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New college English

New college English. Book Four. Unit Three. Gender Difference. I Preparation. II Reading Activities. IV Translation & Writing. III Further Development. Unit Three. Part I Preparation. 1. How Is It Possible. 2. Jokes. Activity 1 How Is It Possible.

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New college English

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  1. New collegeEnglish Book Four

  2. Unit Three Gender Difference

  3. I Preparation II Reading Activities IV Translation & Writing III Further Development Unit Three

  4. Part I Preparation 1. How Is It Possible 2. Jokes

  5. Activity 1How Is It Possible Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. A father and son are driving along the highway 1)_____ suddenly their car goes out of 2)_______ and 3)__________ into a tree. The father dies instantly; his son is rushed to the 4)________. He needs an emergency operation. The 5)_____________ comes into the operating room, looks at the boy and says, “I cannot 6)_______ on that boy. That boy is my son.” when control crashed hospital doctor/surgeon operate Yes. The doctor is the boy’s mother.

  6. Activity 2Difference between Men & Women Directions: work in groups and find out the different features of both men and women.

  7. Activity 2Difference between Men & Women Men Women quiet, neat and clean, like to talk, shy and timid, strong need for security, pay attention to their appearance or looks, more sensitive, intuitive, passionate, fashion-aware aggressive nature, seldom express feelings, strong and full of vigor, independent, tough and courageous, not bothered by trivial matters, less care about their appearance or looks, make a decision promptly, more dominating, tend to be calm and cool

  8. Part II Reading Activities 1. Pre-reading Questions 2. Text Organization 3. Sentence Study 4. Words & Phrases

  9. Pre-reading Questions

  10. Pre-reading Questions • Who is the better performer, a boy or a girl? Generally speaking, I think boys do better in chemistry, math, geography and P. E. and girls in arts, language, music and history.

  11. Text Organization

  12. Text Organization Para.1 Introduction. Para.2-4 There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls. Para.5 The educational bias begins at home. Gendre Roles from a Cultural Perspective

  13. Sentence Study

  14. Sentence Study 1. Over the past few decades, it has been proven innumerable times that the various types of behavior, emotions, and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture. (Line1) 【译文】在过去的几十年里,已经无数次地证实了这样一个事实:构成男子阳刚之气和女子阴柔之气的各种不同类型的行为、情感和兴趣都是由遗传决定和文化熏陶而成的。 【例句】It has been proven innumerable times (已经有无数次的证明)that colds are not caused by being subjected to very bad weather.

  15. Sentence Study 2. In the process of growing up, each child learns hundreds of culturally patterned details of behavior that become incorporated into its gender identity. (Line 3) 【译文】在成长的过程中,每个孩子都学到数以百计的受文化影响的行为举止,这些都成了他们性别特征的一部分。

  16. Sentence Study 3. Their research showed that many teachers who thought they were nonsexist were amazed to see how biased they appeared on videotape.(Line20) 【解析】句中appear是系动词,后面可跟形容词、名词或分词短语。类似的系动词还有lie, stand, seem, go, turn, become, get等。 He appeared well prepared. 他好像准备好了。 【译文】他们的研究表明,许多自认为无性别倾向的教师惊奇地从录象中发现他们是那么地偏心。

  17. Sentence Study 4. This has a tremendous impact on the learning process for, in general, those students who become active classroom participants develop more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement. (Line 23) 【解析】此句为复合句,for引导原因状语从句,从句中who引导的定语从句修饰those students,develop和go on是并列的谓语动词。 【译文】这对学习过程有着巨大的影响,因为总的说来,那些在课堂上积极参与的学生会形成更为积极的学习态度,并取得更高的成就。 常用结构:have/make an impact on …对…… 产生影响 Computer and mobile phone have a great impact on modern life. 电脑和手机对现代生活的影响是巨大的。

  18. Sentence Study 5. Research done by Sadkers showed that sometimes teachers unknowingly prevented girls from participating as actively as boys in class by assigning them different tasks in accordance with stereotyped gender roles. (Line 33) 【例句】 He has already cancelled the meeting in accordance with his superior’s orders. 根据他的上司的命令,他已经取消了那次会面。

  19. Sentence Study • 【同根词】 • 动词短语:accord with • The decisions of the governments should accordwith the fundamental interests of the people. • 政府的决策应该符合人民的基本利益。 • 介词短语:according to • According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.  • 根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。

  20. Sentence Study 6. As an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy, American boys do, indeed, develop reading problems, while girls, who are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, fall behind from then on. (Line 43) 【解析】self-fulfilling prophecy自证预言;自我实现预言, to explain how a belief or expectation, whether correct or not, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person will behave. 【译文】这是一个预言本身自会成为事实的例子,美国的男孩们的确在阅读上遇到了麻烦,而女孩们虽然在九岁以前一直在数学方面比男孩们强,但此后却落在了他们后面。

  21. Sentence Study 7…girls are filled with fears of the world outside the home and with the desire to be approved of for their “goodness” and obedience to rules. (Line 56) 【解析】The verb phrase “approve of somebody/something” means “feel or believe that somebody/something is good, acceptable or satisfactory”. So in the sentence, “with the desire to be approved of” means “girls have the desire that other people will approve of them”. And “for their ‘goodness’ and obedience to rules” indicates the reasons for other people’s approval. 【译文】女孩们被灌输的是对外面世界的恐惧和因优良品格和服从精神得到赞同的欲望。

  22. Words & Phrases

  23. Words & Phrases 1. approve 1) vi. 赞成,认可 approve of sb./sth. 赞成同意 2) vt. 批准,通过 【记忆】 review: v.+al=n. refuse—refusal dispose—disposal arrive—arrival survive—survival Congress voted not to approve the president’s plans for cutting the arms budget. 国会通过投票的方式否决了总统消减军队开支的计划。

  24. Words & Phrases 2. aspiration n. 志向, 渴望 【常用搭配】cherish an aspiration for… 胸怀······志向 have an aspiration to do sth. 渴望干······事 【例句】 1.She had an aspiration to go abroad to pursue her studies. 她渴望出国学习。 2. I have no aspiration for/after fame. 我不求名.

