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Review for Chapter 2A

Review for Chapter 2A. Spanish II. Reflexive Verbs. Reflexive verbs are just like any other verb, except they have a pronoun associated with them, like ME LLAMO Reflexive verbs are used to talk about your daily routine – things you do TO YOURSELF.

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Review for Chapter 2A

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review for Chapter 2A Spanish II

  2. Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs are just like any other verb, except they have a pronoun associated with them, like ME LLAMO Reflexive verbs are used to talk about your daily routine – things you do TO YOURSELF. SOME reflexive verbs have stem-changes. You treat them just like any other stem-changing verb. Just like normal verbs, sometimes you DON’T conjugate the verb – after después de, antes de, hay que, ir a, etc.

  3. Stem-Changing Verbs Acostarse (oue) Me acuesto, teacuestas, se acuesta, nosacostamos, osacostáis, se acuestan Despertarse (eie) Me despierto, tedespiertas, se despierta, nosdespertamos, osdespertáis, se despiertan Vestirse (ei) Me visto, tevistes, se viste, nosvestimos, osvestís, se visten

  4. Reflexive Pronouns ME (yo) NOS (nosotros) TE (tú) OS (vosotros) SE (Ud.) SE (Uds.) SE (Él) SE (Ellos) SE (Ella) SE (Ellas)

  5. Pronoun Placement If you conjugate the verb, put the pronoun DIRECTLY BEFORE the verb: Meducho, mebaño, seafeita, tepintas, nosacostamos, etc. If you do not conjugate the verb, ATTACH the pronoun to the end of the infinitive: Hay queacostarsetempranoparadormir 8 horas. Each and every reflexive verb needs its own pronoun. You can’t do this: Me duchoyseco. You must do this: Me duchoy me seco.

  6. SER and ESTAR Ser: Soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son Estar: Estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, estánThe accents are not optional! You MUST include them. SER is used to talk about personality traits, physical traits, what something is made of, possession, location of events, professions, nationalities. ESTAR is used to talk about temporary states of emotion, appearance, where someone or something is located, think “Is feeling” or “Is located” when you think of ESTAR.

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