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NEW CLUBS. WHAT TYPE OF NEW CLUBS CAN BE FORMED?. TRADITIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Where geographic opportunities are available sponsor the formation of a new Lions Club for that geographic area
TRADITIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Where geographic opportunities are available sponsor the formation of a new Lions Club for that geographic area In smaller population areas this may first require the formation of a Branch of a Sponsor Club The use of the ‘Pride in Growth’ method will normally assist formation
NEW CENTURY OR YOUNG LIONS This concept is to form new clubs for persons under 35 years One meeting per month which can be via the internet if members choose Do a ‘Pride in Growth’ type invitation mail out Persons over 34 can join your club
CHALLENGE CLUBS A Challenge Club is for persons aged over 54 years Meetings once a month and clubs with a high emphasis on social activities If formed through the use of the ‘Pride in Growth’ concept, those under 55 can join your club
ETHNIC CLUBS Where there’s a substantial number of residents of the same ethnic background, approach leaders within that ethnic community about forming a Lions Club Clubs of this nature with their service work, if they so choose, can aid those in their local community or those still overseas
HARMONY CLUBS Orange is the colour of Harmony Day celebrated on 21 March each year Bring the ethnic groups in your community together by joining them in a Harmony Lions Club – try to have the Charter on Harmony Day
BUSINESS CLUBS • Meet once per month • Breakfast or Luncheon Meeting • Meeting 90 minutes maximum duration • Limited range of projects • Use business premises, not time for projects
BUSINESS CLUBS CONTINUED In addition to forming Business Clubs based on members from a number of different businesses also consider organisations who have many employees Banks, large department stores, retail chains, accounting groups etc etc
FEMALE CLUBS Lions Clubs International has a desire to form all female Clubs Address existing female only clubs and organisations with a view to forming all female Lions Clubs
FEMALE BUSINESS CLUBS Preferably such Clubs would meet once per month over breakfast or lunch As with general Business Lions Clubs, members would use their organisational skills and their premises, rather than their time in conducting activities
EDUCATIONAL CLUBS Form clubs based on a University Campus or a TAFE College Members can be students, academic & administrative staff Club may wish to have members from the nearby residential community as well
SPORTING CLUBS Form clubs based on the fans of major sports Use dedicated home match days to: Collect used eyeglasses Distribute Lions health literature Sell Art Union Tickets etc etc
OTHER SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS Persons who have a high interest in dogs could join together in a Lions Club with a single focus - raising funds for the Lions Hearing Dog Program Recruit members through dog clubs. One lady got 12 members in 2 hours by standing outside Woolworths and asking people who had bought dog food
SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS CONTINUED Form clubs based on people who have a love of protecting the environment and have them concentrate purely on environmental projects Indeed, the concept of special interest clubs can be adopted for many community groups
FAMILY LIONS CLUBS Start a Family Lions Club Members from each family must live in the one household Each Member must be at least 18 years Simply join families together 2nd through to 5th family members pay 50% less in International & District Dues
FAMILY LIONS CLUBS CONTINUED Consult the LCI website at www.lionsclubs.org for details on Service projects & fundraising ideas for families - a listing of activities for family involvement & Planning a Family Event
FAMILY LIONS CLUBS CONTINUED Do a ‘Pride in Growth’ Club Membership Growth campaign Put qualifying family members into a Family Lions Club & Others into your existing Lions Club If unable to gain 20 Charter Members, form them into a Branch of your Club