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The Hopkins Pain Workgroup “Seeing Pain More Clearly”

The Hopkins Pain Workgroup “Seeing Pain More Clearly”. Optogentic and electrophysiological assay of pain fibers in skin (mice) : Michael Caterina , Xinzhong Dong ,Yun Guan, Paul Fuchs Genetically-visualized pain fibers (mice): Xinzhong Dong, Yun Guan, Srinivasa Raja

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The Hopkins Pain Workgroup “Seeing Pain More Clearly”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Hopkins Pain Workgroup“Seeing Pain More Clearly” Optogentic and electrophysiological assay of pain fibers in skin (mice): Michael Caterina, Xinzhong Dong ,Yun Guan, Paul Fuchs Genetically-visualized pain fibers (mice): Xinzhong Dong, Yun Guan, Srinivasa Raja Functional and molecular characterization of pain fibers in nonhuman primates: Xinzhong Dong, Joseph Mankowski, Matthias Ringkamp Functional and molecular characterization of pain fibers in patients with painful peripheral neuropathy: Michael Caterina, Michael Polydefkis

  2. Pain…

  3. Pain in the (r)Ear

  4. Innervation of the cochlea: analogous to skin? Type I afferents, large myelinated axons, 95% of nerve, carry sound. Type II afferents, small axons, 5% of nerve unmyelinated, carry ???.

  5. Type I neuron: 95% of afferents Contacts single IHC Type II neuron: 5% of afferents Contact many OHCs Cat Weisz Berglund and Ryugo ,1987

  6. Progress to date • Type II afferents poorly driven by OHCs – so would respond only to (very) LOUD sound • But, type II afferents also excited by ATP (involved in pain sensation in skin). ATP is released during acoustic trauma. • Do type II afferents carry ‘ear pain’? The jury is still out.

  7. Hyperacusis, tinnitus: altered afferent balance? Acoustic trauma Type II afferents remain

  8. Adapt fiber recording methods to excised skinto study transduction of pain Patapoutian et al. 2003,

  9. The Hopkins Pain Workgroup

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