is dispatched • The old one is put at the tail of the ready queue • If the time quantum is very small, we get processor sharing, i.e. each of the n processes have the impression that they run alone on an n times slower processor too many context switches • Average waiting time is rather long
Multi-Level Queue Scheduling • Processes are assigned to different queues, based on some properties (interactive or not, memory size, etc.) • There is a scheduling policy between queues, and a scheduling policy for each queue System processes High priority Interactive processes Interactive editing processes Batch processes Student processes Low priority
Further Reading • Operations on processes (man pages, http://www.linuxhq.com/guides/LPG/node7.html) • Signals in Unix (man signal, man sigaction) • Pthreads (man pthreads) • Multi-processor scheduling (section 6.4) • Real-time scheduling (section 6.5)
Summary • Processes are executing programs • Kernel manages them, their state, associated data (open files, address translation tables, register values, etc.) • Threads are lightweight processes, i.e. they share data segments, are cheaper to spawn and terminate • Scheduler selects next process to run among the ready ones • Various scheduling algorithms and criteria to evaluate them