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Which of the following statements is FALSE ?

Week 5 – Quiz #5. Which of the following statements is FALSE ?. Einstein showed that the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation can explain the photoelectric effect and was awarded the Nobel Prize for this

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Which of the following statements is FALSE ?

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  1. Week 5 – Quiz #5 Which of the following statements is FALSE? • Einstein showed that the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation can explain the photoelectric effect and was awarded the Nobel Prize for this • Each gamma-ray photon is more energetic than a radio photon and therefore every source of gamma rays is more luminous than every radio source • One of the portions of the electromagnetic spectrum where the atmosphere is transparent (“windows”) closely matches the portion to which the human eye is sensitive and this probably resulted from Darwinian evolution • Scientists have directly measured the tiny fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation that represent the “seeds” from which galaxies and clusters of galaxies formed • When you look at the student sitting next to you, you are effectively seeing them as they were a fraction of a second in the past

  2. Week 5 – Quiz #6 Star X has a surface temperature that is 3 times higher than that of the Sun. Both stars have exactly the same radius. Which of the following statements is TRUE? • The luminosity of the Sun is 81 times that of the star X • The typical photon emitted by star X has a lower energy than the typical photon emitted by the Sun • Star X is reddish in color whereas the Sun is yellowish white • If both stars were at the same distance from us, the Sun would appear 81 times fainter than star X • Most of the energy of star X is emitted at a longer wavelength than most of the Sun’s energy

  3. Week 5 – Quiz #7 Which of the following statements is FALSE: • Kepler’s first law states that the orbit of each planet in our Solar System is an ellipse with the Sun located at one of the foci of the ellipse • We live in an expanding Universe, and yet it is difficult to find a parking space on this campus! • Electrons within atoms can have one of many possible discrete energy levels • Astronomy and astrophysics deal primarily with telling a person’s future from the positions of the planets • Einstein proposed that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa

  4. Week 5 – Quiz #8 Which of the following statements is TRUE: • The Moon is made of green cheese and the first astronauts who landed on the Moon discovered this very tasty fact • The wave-particle duality of electromagnetic radiation refers to the fact that it can be described as a wave and/or as packets or bundles of energy known as “photons” • Wavelength is directly proportional to frequency in the case of electromagnetic radiation • The luminosity of a black body is proportional to the square of its surface area • The inverse square law states that the flux from a star is inversely proportional to the fourth power of is distance from us

  5. Week 5 – Quiz #9 Let’s assume that Jupiter is exactly 5 AU from the Sun. Which of the following statements is TRUE: • The apparent angular diameter of the Sun as seen by an astronomer on Jupiter is 1/10 of a degree • The average photon from the Sun that shines on Jupiter has a lower frequency than the average photon from the Sun that shines on the Earth • A solar panel takes 5 times longer to heat up a house compared to an identical solar panel and house set up on Earth • The orbital period of Jupiter is 125 years • Light takes 40 minutes to travel from the Sun to Jupiter and back

  6. Week 5 – Quiz #10 Say it’s midday for an astronomer on Jupiter and, at the same instant, it is midnight for an astronomer on Earth. The sunlit face of the Earth looks like a full circle (i.e., a “full earth’’) to the astronomer on Jupiter. Which of the following statements is TRUE: • Jupiter, Earth, and the Sun are in a straight line in that order • Jupiter is visible to the astronomer on Earth at that instant • Jupiter is not visible to the astronomer on Earth at that instant • Jupiter, the Sun, and Earth form a right angle • Earth, Jupiter, and the Sun are in a straight line in that order

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