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Cultural Diversity in Europe

Cultural Diversity in Europe. 6 th Grade Social Studies SS6G11 a, c. Make sure you have the graphic organizer from last Wednesday out. It will be completed… Copy thinking map from the board…. Causes of Cultural Diversity. Small, independent countries

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Cultural Diversity in Europe

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  1. Cultural Diversity in Europe 6th Grade Social Studies SS6G11 a, c

  2. Make sure you have the graphic organizer from last Wednesday out. It will be completed…Copy thinking map from the board…

  3. Causes of Cultural Diversity • Small, independent countries • What kinds of problems do you think this could cause?

  4. All of Europe is not much bigger than the United States!!! • Compare sizes

  5. 1100 AD

  6. AD 1200

  7. AD 1300

  8. AD 1400

  9. AD 1500

  10. AD 1600

  11. AD 1700

  12. AD 1800

  13. AD 1900

  14. AD 2000

  15. Causes of Cultural Diversity • Small, independent countries • Trade: every country looks out for itself • Tariffs, trade through different countries

  16. Causes of Cultural Diversity • Small, independent countries • Currency: many different types of money • Ex: Mark, Ruble, Franc, Pound

  17. Causes of Cultural Diversity • Many distinct, separate cultures • This is because of different: • Languages • Customs • Religions

  18. Europe’s Many Languages There are at least 60 different languages in Europe! Imagine Europe’s size—it’s about 4 million square miles, or about ½ the size of the United States (9,629,881 sq. miles). How do you think speaking over 60 languages in such a small area affects Europeans?

  19. Imagine driving from Winder to South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, or Tennessee, and having to speak a different language in each of those states. Would that be frustrating?

  20. What are possible solutions to this problem?

  21. English: A Standard Language

  22. Common languages and bilingual, trilingual, etc… English, along with other common languages such as French or German, is used because it is necessary for communication. However, only the United Kingdom claims English as their home language. Other Europeans take pride in their own languages.

  23. Language For many culture groups, one of the most important qualities shared by members is language. Language is an important aspect of culture not only because it allows members of a cultural group to identify one another, but also because every language provides a unique way of thinking and speaking about the world. In this way, the values and beliefs of a cultural group can be transmitted through its language.

  24. United Kingdom • Official Language: English • Other Languages: Welsh and Scottish We are obviously all familiar with the English language, but the Brits have their own unique “British” accent. Raise your hand to show off your best British accent!

  25. Germany …oder, Deutschland • Official Language: German • Other German Speaking countries: Austria; some Belgian and Swiss Danke! Bitte! Ja Nein Mein Name ist… Ich liebe… Gruss Gott! Hallo! Guten Morgen! Gutan Tag! Guten Nacht!

  26. Italy • Official Language: Italian Ciao! Buongiorno! Grazie! Arrivederci!

  27. France • Official Language: French Oui...Yes Non…No Merci…Thank You Bonjour…Hello Au revoir…Goodbye Excusez-moi…Excuse me

  28. Russia • Official Language: Russian Dobro požalovat‘…Welcome Kak dela…How are you? Dobroe utro…Good Morning Do svidanija…Goodbye

  29. b) Customs • Different countries have different customs… • Celebrations, holidays • Patron Saints (Patrick, Andrew, Basil, etc.) • Different heroes (William Wallace, Lord Nelson and Duke of Wellington, Garibaldi)

  30. c) Different religions Have historically all been Christian, but many differences… • Catholics: first group to develop • Still in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and others… • Orthodox: early split • Most Eastern European countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.) • Protestant: 1500s split from Catholic Church (protestant Reformation) • United Kingdom, Netherlands, northern Europe, most of Germany

  31. Effects of Cultural Diversity • Conflicts: political and military • Exs: religious wars, dynastic wars, World Wars • Attempts to unify (to overcome problems) • Military: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) • Economic: European Union • Free trade and the same currency (Euro)

  32. Review… • Any questions? • Check: make sure you have thinking map completed and readable…

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