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Diabetes Training Asheboro City Schools 09/10. Please print and return to school secretary by Sept 25.Name: __________________School: __________________Position: __________________My signature verifies that I have completed the module on Diabetes for ACS.I will ask my school nurse if

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Diabetes Helping the student with diabetes succeed in the school setting

    2. Diabetes Training Asheboro City Schools 09/10 Please print and return to school secretary by Sept 25. Name: __________________ School: __________________ Position: __________________ My signature verifies that I have completed the module on Diabetes for ACS. I will ask my school nurse if I have any questions. I understand all information in this module. Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________

    3. What is Diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both

    4. TYPE 1 DIABETES Used to be known as Juvenile- Onset or Insulin Dependent Diabetes Results from the auto-immune destruction of the beta or islet cells of the pancreas which produce the hormone, insulin Insulin is requires for glucose metabolism A person cannot live without insulin

    5. TYPE 2 Diabetes Used to be known as Adult-onset or Non-insulin dependent diabetes Characterized by insulin resistance that develops into insulin deficiency Insulin is produced but the body is not using it correctly Central abdominal obesity is directly related to insulin resistance Fast growing epidemic in our young population Related to family history of diabetes, weight gain, and sedentary lifestyle

    6. Diabetes More than 17 million Americans have diabetes. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, heart attacks, and kidney failure Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in school-aged children, affecting 1 in very 400 to 500 young people under 20 years old

    7. Diabetes & the Law Section 504 American with Disabilities act IDEA NC Senate Bill 911-

    8. Senate Bill 911 - Overview An Individual Health Plan( IHP) should be developed by the parent or guardian, the diabetes care team, and the school nurse At least 2 school personnel in each school should be trained in diabetes care and emergencies (Diabetes Care Managers/DCM) Children should have immediate access to diabetes supplies & diabetes treatments as defined in their IHP Roles & responsibilities of the parents and the schools are defined

    9. Diabetes must be managed 24 hours a day.

    10. What is Hypoglycemia? or Low Blood Sugar It is a true emergency and can be life-threatening if not treated promptly! Occurs when blood sugar is below the target range (under 70-80) Can be caused by too much insulin, increased activity, eating too few carbs Happens when the body does not have enough sugar in the blood

    11. Symptoms of Hypoglycemia Hunger Shakiness Dizziness Sweatiness Fast Heartbeat Drowsiness Feeling irritable, sad, or angry Nervousness Pallor

    12. More signs & symptoms of hypoglycemia Feeling sleepy Being stubborn Lack of coordination Tingling or numbness of the tongue Personality change Passing out Seizure

    13. Causes of Low Blood Sugar Meals that are late or missed Extra exercise or activity An insulin dose which is too high Unplanned changes in school schedule

    14. What to do When Hypoglycemia Occurs Do not leave the student alone!! If possible, check blood sugar If meter is unavailable, treat! Eat or drink 15 gms of fast-acting carbohydrate (ex. on next slide) Call diabetes case manager(DCM) Wait 15 minutes and check blood sugar again Follow Individual Diabetes Care Plan as appropriate Notify parent of low sugar episode

    15. Hypoglycemia Busters 2-4 glucose tablets 4 ounces apple or orange juice 4-6 ounces of regular soda 4-8 lifesavers 1 cup of low-fat milk 1 tube of cake icing 1 tube of glucose gel

    16. What is Hyperglycemia? or high blood sugar Hyperglycemia occurs when blood sugar is above 240 Hyperglycemia occurs when the body gets too little insulin, too much food, or too little exercise Hyperglycemia may also occur when a child has an illness such as a cold Hyperglycemia may occur when a child is under extreme stress

    17. Symptoms of Hyperglycemia Frequent urination Extreme hunger Extreme fatigue Unusual thirst Irritability Blurred vision

    18. What to do when Hyperglycemia occurs Check blood glucose Do not leave student alone!! Contact Diabetes Case Manager Follow Individual Diabetes Care Plan Call parent according to care plan Drink lots of water Allow student to walk with a buddy for 15 minutes Allow free use of bathroom with a buddy

    19. Students with diabetes should be treated the same as any other student.

    20. In Conclusion. Communication and cooperation between parents and school personnel can help the diabetic child have a happy and well adjusted school experience

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