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Types of 3D Computer Animation

Types of 3D Computer Animation. Dr. Midori Kitagawa University of Texas at Dallas Arts and Technology Program. Types of 3D computer animation. Keyframe animation Motion capture animation Procedural animation. Feature length animation examples. Keyframe animation

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Types of 3D Computer Animation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Types of3D Computer Animation Dr. Midori Kitagawa University of Texas at Dallas Arts and Technology Program

  2. Types of 3D computer animation • Keyframe animation • Motion capture animation • Procedural animation

  3. Feature length animation examples • Keyframe animation • Pixar: Cars (2011, 2006), Toy Story (2010, 1999, 1995), Up (2009), Wall-E (2008), Nemo (2003), Monsters’ Inc (2001) • Disney: Tangled (2010) • PDI/DreamWorks: Shrek (2010, 2007, 2004, 2001), How to Train Your Dragon (2010), Kanfu-panda (2008)

  4. Feature length animation examples • Motion capture animation • Fox/Weta: Avatar (2010) • Sony Pictures: Beowulf (2007), Monster House (2006), Polar Express (2004)

  5. Feature length animation examples • Procedural animation • There are short films that are procedurally produced. • No feature length animation that is entirely procedural animation. • Procedural animation is often used as effect animation for live action films and 3D computer animations.

  6. Keyframe animation • Keyframe is a drawing (image) of a key moment in an animation sequence, where the motion is at its extreme • Inbetweens fill the gaps between keyframes

  7. Keyframe animation • In traditional animation, skilled animators draw keyframes; less experienced animators draw inbetweens • In 3D computer animations, animators set up parameter values for keyframes; software interpolates parameter values between keyframes for inbetweens • Every motion is created by animators

  8. Keyframe animation • Different interpolation methods create different timing Linear interpolation Spline interpolation

  9. Motion capture animation What is motion capture? • Sampling and recording motion of humans, animals, and inanimate objects s 3D data • Data can be applied to 3D computer models

  10. Motion capture animation • Faster to produce animation than keyframing (if an established production pipeline exists) • Secondary motions and all the subtle motions are captured, providing more realism

  11. Procedural animation • Motion is generated by a procedure, a set of rules • Animator specifies rules and initial conditions and runs simulation

  12. Procedural animation • Provides more realism in natural phenomena than keyframing • Frees animators from generating complex objects and keyframing a large number of objects

  13. Procedural animation • Used for effect animation for traditional animation and live action films as well as for 3D computer animation

  14. Types of animation • A combination of keyframe animation, motion capture and/or procedural animation is often used to produce animations

  15. Midori Kitagawa, Ph.D. midori@utdallas.edu

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