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Mapping Earth’s Surface

Mapping Earth’s Surface. Chapter 1. A framework of lines that helps to transfer points on Earth’s surface onto a flat map . map projection. The size and shape of landmasses become more distorted toward the north and south poles on this type of projection . Mercator projection.

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Mapping Earth’s Surface

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mapping Earth’s Surface Chapter 1

  2. A framework of lines that helps to transfer points on Earth’s surface onto a flat map. map projection

  3. The size and shape of landmasses become more distorted toward the north and south poles on this type of projection. Mercator projection

  4. One half of the sphere that makes up Earth’s surface. hemisphere

  5. A list of symbols used on a map and their meanings. key

  6. A spherical model of Earth’s entire surface. globe

  7. This is how many degrees you travel if you circle the globe completely and return to the spot form where you departed. 360⁰

  8. The distance in degrees north or south of the equator. latitude

  9. This is the latitude of the North Pole. 90⁰

  10. These are the units used by scientists to locate positions on Earth’s surface. degrees

  11. The distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian. longitude

  12. Used to relate distance on a map or globe to distance on Earth’s surface. scale

  13. A flat model of all or part of Earth’s surface as seen from above. map

  14. The line that makes a half circle form the North Pole to the South Pole and that passes through Greenwich, England. prime meridian

  15. An imaginary line that circles Earth halfway between the North and South poles. equator

  16. On a map, a picture used by mapmakers to stand for features on Earth’s surface. symbol

  17. One bit of a digitized image, often appearing as a small square or dot. pixel

  18. A satellite-based system that can precisely determine latitude and longitude for points on Earth’s surface. Global Positioning System (GPS)

  19. This is how many satellites above the horizon there must be at any given time for the GPS to work. At least 3

  20. The difference in elevation from one contour line to the next. contour interval

  21. A system of computer hardware and software used to produce interactive maps. Geographic Information System

  22. A photograph taken by cameras mounted in airplanes. aerial photograph

  23. Converting information to numbers for use by a computer. digitizing

  24. This is why computer mapmakers digitize map data. so they can display the data on a computer screen

  25. A line on a topographic map that connects points of equal elevation(the further apart these lines are, the easier it is to walk up the slope). contour line

  26. On a topographic map, a heavier contour line that is labeled with elevation of that contour line. index contour

  27. A picture of the land surface based on computer data collected from satellites. satellite image

  28. A map that shows the surface features of an area. topographic map

  29. The process of gathering data for a map by using instruments and the principles of geometry to determine distance and elevations. surveying

  30. The difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area. relief

  31. A landform made up of flat or gently rolling land with low relief. plain

  32. This is the vast, flat or gently rolling grassland in the interior of North America. Great Plains

  33. A group of mountains that are closely related in shape, structure, and age. mountain range

  34. A feature of topography formed by the processes that shape Earth’s surface (ex. hill, valley). landform

  35. A landform with high elevation and high relief (ex. Rocky Mountains). mountain

  36. A large area of land where the topography is made up mainly of one type of landform. landform region

  37. The shape of the land determined by elevation, relief, and landforms. topography

  38. A landform that has high elevation and a more or less level surface. plateau

  39. Height above sea leveland also one of the major differences between a coastal plain and an interior plain. elevation

  40. This is shown on a topographic map by hachured contour lines. depression


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