  25. Words & Phrases 3. constitute v. 组成,构成; 【例句】 1) Seven days constitute a week. 一周有七天。 2)Such actions constitute a crime. 这种行动构成了犯罪。 3) The developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America constitute the Third World. 亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的发展中国家构成了第三世界。

  26. Words & Phrases 4. subordination Male domination and female subordination, to some degree, still exist in many aspects of social lives. 从某种程度上说,男尊女卑仍旧存在于社会生活的很多方面。 sub-表示“副;分支;下级;下面的” 例如: subworker副手, subeditor副编辑, subcommittee 小组委员会, subagent副代理人 Submarine潜水艇 Subtitle副标题

  27. Words & Phrases 5. obedience n. 服众, 顺从 • 【常用搭配】in obedience to orders 遵守命令 • hold sb. in obedience 使某人顺从 • show obedience to the old 尊敬老人 • 【例句】 • 1) His father holds him strictly in obedience. • 他必须绝对服从他的父亲。 • 2) The time for blind obedience is over. • 盲目顺从的时代已经过去了。 • 【记忆】obey v. 顺从,听从 • obedient adj. 顺从的 • obediently adv. 顺从地

  28. Part III Further Development 1. Interpreting Opinions 2. Avoiding Sexist Language 3. Racking Your Brains

  29. Interpreting Opinions • Man for the field and woman for the hearth (炉边, 喻家庭) • Man for the sword and for the needle she • Man with the head and woman with the heart • Man to command and woman to obey; • All else confusion.

  30. Interpreting Opinions • The poem can be paraphrased as follows: • Men should work in the field and women in the house; • Men should be trained to fight and women to mend and sew; • Men are motivated by the intellect and women by the heart; • Men are meant to give orders and women to obey orders; • If the roles aren’t divided this way, there will be confusion.

  31. Avoiding Sexist Language Directions: Sexist language assigns roles or characteristics to people on the basis of gender. One of the most widespread occurrences of sexist language is the use of the pronoun he to refer to someone of unidentified sex. Work in groups and suggest ways of avoiding sexist language.

  32. Avoiding Sexist Language

  33. Avoiding Sexist Language

  34. Avoiding Sexist Language

  35. Part IV Translation & Writing 1. Translation Skills 2. Writing Practice

  36. Translation Skills 拆译法

  37. Translation Skills 拆译法就是将英语句子中有些成分,比如词、词组、插入成分或者从句,从句子的主干中拆分出来处理,或变成短句,或变成独立句等。这些成分可改变位置,但是要利于译文句子的总体安排,使译文自然、通顺。

  38. Translation Skills e.g. 1. The number of young people in the United States who cannot read is incredible --- about one in four.(单词拆译) 大约四分之一的美国年轻人不具备阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。 2. Let us admit, and regret, that he honestly believes it impossible to differ from him.(单词拆译) 我们不得不承认,他真的相信凡与他抱不同见解的人不可能是一个正人君子,这是令人遗憾的事。

  39. Translation Skills e.g. 3. With the fear of, largely imaginary, plots against his leadership, his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him. 由于害怕有人阴谋推翻他的领导地位,他似乎完全丧失了自信,但是所谓的阴谋在很大程度上是他自己凭空想象出来的。

  40. Translation Skills e.g. 4. This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.(从句拆译) 现在此处已经成为冬夏两季的度假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观;而从前,筋疲力尽的旅游者到此只得止步。

  41. Translation Skills e.g. 5. On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.(从句拆译) 我谨代表所有美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们无可比拟的盛情款待,中国人民以这种热情好客而闻名于世。

  42. Writing Practice • Directions: Follow the procedure to conduct a survey to find out the students' view of the following topic: Who are teachers' pets, boys or girls? • Procedure:1) Design a written questionnaire.2) Interview at least 30 students.3) Write a report of your survey, analyzing the answers of the respondents to your questions both in the questionnaire and the interview. Use at least 6 words or phrases in your composition from the list below. Remember to write neatly, whether you are male or female.

  43. words and phrases are for your reference Writing Practice

  44. Sample Who Are Teachers' Pets, Boys or Girls? To answer this question, we designed a questionnaire and gave it to 30 students. They just had to put a mark in the square that corresponded to their opinion. We then analyzed the results of our survey. The results of the survey are shown in the following table: Writing Practice

  45. Writing Practice

  46. Writing Practice   According to the results of the survey, we can see that in primary school girls are thought of as teachers' pets. When they are very young, boys are naughtier than girls, and the latter are generally very well-behaved.  As they get older, boys are more likely to be teachers' pets. In middle school, boys perform better in subjects like math and physics. Boys are thought to be cleverer than girls. As teenagers, both girls and boys are well-behaved. Since boys are no longer naughty, it is easier for them to become teachers' pets. 

  47. Most students feel that neither boys nor girls become teachers' pets in college. Teachers don't know their students as well as teachers in junior or senior middle school, so they don't have pets.          Writing Practice According to the results of our survey, we can conclude that whether boys or girls are teachers' pets depends on their age.

  48. Thanks for Your Attention!

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